Tag Archives: weather

A Flood of Images: May 2019 – a new historic crest

As the Quad Cities moves into May we are at 49 days and counting above flood stage at Lock and Dam 15 in Rock Island, IL. This breaks all previous continual flooding records at that lock. (Update 05/13/2019 – At 3:00 … Continue reading

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A Flood of Images: A small sample from 1916, 1920, and 1993

Spring has once again brought rising waters for our local rivers. We are currently very fortunate to not have experienced the major flooding that the western part of our state has gone through in recent weeks. As we wait for … Continue reading

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40th Anniversary of the Blizzard of January 1979

This blog could easily have been titled “40th Anniversary of the Winter of 1978 – 1979: The winter that would not end“. We are sure if felt that way to many people in the Quad Cities. In 2009, we wrote … Continue reading

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Getting Our Feet Wet: The flood of September 2016? *Updated 10/06/2016

The first day of autumn 2016 came with surprising news for those of us who haven’t been focused on the weather. Yes, a Mississippi River flood watch has been issued for the upcoming days at Lock and Dam 15. September is … Continue reading

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Living Memory History: The “Great Flood” turns Fifty

Does anyone remember the “Great Flood” of 1965? The Mississippi River seemed liked it would never stop rising in April 1965 in the Quad Cities. It finally did, on April 28th with a crest at Lock and Dam 15 in … Continue reading

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A Flood of Images: July 2014

We may have posted  The Flood of 1870: Bridging the gap between memories and measurements a bit too soon. Apparently, instead of celebrating no floods in 2014, we should have celebrated no spring floods. The summer flood of 2014 crested less than a week … Continue reading

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The Groundhog’s Revenge?

Groundhog Day 2011 in the Quad Cities might be interesting as almost a foot of snow is predicted to fall from Tuesday afternoon into Groundhog Day Wednesday.  Extreme cold and high winds should also add to the predicted weather event.  … Continue reading

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Better Never than Late . . .

Historically speaking, we’re two weeks past due for a flood around here. Most of our major Mississippi floods have crested in April,* but the 1993 Flood—the one that knocked the 1965 “Flood of the Century” off its pedestal**—was a late … Continue reading

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Winter Wonderland: 1909

Local children are currently doing their best to sled in the Quad City area.  The existing snow is beginning to wear thin though, with the fresh white blanket beginning to mix with the dark browns of soil and old leaves.  All eyes … Continue reading

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A Second Flood of Images

As we appear to be facing another round of flood-like behavior from the Mississippi this year, it seems fitting to continue our memorial series of high waters past with these images of the 1993 Flood. This was the flood, you … Continue reading

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