Tag Archives: Graduations

Celebrating Teachers: Ada Copley Phelps

As another school year comes to an end, we looked through our photograph collections for images of local teachers. We found the Davenport High School graduation photos of Ada Rebecca Copley from 1918. Ada was born January 28, 1900 near … Continue reading

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One hundred years ago: Davenport High School, Class of 1912

In June of this year, around 883 students graduated from our three Davenport high schools. In contrast, eighty-eight students received their diplomas from Davenport High School in June of 1912. It was one of the largest classes on record, and only … Continue reading

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One hundread years ago: Tyler School Class of 1912

On June 20, 1912, students from 12 grammar schools in Davenport received diplomas. Due to the large number of graduates that year, the classes were split in two groups. Students from Washington, Monroe, Van Buren, Tyler, Taylor and Lincoln schools had their program at 10:00 … Continue reading

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One hundred years ago: Davenport High School, Class of 1911

In June of this year, around 970 students graduated from our three Davenport high schools. In contrast, ninety-two students received their diplomas from Davenport High School in June of 1911. This marked the first time that graduates from both semesters were … Continue reading

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