Tag Archives: Ghosts

The Moaning Ghost of Esplanade Avenue

It was early summer in 1891 when talk began about the screams and moans coming from the woods near Esplanade Avenue in East Davenport. Those screams and moans sounded like a woman in distress, but no woman was ever seen. … Continue reading

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Paranormal Investigating in 1911?

We came across an interesting query from The Daily Times this week. We aren’t sure if this falls into the category of ghost hunting. Unfortunately, we do not know if the Davenport reader received any replies. So far no update … Continue reading

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Still Doing His Rounds: The Haunting of 723 Main Street

Join us tonight at 7pm at the Fairmount Street Branch Library for a spooky talk from Terry Fisk, author of The Iowa Road Guide to Haunted Locations. Mr. Fisk’s book includes two entries for Davenport.  One is on the “Banshee of … Continue reading

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The West Side Railroad Ghost

Stories of ghostly lights on railroad tracks may be found all around the United States, and Davenport is no different. In January 1876, the Davenport Daily Gazette covered the adventures of our own ghostly railroad specter. It may have been … Continue reading

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Haunted Houses of Davenport?: An 1874 Account

Nowadays when you turn on the television you see many shows on haunted houses, especially during the month of October. This raised a question in my mind. Did things go bump in Davenport houses long ago? In the spirit of … Continue reading

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A Summer Morning Haunting?

The end of October is upon us with cooler days, rustling leaves, and stories of haunted houses and ghosts.  We have found, though, that rumored hauntings are not just for Halloween. One such alleged haunting merited a small article in … Continue reading

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