Aiding the Genealogy Effort: World War I Draft Registration Cards

On April 6, 1917, the United States declared war on Germany.  On May 18, Congress passed the Selective Service Act, and every male resident of the United States between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, regardless of citizenship status, was required to register for the draft.

Some men bypassed this requirement by enlisting outright, and a very few managed to avoid it altogether, but all-in-all, about 98% of the male population under the age of 46 filled out a registration card.

The draft was of great assistance to the American War Effort  . . . and the Registration Cards can be of great assistance to the efforts of genealogists researching their early 20th Century male ancestors.

Not only do these cards  supply the birth date and place of the draftee,  but also the citizenship status, employment, employer, marriage status, and information on his dependents or nearest relative–and even a physical description!

The First Registration Day was held on June 5, 1917, for men born between June 6, 1886 and June 5, 1896.  Starting on June 2, The Daily Times newspaper printed a registration card form for any Davenport men aged 21 to 31 who wanted to save time—it also asked that employers allow their workers to drop in during the day, as the registration office didn’t want to be overwhelmed after business hours!

WWI Registration Card

In retrospect, this was a reasonable concern:  Scott County registered 6,827 men between 7 am and 9 pm.

A Second Registration Day was held exactly one year later for men born between June 6, 1896, and June 5, 1897.  This was primarily for men who had turned 21 since the previous Registration Day and for men who had not, for whatever reason, previously registered.  Just to make sure everyone was ‘caught’, there was a supplemental registration held on August 24th.  Scott County rounded up 583 more draftees in 1918.

The Third Registration was held on September 12, 1918, and called for men born between September 11, 1872, and September 12, 1900, who had not previously registered.  This greatly broadened the scope of the draft and Scott County was able to register 2, 267 men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five this final time.

Most of the men in this last registration did not have a chance to serve before the War ended two months later, but their information is still on file—and still accessible to the interested researcher!

Our Special Collections Center has World War One Draft Registration Cards for Scott County and some other Iowa Counties on microfilm, as well as for Rock Island, Illinois.  You may also access these through—our library has a subscription that you are welcome to use at any of our three locations!


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“An Honor to their Friends at Home, to the State, and their Country”

The Davenport Public Library will be closed Monday, May 27, in honor of those who gave their lives so that we could have the opportunity to live ours in freedom.


The Scott County Soldiers’ Monument was erected as a memorial to the Scott County soldiers who died in the Civil War, but over the years, it has become a reminder of all who have fought to defend our country.

It is built of a single piece of solid English granite on a foundation of Nauvoo stone. Fifty feet above the base is a pedestal with an eight-foot figure of an infantry soldier of 1861. On each side are bias relief panels with emblems representing the armed forces of the nation and eulogies for the fallen.

To the south is the United States coat of arms, and the words, “Erected by the citizens of Scott County, In Memory of the Fellow Citizens who Died in Defense of the Union 1861-1865.”

To the west, the sabers and revolvers of the cavalry, and the epitaph, “Proved themselves the Bravest of the Brave—General H. W. Halleck.”

To the east are the anchor and shot of the navy, with, “An Honor to their Friends at Home, to the State, and their Country.”

And to the north, the crossed cannons of the artillery and the quote of another of the fallen: “They died ‘That Government of the People by the People and for the People Might not Perish from the Earth’—A. Lincoln.”

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A Sad Loss: Credit Island Lodge

On the morning of May 2, 2013, Davenport’s history suffered a sad loss: the historic Credit Island Lodge was severely damaged by fire.

Blueprints in the Richarson-Sloane Special Collections Center show the original plans were designed by Clausen & Kruse Architects located at 910 Kahl Building* and dated August 23, 1923.

Credit Island Inn 003

Credit Island Lodge Blueprint – Clausen and Kruse, August 1923

By September 23, 1923 the Davenport Democrat and Leader reported that contractors J. F. Nebergall and Son**  had started work on the building.  It was finished in 1924.

The lodge was originally designed for the golfers enjoying the island’s golf course, and included caretaker accommodations.  The site enjoyed many parties, gatherings, and celebrations over the years as rooms could be rented for events. In 2011 the Lodge’s interior was redone as part of a restoration of Credit Island Park.


