Davenport Transport: A Journey Down Memory Lane

This past Tuesday evening, June 18th, local historian and collector Merle Vastine treated the audience at the Main Street library to stories inspired by selection of images from his vast private collection as part of “True Tales of the Quad Cities: Photographic Memories.” His presentation focused on various modes of transportation in Davenport’s past, including autos, railways, streetcars, steamboats, firetrucks, and horse-and-buggy delivery vehicles. Mr. Vastine has graciously granted us permission to share the slideshow of images here on our blog.  Enjoy, and stay tuned for his next visit to the DPL!

Don’t forget that the RSSC Center’s own Photograph Collection includes approximately 60,000 images of Davenport, Scott County and Quad-City area people and places, many of which may be viewed online via the Upper Mississipi Valley Digital Image Archive. Our staff is always available to help you!

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Museum Week: German American Heritage Center

This year’s Quad Cities Museum Week runs from June 8th through the 16th. Participating institutions have special activities, exhibits, and promotions during the week.

One participating museum, the German American Heritage Center, is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year. They were incorporated on August 4, 1994.

Their mission:

“The German American Heritage Center seeks to preserve the heritage of our German ancestors for present and future generations, to enrich our knowledge of the German Immigrant experience through the creation of a library archives and museum, and to encourage German American cultural exchange programs”

Signers of the Articles of Incorporation:

Scharlott Goettsch Blevins, Kory Darnall, Michael Hustedde, James Stelk, Shirley Glover, Rose Marie Rivera, Michael Hibbs, Fred Jansen, Arlene Vogel Phillips, Richard Muller, Wayne Jens, Glenn Sievers, and Robert Voelcker. 

Soon after they purchased a building at 712 W 2nd Street to use as a museum. Built in 1868, this hotel for new German immigrants was first called the “Germania House”. In 1876 it was purchased by John Fredrich Miller and renamed the “Miller Hotel”. In  1924 the name changed to the “Standard Hotel”. The upper floors of the building were used as hotel rooms while the first floor housed restaurants and bars over the years. The basement even was home to a barber shop in the early days of the hotel business. The hotel closed in 1990.

The museum opened in the first floor of their new home on May 27th, 2000. They added a gift shop the following year. An elevator was needed so that the rest of the building could be restored and used by the public.

2019 also marks the 10th anniversary of their interactive permanent exhibit, “The German Immigrant Experience”, which opened on the second floor of the building on October 3rd, 2009. 

Visit their website gahc.org for information on current exhibits, tours, and events!

These are membership brochures from our collection:

And here is a sampling of issues of their quarterly newsletter, Infoblatt:

The German-American Heritage Center will also be the host location for the Quad Cities Archives Fair to be held on October 26, 2019:


Infoblatt 21, no. 1 (Spring 2019)
Infoblatt 14, no. 4 (Fall 2009)
Infoblatt 6, no. 3 (Summer 2001)
Willard, John. “Willkommen! German American Heritage Center unveils museum”, Quad-City Times (May 23, 2000)
“The journey of the German American Heritage Center”, Quad-City Times (September 27, 2009)


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75th Anniversary of Invasion of Normandy

June 6, 1944, marks an important turning point for the Allied powers in the European Theatre. 75 years ago the beaches of Normandy were host to thousands of armed forces from the United States, Britain, and Canadian tasked with defeating the German forces. D-Day is the more common appellation of the amphibious invasion of France also known as Operation Overlord.  

With this anniversary, we remember the soldiers who fought in this battle. In 2014, we showcased oral history conducted by Special Collections of World War II veterans. These men and women featured in this blog tell of their D-Day stories. We would like to share these memories with the community again.

In Their Own Words: D-Day

 On June 12th at 6 PM at The Library | Eastern, the Army Sustainment Command will be presenting the history of Invasion of Europe 75th Anniversary & Battle of Normandy. All are welcome to come to this event.

Helps us to celebrate this day in history by reading the blog mentioned above or attending this presentaiton. 

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Davenport, Past and Present by Franc B. Wilkie

Davenport, Past and Present published in May 1858 by the publishing house of Luse, Lane & Co. in Davenport, Iowa was an anticipated volume recounting the early history of Davenport through personal and anecdotal reminiscences, biographical sketches of influential men, and descriptions of the characteristics comprising the city.

