The Lincoln Highway by Michael Wallis

The romance of the open road (and our corresponding love affair with the car) has always been a part of America’s history and character. Maybe it’s the vast distances of the country, or it’s unending variety, or part of our make-up as a nation of immigrants but nothing says America like a road trip. How many of you remember childhood trips, packed into the family car, driving to see tourist destinations like Mt Rushmore or the Grand Canyon or the Great Smokey Mountains? Squabbling with your siblings, counting license plates, swimming in the motel pools – as American as apple pie.

The Lincoln Highway by Michael Wallis is a celebration of the heyday of car travel from the 20s to the 50s. Spanning the country from New York City to San Fransisco, covering more than 3000 miles through thirteen states, the Lincoln Highway was once a popular route for travelers. The modern interstate highway system, with it’s direct routes and smooth multi-lanes, has taken over most of the traffic, and in many places superseded the Lincoln Highway, but it’s still possible to follow it across the country. Wallis takes us along on his adventure; part travelogue, part nostalgia trip, this book is filled with pictures of vintage postcards, historical images and modern photographs. This book celebrates the iconic architecture of “motor lodges”, gas stations and diners, the stunning scenery of the countryside, the funky roadside attractions and most of all, the characters that still live along it.

Enlightened Chocolate by Camilla Saulsbury

Here’s a dream-come-true for chocolate lovers everywhere – dozens and dozens of scrumptious recipes using dark chocolate and cocoa powder – and they’re all lower in fat and calories! Enlightened Chocolate by Camilla Saulsbury manages to deliver great chocolate recipes that are actually good for you (mostly). The health benefits of dark chocolate (including being rich in antioxidants, aiding stress reduction, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing “bad” cholesterol) are discussed, as well as how to choose the best ingredients. There are recipes for items you’d expect – cakes (flourless Chocolate Torte), cookies (Mudslide Cookies), decadent deserts(Chocolate-Whiskey Fudge Pie), and chocolate drinks (Chocolate-Raspberry Morning Milkshake). But there are also savory recipes such as Pork Medallions with Port-Chocolate Pan Sauce and Cocoa-Balsamic Roasted Onions.

Ahhh – chocolate at every meal – heaven on earth!

So Brave, Young and Handsome by Leif Enger

The road trip as a metaphor for discovery has long been a classic theme in American literature. So Brave, Young and Handsome by Leif Enger takes you along on a road trip that is both physical, fraught with danger and intrigue, and emotional, full of regret and redemption.

Monte Becket, unable to follow-up his bestseller first book, is slipping back into an ordinary life when he meets Glendon Hale, a former train robber. When Glendon decides to return to California to ask forgiveness from the wife he abandoned, Monte finds himself drawn himself into the adventure. Pursued by ruthless ex-Pinkerton detective and meeting a vivid cast of characters along the way, this beautifully written novel will bring you right into the heart of 1915 America, in a West that has since vanished, about people we wish we had been able to meet.

The Farm to Table Cookbook by Ivy Manning

One thing many of us look forward to every year is the Farmer’s Markets and the bounty of fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables. With the peak of the season nearly here – tomatoes and sweet corn! – it’s time to look for some recipes that will help make the most of those delicacies.

The Farm to Table Cookbook by Ivy Manning would be a great place to start. Most recipes are straightforward, emphasizing the flavors of fresh food and range from side dishes to main meals to desert. Although there is a definite Northwest slant (halibut, scallops) alternative ingredients are not difficult to find. Recipes are presented seasonally, with asparagus and Swiss Chard featured in the spring, corn, tomatoes and peppers in the summer, and squash and apples in the fall. Don’t let the season slip by without trying a few special recipes!

Babette’s Feast

This charming, deceptively simple movie, winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 1987, is full of humor, sadness and hope. Babette, a refugee from the French revolution, is taken in by two Danish sisters who have given up all personal happiness for piety and live in strict austerity. For many years Babette works for the sisters, quietly contributing to their lives and the to the community. One day she discovers that she has won the lottery and, in gratitude to the people who have sheltered and accepted her, creates a memorable feast for the people who have become her family. This beautifully filmed and acted movie is a bittersweet examination of choices made and second chances.