Credit Island Lodge c. 1924

Over the years, the building survived wind, weather, and many Mississippi River floods, which eventually ruined the back nine holes of the nearby golf course.  Ironically, the protective barrier still surrounding the building from the previous month’s flood*** posed a challenge to the firemen’s attempts to save the building.

At this posting, the fire has been provisionally determined to be accidental. The City of Davenport does not know if the lodge will be rebuilt or not.


A later view of the Credit Island Lodge

(posted by Amy D.)


*The Kahl building’s street address is 326 W. 3rd Street, Davenport, IA. 910 Kahl Building probably refers to the floor and office space within the building.

**J. F. Nebergall & Son’s office was listed as 301-302-303 Central Office Building in the 1923 Davenport City Directory. The street address would have been 230 W. 3rd Street, Davenport.

***As Credit Island is closed to all but emergency personnel when the Mississippi floods, we have no flood photographs in our collection from the site.

(posted by Amy D.)

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The Colorful Wedding Announcement of Miss Helen Watts

Included in our Hostetler Photograph Collections is a set of glass negatives  showing the former Miss Helen Kelsey Watts in her wedding gown, in which she married Mr. Homer Brown Payne.

Payne Wedding 2

While researching these images, we located a wedding announcement, published in the Davenport Democrat on May 17, 1914—a nice long one, too, as both Ms. Watts and her groom came from well-to-do families.

Finding marriage announcements can be a little tricky—they were published anywhere from the day of to several months after the actual wedding, depending on the time period.  But we have several newspaper indexes that make the search that much easier—one of them is even available on our website, and is accessible from your own home computer.

These article are usually well worth the effort; early wedding photographs may be beautiful slices of time,  but most of them—and all the glass negatives in our collections—predate color photography.

Luckily the newspaper provides all the visual details, but describing the entire scene in loving color:

Payne Wedding1

The matrons of honor…were dressed alike in cream colored silk lace gowns made with dainty apron effect of pink chiffon taffeta edged with knifeplaiting, the girdle of pink satin ending in large butterfly sash bows of the same delicate shade of rose.

They wore pink lace castle caps trimmed in dainty little nosegays and with larger clusters of pink satin rosebuds on each side, and they carried staff bouquets of white baskets filled with lilacs, the basket handles tied with bows of pink tulle…

Payne Wedding

The bride entered on the arm of her father…She was in an exquisite gown of ivory while chiffon panne satin made simply, the drapery falling away into the lines of a long, pointed train; this was caught just above the waist line with a garniture of rose buds. The short tunic-like drapery of the skirt had a deep under flouncing of point d’Alencon, and the bodice with its round neck and short sleeves was entirely of the dainty lace.  The long bridal veil fell to the hem of the wedding gown and was caught with tiny bunches of orange blossoms to the little Juliet cap of tulle.  This had an inner ruching of the point d’Alencon that was fashioned as a frill, the points caught back to the cap. The bride wore the wedding gift of the groom, a ring of diamonds set in platinum, and carried an immense bouquet of lilies of the valley.

Details of the reception, photographs of which are not in our collection, are also thoughtfully supplied:

 The [Outing Club] rooms were all beautifully decorated for the occasion in the lavender and pink bridal colors…The large ball room was trimmed in garlands of huckleberry, the balcony rail stair balustrade, arc ways and openings were all festooned with the foliage, with bridal wreath and lilacs used profusely in artistic arrangement.  The wicker room mantle was filled in a banked with ferns and palms, and baskets of lilacs, snapdragons, roses, lilies of the valley and the different spring flowers in season, were used about the rooms and on the radiators, and in the super room where a buffet luncheon was served during the evening.

The announcement provides more than just color commentary:  the article is packed with choice bits of information about the bride and groom, their friends, their families, and even their financial prospects!  The destination of the honeymoon was apparently kept secret from the newspaper, but it did mention that the newlyweds would be setting up home at 29 Edge Hill Terrace, in the fashionable “Camp McClellan” neighborhood.

Clearly marriage announcement can be a rich source of family history and genealogical shortcuts—short of a time machine, there’s nothing better than a good marriage announcement to fill in the rest of the picture!

(posted by Sarah)

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Throwback Thursday: The Quad-Cities USA Campaign

While adding items to our Ephemera collection, we found brochures for the Quad Cities U.S.A. campaign—and we couldn’t resist sharing!