The local printing press of Luse, Lane & Co. drummed up excitement about this work by printing an announcement about its status of being “now in Press” in The Davenport Democrat on April 30, 1858.

The May 1st release date was postponed until the end of May when the book received another mention in The Morning Democrat when it “at last appeared”  for the public to purchase from either subscription or from bookstores.

Newspaper article

“Davenport Past and Present” article published in The Morning Democrat on Thursday, May 27, 1858.

In 1898, The Davenport Democrat published an article about John E. Wilkie, son of Franc Wilkie. The article reflects on the importance of the father’s contribution to the study of early Davenport:

The Davenport Democrat published on May 8, 1898 on page 6.


In 1903, the impact of Wilkie’s work is explored through an interview with this son, John. The article consciously acknowledges the successes and failures of this volume while extolling the importance of the work in capturing the intriguing time in Davenport’s history. It publish a serialization of the book in this edition of The Daily Times.

“Davenport Past and Present” – History of the Early Days published in The Daily Times on December 19, 1903.

In addition to the text, the book boast of expertly made illustrated plates of prominent personages, scenes, and buildings in Davenport. A select sampling of this illustrations in directly below:

Frontispiece of Davenport, Past and Present depicting a view of Davenport.

The man behind the storied historical account of Davenport, Iowa was the notable Franc B. Wilkie who was a well-known reporter and editorial writer of Chicago and other area newspapers. He was born in West Charlton, Saratoga County, New York on July 2, 1832. He was a war reporter during the Civil War sharing information about the western battles.  Wilkie’s Davenport, Past and Present provides an essential glimpse into early history of Davenport and the peoples who lived there.

“Death of Franc B. Wilkie” published in the Davenport Weekly Times on April 16, 1892.

Davenport, Past and Present is available for perusal at the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center and online through HathiTrust Digital Library.

(posted by Kathryn)

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Captain J.S. Slaymaker

Jonathan Smith Slaymaker was born in York, Pennsylvania on March 31, 1835. He worked as a civil engineer for the railroad. He came to Davenport and lived with his uncle Henry on Brady Street, between 14th & 15th.  

Brigham’s Twin Cities Directory and Business Advertiser for 1861 & 1862

On April 24, 1861, Slaymaker enlisted in Company C of the 2nd Iowa Regiment of Volunteer Infantry. He mustered out on May 2nd, 1861 with the rank of First Lieutenant. Shortly thereafter, he was promoted to Captain on October 3, 1861. 

Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Iowa

Slaymaker’s words to a friend at the time of his enlistment:

“Shall I be one of those destined to be left behind when the conquering hosts return to receive the thanks of their fellow countrymen for the precious service they have rendered? is a question that frequently suggests itself to my mind. One thing I know: I enlisted in this war from principle, and I feel that I am willing to make any sacrifice that is in my power, to assist in our good and just cause. I shall not want to return unless we gain our end.”

Roster & Record of Iowa Soldiers in the War of Rebellion

Captain J.S. Slaymaker died at Fort Donelson, Tennessee on February 15, 1862. In a letter from Fort Donelson sent to the Editors of the Democrat and news on February 24th and published on March 7th, 1862, a soldier in his company wrote:

“Of the five killed in our company, four fell before reaching the entrenchments. Captain Slaymaker fell within about twenty feet of the works, while gallantly cheering on his men; he strove to regain his feet, a moment after falling, but finding it impossible, rested himself on one arm, and with the other waived his sword above his head and shouted ‘Charge, boys charge!’ They were the last words he was heard to utter, for the line swept on, and before any one could return to him after the rebels were driven from their works, he was dead. Thus fell one of the noblest of men and best of Captains. His death is deeply regretted by the whole regiment – in which he was a general favorite – but by none so much as his own company, who feel that, in loosing him, the have lost one whose place can never be filled.”

Registers of Deaths of Volunteers, compiled 1861–1865.

Brigadier General Lauman wrote:

“Poor Jack Slaymaker lost his life in one of the most brilliant charges on record. He had, with his regiment, reached the breastworks and passed in, when a ball shot him in the thigh and severed the main artery. He bled to death in five minutes. I enclose a lock of his hair, which I secured myself, that you will hand to his bereaved parents. He was as gallant a soldier as ever carried a sword. After he was wounded, he raised himself on his side, waved his sword and called his men to go forward, then sank down and died. He was a good steadfast friend of mine, and I mourn him much. It is melancholy to think, that the first time he was under my commend should be his last. But he died gloriously. What more can a man do for his country?”

