Library Closed for Staff In-Service

All three locations of the Davenport Public Library will be closed today, Wednesday March 9 so that we can conduct a Staff In-service. We’ll be busy learning all the latest and greatest ways to serve you better and continue to be the best library possible.

We’ll be open again on Thursday as usual – the Main and Eastern Avenue libraries will open at 9:30am and Fairmount will open at noon.

Library Closed Due to Bad Weather

It’s the Blizzard of the Century! OK, maybe it won’t be, but it is shaping up to be a major snowstorm with dangerous winds and lots of snow. The best thing to do is to stay home and leave the roads to snowplows and emergency vehicles.

Because of this major storm, the Davenport Public Library will be closed Wednesday, February 2 at all three locations. We will re-open on Thursday, February 3rd.

Stay safe and warm!

Did you receive an eBook reader this holiday season? The Davenport Library has eBooks!

With the popularity of eBook readers this season (just judging from the influx of commercials alone), I imagine many of our library patrons have received them as holiday gifts!  Davenport Public Library has two different resources that provide free eBooks and eAudiobooks for our patrons, NetLibrary and Wilbor. To get started, visit our homepage. On the left hand margin, click on “Download eAudiobooks, eBooks and Music,” which will link you to our resources.

To access Wilbor, you will need to have your library card number handy. After you install their software you can download your favorite books by your favorite authors and transfer your selection to your mobile device.

NetLibrary requires a visit to your nearest Davenport Public Library location to sign up for a free account. After you sign up, you are able to log on from home to download and transfer eBooks.

Each website lists compatible devices in an easy to read list.

Contact the Reference Department with any questions!

Happy Labor Day!

Wow! That went by fast – today marks the traditional end of Summer. Labor Day was created to honor the hard-working men and women of America, whose dedication make life a little better for everyone. Give yourself a pat on the back and enjoy a relaxing day!

The Davenport Library will be closed today so that our own hard-working staff can spend the day with family and friends. We’ll be open our regular hours tomorrow – Main, 9:30am-5:30pm, Fairmount, noon to 8pm and Eastern, 9:30am to 5:30pm.

Have a great holiday!

Bix Weekend is Here!

It’s that time again – Davenport puts on it’s party hat (and running shoes) and hosts the annual Bix Beiderbecke Jazz Festival and the world-renowned  Bix 7 Road Race. There’s plenty for everyone – music, shopping, running (or walking) so get out there and soak up some of the great atmosphere that helps define the city of Davenport.

Because of the crowds and chaos in the downtown, the Main Library will be closed all day on Saturday, July 24. However, both the Fairmount Branch Library and the Eastern Avenue Branch library will be open their regular hours, 9:30am to 5:30pm. Main will reopen on Monday at usual.

And be sure to check the blog next week and find out how our own Bill did in his first Bix 7 race!

Have a great holiday weekend!

Grand Opening

It’s here at last – after years of planning and months of hard work, the new Eastern Avenue Branch Library will open celebrate it’s Grand Opening tomorrow, Saturday July 10th! Located at 6000 Eastern Avenue, this Branch has been built as a LEED building, making it as environmentally responsible as possible.

The Dedication Ceremony begins at 10:30am, but there will be exciting events all day with live music including the Wizard Rock group “Harry and the Potters”, tours, magicians, displays and giveaways throughout the day. Bring the whole family!

Both the Main Library and the Fairmount Street Library will be closed all day on Saturday July 10, so that all available staff will be on hand to help with the various programs and special events being held at the Eastern Avenue Branch.

The Main Library will re-open on Monday July 12 at 12 noon, the Fairmount Street Library will  re-open on Monday at 9:30am and the NEW Eastern Avenue Branch Library will open on Monday at 9:30am.