“A typical Quad-Cities resident lives in one community, works in another and shops in a third city. It’s urban, but also rural; it’s Midwestern, but not small town; it’s sophisticated, but casual; it’s quality within quantity; and most of all, it’s friendly.”

The Quad-Cities U. S. A. promotion campaign began around 1980 when a local radio station wanted to promote our area. The Quad-City Development Group coordinated the program with help from local advertising, public relations agencies and industries.

One of the major purposes of the campaign was to promote unity and identity among the collective residents of the several cities that had merged geographically over the last century.  It was hoped that this sense of interdependent community would help promote the Quad-Cities as a place with the benefits of small town life and the advantages of the big city.

So, what are the “Quad-Cities”?

Officially, the counties of Scott (Iowa) and Rock Island & Henry (Illinois) make up the Davenport-Rock Island-Moline, Iowa-Illinois Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, DRIM-SMSA.

But practically speaking, the Quad-Cities is the label for fourteen neighboring municipalities: Davenport, Bettendorf, Eldridge, Panorama Park and Riverdale in Iowa, and Rock Island, Moline, East Moline, Milan, Silvis, Coal Valley, Carbon Cliff, Oak Grove and Hampton in Illinois.

So why aren’t we called the Tetradeca-Cities?

In the beginning, we were the  Tri-Cities:  Davenport, Rock Island, and Moline.

There are several theories about why “Quad” was added to our name:  Bettendorf finally grew up enough to join the party; a road atlas made a mistake and it stuck; or someone noticed that there were a lot of cities inside the quadrangle created by Interstate-80 and Interstate-280.

But whatever the real reason, as more towns and cities were absorbed, it became clear that it would be extremely inconvenient to upgrade our collective name every few years.

So we didn’t.

What happened during the campaign?

The Quad-City Development Group brought the creative talents and funds together for the project. Over $500,000 in Public service air time and advertising space went into the campaign as well as many hours of perception research and concept development.

Some of the taglines used in their brochures include:

“Quad Cities USA – Where the World’s Busiest Highway Meets The Heartland’s Mightiest Waterway”

“…Where The ‘Father of Waters’ meets ‘The Mother Of Invention’”

“…Where Urban Lifestyle And Rural Beauty Sing In Harmony.”QCUSA

A stylized “Q” to symbolize the union of cities was designed by the Deere & Company visual communications department, and a film mirroring Quad-Cities industry, lifestyle, recreation and agriculture was produced by Forward of Illinois Productions, of Morton.

There was even a song commissioned to convey “the upbeat spirit of our metropolitan life.”  Charlie Teague, of Warren, Anderson, Litzenberger & Teague, Inc., wrote the lyrics and Bob Jenkins Associates, of Chicago, composed the music.

But it wasn’t all fun and games.  Several serious incentives were offered to businesses considering relocation or opening branches in the Quad-Cities—or even transporting their goods through what was advertised as a “personal Port of Entry and Foreign Trade Zone.”

That’s pretty cool! You wouldn’t happen to have a copy of that Quad-City theme song around?

We have a copy on 7 inch vinyl in our collection, which we’ve digitized and posted on another blog post for your listening pleasure. We also have a brochure with the lyrics in our ephemera files.

I know a place
Where there’s work to be done
Where there’s room for me
and who I want to be.
Somewhere I can do the things
I’m good enough to do.
Where I can build my tomorrow.
Where I can live with the eagles.
Fly with the eagles and be free.
Quad Cities U.S.A.
Lookin’ better every day
Quad Cities, you’re the place I want to be.
I want to be.

There’s a river
A stream that works while it plays.
A road through history
Down to the shining sea.
This mighty, rollin’ river,
tells me that I’m home
Where I can build my tomorrow.
Where I can live with the river
Flow with the river and be free.
Quad Cities U.S.A.
Growin’ stronger every day
Quad Cities you’re the place I want to be.
I want to be.

On this good land
The seasons flavor my life.
And it’s good to know
Of things that live and grow.
I can raise my family
Where the good life’s gonna be.
And I can build my tomorrow.
Where I can live on the good land
Grow with the good land and be free.
Quad Cities U.S.A.
Growing better every day
Quad Cities you’re the place I want to be.

Where I can live with the eagles,
Fly with the eagles and be free.
Quad Cities U.S.A.
Lookin’ better every day
Quad Cities, you’re the place I want to be.
I want to be.
I want to be.