The Davenport Library has lots of DVDs of all kinds – action, drama, foreign and comedy. Be sure to stop in and browse our collection!

Christmas in July

Thinking about making some or all of your Christmas gifts this year? Better get started now – Christmas is coming! For inspiration, look through the series of “last-minute” books by Joelle Hoverson and Cynthia Treen which are filled with simple yet stylish projects. (Of course, take the “last-minute” definitions with a grain of salt – what might be last minute to some may not be last minute to you!)

Last-Minute Knitted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson. This knitting book has become a big favorite lately and includes the wildly popular “Hourglass Sweater” and “Chevron Scarf” patterns. You’ll also find designs for, among other things, a charming knitted bag (seen on the cover), fingerless mitts, and a baby bonnet.

Last-Minute Quilted and Patchwork Gifts by Joelle Hoverson. Like the previous book, this one is broken down by the time it would take to make each project – 2-4 hours, 4-8 hours, etc. Gift ideas include quilted coasters, an heirloom quality log cabin quilt, pillowcases, tablecloths and a stuffed elephant.

Last-Minute Fabric Gifts by Cynthia Treen. Here you’ll find patterns for a baby quilt, a zippered change purse, bags, hats and adorable felted rabbit toys. Projects in all three of these books are simple but modern and easy enough for a beginning crafts person. You’re sure to find something for everyone on your gift list.

Vacationing at Home

Price of gas got you down? Planning on canceling or cutting back on travel plans? Try taking a vacation in your own backyard. Here are some books that can inspire you to makeover your yard for your own private retreat.

Backyard Design by Jean Breskend. Covering all types of backyards – city, suburban, country – Backyard Design will give you lots of ideas and tips on handling many different situations – swimming pools, fences, driveways, retaining walls, recreation areas, patios and decks. Both inspirational and instructional, this is a good place to start.

Deckscaping by Barbara Ellis. Already have a deck, but it’s less than inviting? This book is filled with ideas for decorating decks of all shapes and sizes. As well as including ideas on choosing plants and containers, there are sections on outdoor furniture, how to build trellises and arbors and how to create beautiful container gardens for your deck.

In Your Own Backyard by A. Cort Sinnes. Illustrated with charming line drawings and whimsical paintings, here is a book that encourages you to create a backyard retreat that fits your personality and needs, not what will impress the neighbors (or Martha Stewart) Whether it’s a hammock or a gazing globe or a croquet court, this delightful book encourages you to follow your dreams.

Yoga for Computer Users by Sandy Blaine

We’ve all been guilty of it – spending too much time hunched in front of the computer, typing and clicking, either for work or entertainment. Pretty soon the stress of bad posture and repetitive motion catches up to you and your body reacts with aches and pains. Yoga for Computer Users was written with you in mind with a series of simple yoga poses targeting the neck, shoulders, wrists and hands. Each pose includes a list of specific benefits of the exercise, a detailed description of how to do the exercise and is illustrated with photographs. Many of the exercises can be done right at your desk and none require any equipment more complicated than a towel or a chair. They range from quick 5-minute breaks, to 30-minute sessions to do at home. There is also a section of lifestyle tips for adding yoga to your everyday life, such as become ambidextrous, strengthen your core, and balance your load. Blaine also recommends that you disconnect from technology when possible; she has made her Sundays computer free and was amazed at how restful and stress-reducing this practice has become. So, unkink that neck, stretch out those cramped fingers and enjoy sitting at your computer again.

Four Fun 4th of July Facts

“You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism.” -Erma Bombeck

1. Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, two of the most influential founders of the United States and former Presidents, died within hours of each other on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the country they helped to create – July 4, 1826.

2. There’s a better than 1 in 4 chance that that hot dog you’ll eat on the Fourth originated in Iowa, the nation’s leading producer of hogs. It’s estimated that the number of hot dogs eaten by Americans on the 4th is 150 million.

3. There are 31 places in the United States that have the word “Liberty” in them. Iowa is the state with the most – Libertyville, West Liberty, North Liberty and New Liberty.

4. Fireworks imported from China to the United States in 2006 were valued at $216 million. Be sure to catch some of those fireworks at Red White and Boom tonight, a fireworks display on the riverfront presented by Davenport and Rock Island.

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