Atlas to accompany the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Plate 114 No. 5

Reverend Albert Barnes wrote to his parents:

“My heart bleeds for you in your loss. Your son was lovely in his life – in appearance, in his manner, in his spirit, in his hopes and promises in regard to future life, in all that could bind the hearts of loving parents to a son. God has done it, whatever be the instrument. It seemed good to God, that he should fall as he has done. When you gave him to God, you gave him to Him to live as long as He should please, to serve Him in any way He should direct, and then to lie down and die when, where and how God should appoint. ‘I opened not my mouth’, said the Psalmist, ‘because thou didst it.'”

J. S. Slaymaker’s burial monument.

Captain Slaymaker is buried in section 1, lot 69 of Oakdale Memorial Gardens. A marble monument was completed in July 1863 with the following inscription: 

“He was among the first to volunteer in the defense of the Union. After laborious and valuable service in Missouri, he fell at the memorable siege at Fort Donelson, Tenn., while gallantly leading his command to victory.”


Frank Leslie’s Illustrated vol.13 pg 357 April 12, 1862

The Annals of Iowa 1, No. 6 (Apr 1864): 283-5 

Roster and records of Iowa soldiers, war of the rebellion Vol. 1, p. 201

Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper 13, (April 12, 1862): 357

Brigham’s Twin Cities Directory and Business Advertiser for 1861 & 1862 p. 92

Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Iowa on Fold3

Registers of Deaths of Volunteers, compiled 1861–1865. on AncestryLibrary

Atlas to accompany the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Plate 114 No. 5

“Beautiful and Appropriate Monument”, Daily Democrat and News 8, No. 234 (July 31, 1863): 1

“Letter from Fort Donelson”, Daily Democrat and News 7, No. 120 (March 7, 1862): 2

(posted by Cristina)

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A Flood of Images: May 2019 – a new historic crest

As the Quad Cities moves into May we are at 49 days and counting above flood stage at Lock and Dam 15 in Rock Island, IL. This breaks all previous continual flooding records at that lock. (Update 05/13/2019 – At 3:00 p.m. on May 12th the Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 15 fell to 17.9 feet for the first time since March 23rd. The new continual flooding record is now 51 days)

As indicated in our April 18, 2019 blog, extremely cold weather, heavy snowfall in the north, and a wet spring contributed to a new #8 flood record on April 8 – 9 with an unofficial record of 20.68 feet.

Since that blog, heavy rains locally and more snow up north have kept the Mississippi River rising through many cities including Davenport. This led to two recent flood-related events: a break in the Hesco Barrier near Pershing Avenue and River Drive which caused flooding in downtown Davenport on April 30, 2019 and a new historic crest level of (unofficially) 22.7 feet on May 2 – 3, 2019. The July 9, 1993 record of 22.63 feet is now ranked #2 in historic crests at Lock and Dam 15.

As we have done since 2008, photos were taken during this recent crest on May 3, 2019. Higher flood waters this time prevented us from taking photos at the locations usually used, but we tried to get near those familiar markers for perspective and comparison value.

We will share a few photos from this historic crest in comparison to photos taken on April 9, 2019.

No pictures were taken from the Arsenal Bridge or in Bechtel Park this flood due to high water conditions.

2019-11 – 0423 – Photo taken April 9, 2019 from the Arsenal Bridge looking west along River Drive. Bechtel Park would be on the right of the photo before the Hesco Barrier.

2019-12 – 0638  May 3rd – Photo taken on 2nd Street facing the Arsenal Bridge. This area was affected by the Hesco Barrier break on April 30, 2019. Past flood photos have been taken while standing on the bridge and Bechtel Park on the right next to the submerged orange road construction sign. The blue object in the road is a dumpster.


2019-11 – 0466 April 9th – Main Street facing south to Dillon Fountain with LeClaire Park and Mississippi River beyond.

2019-12 – 0713 May 3rd – Main Street facing south to Dillon Fountain with LeClaire Park and Mississippi River beyond. Same street and same barriers as April 9th.