(Posted by Cristina)


McGowan, Susi. “Quad Cities USA.” Home & Away (AAA Iowa Motor News), 1982: 16f-16i.

“Quad Cities USA: Looking Better Every Day.” Davenport, Iowa: Quad City Development Group, 1982.

“Quad Cities USA: The Connection.” Quad-City Development Group, 1988.

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A Flood of Images: April 2013

Another flood has come and gone (or at least it is on its way to being gone!). While this one did not crack the Top 10 flood list, it unofficially crested at 19.12 feet on April 21, 2013 at Lock and Dam 15.*

19.12 feet will place this flood at the #13 spot of Historical Crests. It barely edges out the current #13 which was the flood of February 22, 1966 which crested at 19.00 feet.

On Monday, April 22, 2013 pictures were taken of the flood in downtown Davenport. As with A Flood of Images: 2011 photos are shown from east to west in case anyone wants to compare.


Looking west from the Arsenal Bridge. River Drive looks like the Mississippi River. Flood Photos - 2013 138Hesco barrier at corner of Iowa St. and River Drive.Flood Photos - 2013 142

Another view Hesco barrier taken from Bechtel Park at Iowa St. and River Drive. Flood Photos - 2013 156Dillon Fountain corner of Main Street and River Drive.Flood Photos - 2013 114

The Levee Inn – Locally famous for the flood crest markings in the corners of the building.Flood Photos - 2013 122LeClaire Park and Bandshell along the river. You can see water up to the tops of the seats. The train tracks are under water too. No jazz concert today!Flood Photos - 2013 128

Modern Woodmen Park – With walkway in place the games go on!Flood Photos - 2013 078

Myrtle Street and River Drive in west Davenport. Skate Park is closed!Flood Photos - 2013 066

River Drive looking east from Sturdevant St. at Davenport City Cemetery.Flood Photos - 2013 050On a positive note, the grass is green and our feathered friends don’t mind the water at all! City Cemetery along River Drive in west Davenport.Flood Photos - 2013 031

As the flood of April 2013 passes there is one question on our minds. With all the snow still up north could this be a repeat of 2008? That year the Mississippi crested on April 29th at 19.24 feet and again on June 16th at 21.49 feet. We certainly hope not!

*Update – June 27, 2013: We are preparing for our 4th crest of 2013. It has been a busy year on the Mississippi River (and other local rivers too).

Following are the crest dates and levels for 2013:

1) Mississippi River crest officially on April 21, 2013 at 19.12 feet. This crest currently resides at #13 in the Top 20 Highest Mississippi River Crests.

2) Crest 15.93 feet on May 14, 2013.

3) Crest 16.34 feet on June 5, 2013.

4) Crest expected July 1, 2013.

(photos and post by Amy D.)

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Library Leadership: Directors We Have Known

In honor of National Library Week, we thought we’d take a look at those who have led the Davenport Public Library over the past 111 years.

Even with this brief amount of information, it’s interesting to note how the education, geographical origins, position longevity, and gender-based differences of our directors have changed over the course of a century:

Marilla Waite Freeman
Term: October 1902 – February 1905

The first director of the Davenport Public Library was born in 1870 in Honeoye Falls, New York.   She received her library training at the University of Chicago under John Dewey.  She died in White Plains, New York on October 29, 1961.

Stella V. Seybold
Term: May 1905 – February 1906

Ms. Seybold was born in 1879 in Cincinnati, Ohio and graduated from the University of Cincinnati.   She assisted Ms. Freeman in selecting German books for the Davenport Public library collection before being named Director, a position she held until she married Frank J. Heinl   in February of 1906. She passed away September 28, 1966, in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Grace Delphine Rose
Term: 1906 – March 1920

Ms. Rose was born June 10, 1870 in Pennsylvania.  While Director, she was appointed the president of the Iowa Library Association for 1912 and served as Camp Librarian at Camp Bowie Texas in 1918. After leaving Davenport, she established various library branches at factory buildings and in schools.   Ms. Rose died May 25, 1958, in Kern, California.

Grace Shellenberger
Term:  March 1920 – March 1933

Ms. Shellenberger was born in Bolivar, Missouri, and attended the Carnegie Library School in Pittsburgh, PA.  She taught courses in children’s library work at the State University of Iowa and worked to extend library service to Bettendorf, Eldridge and Buffalo.

