There are a lot of great things about holiday parties: cookies, presents, drinks, friends & family, drinks, decorations, food, and did I mention, drinks? If you’re considering shaking things up and trying a new drink, we have a wide range of books to wet your whistle.
Here are a few of my favorites (visit the reference desk for additional suggestions!):
Cocktails for a crowd : more than 40 recipes
for making popular drinks in party-pleasing batches by Kara Newman is a great go-to for people with a long guest list. From punches to drinks served with an umbrella, this book covers its bases well. Featuring beautiful photography, easy to follow directions, tips from bartenders, and a modern aesthetic, this is a great resource all year long.
Tequila Mockingbird: Cocktails with a Literary Twist by Tim Federle is a pun heavy book of drink recipes. While the drinks may not be revolutionary, the names breathe new life into old standards. Who could pass up a “Are You There God? It’s me, Margarita.” or a “Brave New Swirled”? Federle includes some bar tip staples, a few non-alcholoic drinks featuring familiar names from children’s literature (“Charlie and the Chocolate Fake-tini”), and bar bites like “The Develed Egg Wears Prada”.

The Drunken Botanist: The Plants that Create the World’s Great Drinks by Amy Stewart has been on a number of best non-fiction book lists this year. Part history, part science, and part cookbook, The Drunken Botanist is an examination of how humans created the drinks that we consume today. With over fifty recipes and growing tips for libation minded gardeners, this is a great choice if you want to share some trivia along side your cocktail.