2019-11 – 0459 April 9th – Taken from corner of Main Street and River Drive on parking ramp steps facing Dillon Fountain with LeClaire Park and Mississippi River beyond. Levee Inn, a historic flood marker, is the last building seen in the middle.

2019-12 – 0705 May 3rd –  Taken from corner of Main Street and River Drive on parking ramp steps facing Dillon Fountain with LeClaire Park and Mississippi River beyond. Levee Inn, a historic flood marker, is the last building seen in the middle with water to the roof.

2019-11 – 0472 April 9th – Taken from the upper deck of the Skybridge facing west towards LeClaire Park and  Modern Woodmen Park Stadium beyond. Note the Levee Inn.

2019-12 – 0660 May 3rd – Taken from the upper deck of the Skybridge facing west towards LeClaire Park and Modern Woodmen Park Stadium beyond. Union Station on the right was flooded after river water rose through the ground inside the barrier area.

2019-11 – 0548 April 9th – Photo taken from Talbot Memorial Bridge (formerly Centennial Bridge) facing east showing Modern Woodmen Park Stadium on right, railroad tracks down middle, and parking lots on left side.

2019-12 – 0842 May 3rd – Modern Woodmen Park Stadium on right side, railroad track (with kayakers) in middle, and parking lots on left. The yellow railings were part of an elevated walkway installed to allow pedestrians to cross over recently elevated railroad tracks during the flood.

2019-11 – 0566 April 9th – Davenport City Cemetery. New headstones marking the graves of Civil War soldiers. River Drive should be on the left.

2019-12 – 0737 May 3rd – Due to flooding of City Cemetery staff was unable to recreate the photo taken on April 9th. The Civil War Soldiers’ headstones are visible next to the large tree in this photo.

2019-11 – 0589 April 9th – Davenport City Cemetery corner of Sturdevant Street and River Drive.

2019-12 – 0803 May 3rd – Davenport City Cemetery corner of Sturdevant Street and River Drive from a distance due to flood conditions.

A few additional photos:

019-11 – 0447 April 9th – Close up of Hesco Barrier (since frequently referenced in flood photos) on Main Street facing south to Dillon Fountain. Figge Art Museum on right side of photo.

2019-12 – 0675 May 3, 2019 – Taken from Skybridge upper deck facing the Arsenal Bridge. Location of the long yellow color building is River Drive and Pershing Avenue.

2012-12 – 0625 May 3rd – Perry Street facing River Drive with City vehicle.

2019-12 – 0662 May 3rd – Taken from upper deck of Skybridge facing west to LeClaire Park showing band shell and Ferris wheel with baseball stadium beyond. Built-in seating in front of band shell completely covered by water.


2019-12 – 0803 May 3rd – Corner of Ripley Street and River Drive showing flooding around the Freight House building between Union Station and Modern Woodmen Park Stadium.


2019-12 – 0886 May 3rd – Hesco Barriers placed on either side of the Talbot Memorial Bridge (formerly Centennial Bridge) to prevent flood waters from closing the access to the bridge on the Davenport side.


 As the water begins to recede we are hoping for a calmer late spring and summer. We admit to feeling just a little weather nervous at this time.

(posted by Amy D.)

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May Flowers: 20 Years Ago at Vander Veer Park

Enjoy these beautiful photographs taken 20 years ago at Vander Veer Botanical Park. These images are part of Acc #2003-09 Davenport Leisure Services & Facilities Collection.

(posted by Cristina)

Acc #2003-09 Box 81 Folder 839

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A Flood of Images: April 2019

We are beginning to wonder if we will be “weather challenged” in 2019. January started off with four new weather records as recorded by the National Weather Service in Moline, IL.*

January 30th gave us a new record daily low of -29 degrees Fahrenheit. That was followed by January 31st which presented us with not only a new daily low of -33 degrees Fahrenheit, but it also became the new minimum low recorded for the month of January.

The month was not done yet with records as January 2019 is now the snowiest January on record in Moline with 30.2 inches. It managed to dethrone January 1979’s grand total of 26.7 inches of snow.

February 23, 2019 presented us with a new daily maximum rainfall of 1.28 inches. It replaced 1.04 inches recorded on that date in 1925.

March snuck in one new daily record as well with a new daily maximum rainfall of 0.84 inch on March 10th. It replaced the daily record for that date of 0.82 inch set in 1882.