She served as our director until her death on March 29, 1933.

Edna Geisler
Term: August 1933 – March 1946

Ms. Geisler was born in Wilton, Iowa, and received her Library degree from Western Reserve University Library School in Ohio.  She was vice-president of the Iowa Library Associate in 1938.  She left Davenport Public Library to marry J. Andrew Davidson on March 14, 1946.   Mrs. Davidson died Alhambra, California, on August 11, 1967.

Elizabeth Martin
Term: April 1946 – December 1954

Ms. Martin graduated from the University of Iowa and worked for the Davenport Public Library for forty years, taking a leave of absence to work with the Library of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, in Washington D.C.  She died May 16, 1983.

Harold Goldstein
Term: February 1955 – September 1959

Mr. Goldstein was born October 3, 1917, in Norfolk, Virginia, and received his Master and Doctorate degrees from Teachers’ College Columbia University.  He married Julia Deutsch on November 4, 1943, making him the first married director as well as the first male director of the Davenport Public Library.  While director, he revamped the building by relocating the circulation department and adopted modern techniques in the circulation department.

He died in Tallahassee, Florida on December 8, 1986.

Oswald H. Joerg
Term: November 1959 – September 1970

Mr. Joerg received his Masters degree from the Columbia University School of Library Service. He was director when the original Carnegie library began to disintegrate and was responsible for securing a $235,000 federal grant for a new Main Library and for hiring architect Edward Durrel Stone to design it.

He passed away August 8, 1996.

Judith Ellis
Term: 1970 – 1982

Ms. Ellis was born in Oskaloosa, Iowa.  She earned a degree in Business Administration from the University of Northern Iowa and received her Master of Library Science from University of Iowa.

She served the Davenport Public Library for seven years as our Administrative Assistant before stepping in as the interim director.  Eventually, she was confirmed in the position.

She passed away in Colorado in 2003.

C. Daniel Wilson
Term: 1982 – 1985

Mr. Wilson served as the associate director of the Birmingham, Alabama Public Library before moving to Davenport.  After leaving Davenport, he served as director of the New Orleans Public Library system.

Kay Runge
Term: 1985 – 2001

Ms. Runge was the Director of the Scott County Library System prior to working for the Davenport Public Library.  She was appointed president of the Public Library Association in 2000 and was later elected councilor to the American Library Association.  After leaving our library, she served as director of Des Moines Public Library.

Meg Sarff
Term: 2001 – 2003

Born 12 April 1946 in Springfield, IL, Ms. Sarff received her Masters  in Library Sciences from the University of Illinois.  She was Assistant Director of our library for twenty years before serving as Director.  In 2003, she became our Customer Service manager before retiring in 2005.

She passed away August 20, 2011, in Springfield, Illinois.  We miss her.

LaWanda Roudebush
Term: 2003 – 2013

Ms. Roudebush first worked at the Davenport Public Library as a reference librarian loaned to the Southeastern Regional Library System.  Later, she was in charge of our Business collection, and spent some years as our HR manager, and then as a branch manager.  She left Davenport in 1992, and, after working at two library systems in the Chicago suburbs and serving as director for the Fort Dodge Public Library, moved back as our director.

During her decade as director, she oversaw the construction of two new branch library buildings and the establishment of new library technology and operating systems during uncertain economic times.

We wish her all the best in her retirement!

And finally, we welcome our newest director, KennethWayne Thompson, who took up the directorship of our library April 8th of this year.   We can’t wait to see how his guidance will shape our library in the years to come!

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A Davenport First: Green River Soda

 As we wait (im)patiently in our department for winter to bloom into spring, we linger a little longer over the warm weather pictures and the senior yearbooks we pull for patrons. And sometimes our lingering leads to a blog topic—especially when we find another Davenport first!

In 1914, a Davenporter by the name of Richard C. Jones purchased a confectionary shop at 1205 Harrison Street from then owner Oscar A. Kelley. The sweets and ice cream shop was within brief walking distance of Davenport High School (now Central High School) and Mr. Jones would serve DHS students and other sweet-toothed locals in his shop from 1914 to 1919. Green River 002

Advertisement from the 1917 Davenport High School Bulletin – Mr. Jones kept it simple.

