A new look for eBooks and eAudiobooks!


WILBOR has a new look and now it is even easier to enjoy your favorite eBooks and eAudiobooks!  A few of the highlights:

-An icon in the corner of a book cover will tell you whether the title is an eBook or an eAudiobook.  If the icon is black, the title is available.  If it is gray, the title has a wait list.

-Click on “Borrow” to choose your title.

-After you have logged into your account and accessed your “Bookshelf” you will be given the option to download your selection or return your title (once you download your selected format, you may only be able to return the title via the software).  Clicking the “Download” button once will allow you to select your desired format.

Overdrive Read is available for select titles, which allows you to open your eBook selection immediately and read from a browser on your computer or mobile device.

Questions?  Contact the Reference Department!


Delicious New Service at the Library!

Like anyone living with a budget, the Davenport Library strives to get the most value out of every dollar we spend. With that goal in mind, we sought to find dual purposes for our existing equipment and materials and we feel we have succeeded admirably! After careful research and the hard work of various committees, we have found a supplemental purpose for our book sorters. We are pleased to announce that we are able to offer a new and unexpected service, one that is sure to delight your entire family – Dewey’s Delicious Doughnuts!®

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Each book sorter at the Davenport Library has been retro-fitted with the Dynamic Multi-Tasking Do-It-All-izer™, a space-age gizmo that makes everything easier (if stickier) Our new enhanced sorters (now known as Book Checker-inners/Doughnut Makers Aggregator) represents a paradigm shift in library services; we are proud to be a leader in this new era of providing you the customer with the finest in information and fried dough!

donut 2Every day the Aggregators at each building will pull double duty, checking in library materials as they are returned and baking a variety of glazed doughnuts for your eating pleasure! (Cake doughnuts will be introduced later this year) Watch the progress of your made-to-order doughnut via monitor at Fairmount and Eastern, or through the windows at Main! Choose from a variety of glazes and icings (sprinkles are an additional cost)

Please remember – no food in the library!

New Bookclub in a Box kits!

The library just added 20 new kits to our Bookclub in a Box collection!  These kits include a minimum of 10 copies of a book along with a folder of discussion questions and book reviews.  Some of them even come with the book on CD.  Here’s a list of our newest kits:

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson

Loving Frank by Nancy Horan

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Blood and Thunder by Hampton Sides

Hearts of Horses by Molly Gloss


The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown

Dear American Airlines by Jonathan Miles

Sing Them Home by Stephanie Kallos

Hope’s Boy by Andrew Bridge

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

Stranger Among Us

Belong to Me by Marisa de los Santos

The Condition by Jennifer Haigh

Beautiful Boy by David Sheff

Time is a River by Mary Alice Monroe

The Girls by Lori Lansens