With all the snow our neighbors up north had accumulated, our snow levels, and the deep frost layer it came as very little surprise when April arrived with local rivers flooding.

Our weather record for April is the new #8 in the top ten floods at Lock and Dam 15, Rock Island, IL.

A crest of 20.63 (or possibly 20.64 or 20.65) feet** on April 8 pushed the previous #8 of 19.66 feet on April 20, 1997 to #9. The 19.40-foot flood of June 27, 1892 is now bumped to #10 while the flood of April 26, 1969 at 19.30 feet is now off the top ten list. 

We thought we would share some images taken in downtown Davenport on April 9, 2019 during the crest which lasted two days. We have added a few photographs taken at the same locations from the July 4, 2014 flood of 20.90 feet to show some areas have changed while others remained the same.

April 9, 2019 – 0421 – Taken from Arsenal Bridge. Looking west on River Drive. Changes in Hesco barrier layout has stopped River Drive from flooding in 2019.

July 2014 – 017 – Taken from Arsenal Bridge. Looking west on River Drive with Hesco barriers.

April 9, 2019 – 0549 – Taken from parking garage corner of Main Street and River Drive facing Dillon fountain and Levee Inn.

July 2014 – 080 – Taken from parking garage corner of Main Street and River Drive facing Dillon fountain. Water is only slightly higher on basin than the photo from April 2019.

April 9, 2019 – 0446 – Main Street facing south to Dillon Fountain with Figge Art Museum on right side. Hesco barriers holding back water.

April 9, 2019 – 0472 – Taken from upper deck of Skybridge facing west. Mississippi River on far left. Levee Inn in foreground. Rear of photo shows LeClaire Park band shell and Ferris wheel. Union station on right.

July 2014 – 104 – Taken from upper deck of Skybridge facing west. Mississippi River on far left. Levee Inn in foreground. Rear of photo shows LeClaire Park band shell and Ferris wheel. Union station on upper right.

April 9, 2019 – 0548 – Taken from Talbot Memorial Bridge (formerly Centennial Bridge) looking east. Modern Woodmen Park on right. Railroad tracks going down the middle of the picture. Parking lot on the left.

July 2014 – 153 – Taken from Centennial Bridge looking east. Modern Woodmen Park on right. Railroad tracks going down the middle of the picture. Parking lot on the left.

April 9, 2019 – 0566 – Davenport City Cemetery. New headstones marking the graves of Civil War soldiers are on the right. River Drive should be on the left.

July 2014 – 186 – Davenport City Cemetery.  Taken next to the large tree seen near new headstones in the April 9, 2019 photo. River Drive should be on the left.

April 9, 2019 – 0589 – Davenport City Cemetery corner of Sturdevant Street and River Drive. 

July 2014 – 203 – Davenport City Cemetery corner of Sturdevant Street and River Drive. Water appears a little higher than in 2019.

Our only hope is the winter cold of this past winter does not turn into intense heat this summer as it did in 1936. More than once, extremely cold winters have been followed by record-breaking heat in the summer. That is one group of records we do not wish to break.

(posted by Amy D.)

*Record keeping began in May 1871.

**This is still a pending record until all data is verified by the National Weather Service. ***As of May 9, 2019, the pending crest for April 8 – 9, 2019 is now possibly 20.68 ft.

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“Libraries = Strong Communities”: DPL in April 1919

As our way of celebrating National Library Week (April 7-13) here at the RSSC Center, we are looking at examples of how the Davenport Public Library of one hundred years ago fits well into 2019’s theme: “Libraries = Strong Communities.”

In April of 1919, 5 months after the Armistice ended the Great War, our library was continuing to serve the larger community — the nation — by participating in the American Library Association’s war service. This was an effort to collect and send books to U.S. soldiers recovering from illness and injury in French hospitals.  The need for fiction books was so urgent that the library made a special appeal to Davenport school children to donate at least one each for an upcoming shipment. [1]

This action was perhaps taken in response to a letter sent to Grace Rose, Librarian (equivalent to today’s Library Director) from the ALA war service representative:  “We must all stand by till it’s over over here, which will not be till all the boys have been taken home. This will not be done for several months yet, anyway from six to ten months.” [2]