A Davenport Daily Times article from April 10, 1920 (pg. 7) remembered those days fondly and Mr. Jones’ celebrated creation. In 1916, in was written, Mr. Jones invented “a sparkling green drink that found instant favor and which he christened ‘Green River’”.

That sparkling green soda was an immediate hit and became a favorite local refreshment, the article continued. This was apparently true, as Mr. Jones sold the secret recipe in 1919 to the Schoenfhofen Co., and was able to retire from the confectionary business.

Research shows that Mr. Jones went into local real estate for many years, before moving to Clinton, Iowa with his wife and daughter sometime after 1935. Mr. Jones and his wife Nellie are buried in that city.

The little confectionary shop changed hands several times before being listed as vacant in the 1934 Davenport City Directory. It appears to have been torn down by the late 1930s—the address is no longer listed after 1937.

However, that green, sparkling soda created for thirsty Davenport High School students became a national success for the Schoenfhofen Co. and also for Clover Club Beverages of Chicago, which produced Green River in the 1980s.  In 2011, the soda brand was bought by WIT Beverage Company, which still produces it today.

For all you Green River Soda enthusiasts, or for those who might be trying it for the first time,* give a small toast to Mr. Jones and those Davenport high school students of long ago when you open your next bottle. And remember another Davenport first.

Green River 001

Advertisement from the 1921 Davenport High School Blackhawk Yearbook.
New store owner J. F. Gabathuler stayed connected to the success of Mr. Jones and Green River Soda.

(posted by Amy D.)

*At the posting of this article, both Lagomarcino’s locations—in Davenport, Iowa, and Moline, Illinois—serve Green River.

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A Pencil-Drawn Snapshot in Time: City Engineering Department Survey Books

Many of our blog posts in the past year have involved the Civil War period, in honor of the 150th anniversary of the event. One Civil War era primary resource in the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections archives is the City of Davenport Engineering Department Survey Books (Accession #2000-01).

These handwritten books cover the years from the 1850’s into the 1910’s. Street grade levels, street plans, building dimensions, and water levels may be found inside the numerous volumes. Each is a “pencil drawn” snapshot of life in Davenport.

One of the earliest volumes in the collection contains information on Camp McClellan and Camp Kearney.  Dated November 11, 1865, these drawings provide details of the camps buildings and layout.

Following are a few images from the 1865 survey book. The images have not been altered except for slight cropping of the scanned image to allow for better viewing.

Camp Kearney.1A Camp Kearney.2A

Camp Kearney.3A

Camp Kerney.5A

Camp Kearney.6A

Camp Kearney.8A

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Marshal-ing our Resources

Recently, we explained how we uncovered that the man we—and everyone else—had thought was the first City Marshal of Davenport . . . wasn’t.

But this had us researching what the City Marshal—a position that no longer exists—originally did, and when he stopped doing it.

Luckily, a full range of shelving in our archive is filled with cartons full of City Council papers!

According to several documents, the City Council did a major update on ordinances and job expectations in 1866—and the position of City Marshal, as it happens, was updated quite a bit.

Prior to that year, the Marshal was the official head of the police force, whose responsibilities included upholding and enforcing city ordinances and keeping the peace. When needed, the Marshal was also expected to collect taxes for the city.

But after September 1866, the Marshal’s duties were moved into tax collecting, building inspection, wharf security, and the regulation of weights and measures in the city to avoid corruption to name a few duties. He could still arrest people, but every day police enforcement would no longer be his main job.

In his place, the Chief of Police position became the official head of the police force. Interestingly, we find in the 1863 Davenport City Directory Mr. Daniel H. Severance listed as Deputy Marshal and Chief of Police while James W. Means is listed as City Marshal. 

It is beginning to appear that the separation of the duties of City Marshal had begun a few years prior to 1866, but wasn’t officially written into the ordinances until that year. 

We certainly aren’t done trying to find when the title of Chief of Police came into existence. We are hoping more documents in the City Council papers will shed light on this question. 

What is clear is that these ordinance changes in 1866 helped to create the Davenport Police Department as we know it today.

Police Chief Doc

November 8, 1866–Daniel H. Severance is sworn in as the Police Chief of Davenport, Iowa

(posted by Sarah and Amy D.)

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