The Davenport Public Library was also the site for making scrapbooks for “the thousands of brave lads living through days of pain and suffering and convalescence in the big reconstruction hospital at Camp Upton, New York.”  The Times article called for magazine donations and described the project: “Pictures, cartoons, jokes, short stories, incidents and articles of a humorous nature are clipped from the magazines, pasted into these attractively bound booklets and make happy reading for our war worn heroes trying to rebuild their lives from the ravages of war.” [3]

The library’s “club rooms” on the second floor of the Carnegie building were in heavy use by many local women’s organizations. Miss Maude G. Smalley of the War Camp Community service used the space to gather representatives of the Davenport Woman’s Club, the Lend-a Hand Club, the Y.W.C.A, the Davenport Visiting Nurses’ Association, the home service section of the Red Cross, and the Ladies’ Industrial Relief Society to form the Davenport Council of Social Workers. [4]  The Catholic Woman’s League, the Tri-City Girls’ Community Council, and the many “departments” of the Davenport Woman’s Club regularly used the public library’s club rooms.

For children, the library provided not only reading materials, but the opportunity to play games with others.  This service was very popular and the games were well-loved, as noted by the members of the Woman’s Club (perhaps because they were often in the library themselves) who decided to hold a “games shower” to add new games to the childrens’ collection. [5]

Another way in which the Davenport Public Library worked to strengthen the community was to make sure materials were available in all parts of the city. Librarian Grace D. Rose established the branch library at West Intermediate School in April 1919, along with two other intermediate schools the same year. [6]  Jackson and Grant elementary schools were also DPL “stations,” as were the Lend-A-Hand Club, the Y.W.C.A, the Y.M.C.A., Friendly House, the Independent Baking Company, the Purity Oats Company, the Robert Krause Company, and the city’s fire stations. A member of Rose’s staff also made noontime visits to “seven of the cities foundries and machine shops” with books and magazines. [7]

It is hard to imagine what more the Davenport Public Library of 1919 could have done to contribute to the local community!


[1] “Each Child Is Asked to Bring Fiction Book.” Daily Times (Davenport, Iowa), April 10, 1919, p. 9.

[2] Davenport Democrat and Leader, April 7, 1919, p. 8.

[3] “More Magazines For Scrap Books for Camp Upton.” Daily Times (Davenport, Iowa), April 1, 1919, p. 7.

[4] Daily Times (Davenport, Iowa), April 9, 1919, p. 6.

[5] Daily Times (Davenport, Iowa), April 8, 1919, p. 7.

[6] Davenport Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes, April 10, 1919.

[7] Davenport Public Library Seventeenth Annual Report, 1919, p. 10-13.

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A Flood of Images: A small sample from 1916, 1920, and 1993

Spring has once again brought rising waters for our local rivers. We are currently very fortunate to not have experienced the major flooding that the western part of our state has gone through in recent weeks.

As we wait for a new crest (and then new flood photos) on the Mississippi River; we thought we would share a few images from previous floods that have not been shown before on our blog.

Ice jams and snowmelt during late winter into spring of 1916 created two floods. One in February and the other in May. The May flood crested at 15.6 feet on May 5-6, 1916. The image below shows LeClaire Park with flood waters near the iron railing. The bare trees indicate the photo was most likely taken in early spring.

To learn more about the Flood of 1916, please click here and here.

1998-18 Levee Commission Photos 064

April 19, 1920, brought another flood crest from the Mississippi River. This time at 17.1 feet. We love the automobiles and people in this photo taken on April 8, 1920, near the ferry landing in downtown Davenport.

2008-28 Box 11. Crowds looking at water level near Main Street, Davenport, Iowa. April 8, 1920.

Our final image is unique in that the black and white image was put on a postcard. It is the interior of the Municipal Baseball Stadium (now called Modern Woodmen Park) during the flood of 1993. This flood remains the top flood stage of the Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 15. Coming in at 22.63 feet with a crest on July 9, 1993. To see more images of the flood of 1993, please click here.

Postcard Collection – Buildings – PC067.

We will be charging our camera batteries for a potential crest next week at Lock and Dam 15. In the meantime, if you would like to look through our previous blogs relating to flooding through the years, we invite you to type the word “floods” into our search box on the upper right side of our blog homepage. 

(Posted by Amy D.)

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