The Manor House by Gilly MacMillan

The Manor House by Gilly MacMillan transports the reader to a remote enclave in the English country side where two couples live vastly different lives in MacMillan’s latest psychological thriller.  Tom and Nicole have purchased land and built their dream house, courtesy of a lottery win.  Their closest neighbors, Sasha and Olly, live close by on an adjoining property in a stately manor, but all is not what it seems. When the ultimate tragedy occurs, the truth begins to trickle out slowly followed by a deluge.

After returning from a morning at the county fair, newly minted millionaire Nicole is shocked to find her husband floating in the couple’s pool.  In a panic she runs to the adjacent property of the Manor House for help.  Sasha and Olly, along with their housekeeper Kitty, assist Nicole by trying to help the situation.  Olly runs to the pool to help while Sasha and Kitty comfort Nicole.  The worst is confirmed when Olly returns with the grim news that Tom has died.  Nicole is left to mourn in the dream house they built and come to terms with Tom’s passing.  She is sure it is an accident but the police think he may have been murdered.  An unknown man has been spotted on the vast grounds over the last couple of weeks and Nicole starts to wonder if the stranger had anything to do with Tom’s death.

In the Manor House on the property, Olly and Sasha have an ideal life – Olly is working on his debut novel while Sasha teaches yoga on the grounds of the home.  The only other resident is their housekeeper, Kitty, who lives in the adjacent coach house.  At the same time as the police continue to investigate Tom’s death, questions arise about Olly and Sasha, their past, and how they came to live at the Manor House.   As detectives discover more about the couple they start to put the puzzle together – where is the current owner of the Manor House, Anna,  and how does Kitty fit in?

I really enjoyed The Manor House and how the author wove together parallel storylines along with alternating chapters highlighting the owner of the house’s intriguing history.  All of these combined elements make for a startling and troublesome backstory.  I found some of the plot twists and turns to be slightly far fetched and unbelievable. but overall, this was an another enjoyable roller coaster ride from Gilly MacMillan.  The Manor House has a final last twist right at the end that you won’t see coming!

Deception at Thornecrest : An Amory Ames Mystery by Ashley Weaver

I have been a big fan of the Amory Ames mysteries by Ashley Weaver since the series debuted in 2014.  Primarily set in 1930s England, these cozy mysteries give the reader a glimpse of the pampered life of Amory Ames and her circle of friends as they jet set between England, New York and the warm Mediterranean coast.   The seventh book in the series, A Deception at Thornecrest, is another exciting and richly detailed mystery with a cast of interesting and memorable characters.

At the start of the novel, Amory and her husband, Milo, are currently residing at Thornecrest, Milo’s family estate in England.  They are eagerly anticipating the birth of their first child.  While Milo is away in London, a strange woman appears at the door and declares that she is Mrs. Ames, wife of Milo.  As Amory tries to process the news of how this mishap could have occurred, the woman confirms through a wedding photo of Amory and Milo that she is, in fact,  married to the man in the picture!  Amory’s mind spins with this news and it could not have come at a worse time, with the baby due any day.  All she can think of is that maybe Milo is up to his old tricks again.

After getting word to Milo that he must return to Thornecrest at once, he begins to answer Amory’s expected questions.  With the answers it quickly become apparent what has happened when an unknown man shows up at their door and looks very familiar to Amory and Milo.  This stranger brings a second set of mysterious developments to Thornecrest and with a bit of digging, long dead secrets resurface and questions are answered.   With one mystery somewhat solved, Amory focuses on planning the Springtide Festival in the village.

The day of the Springtide Festival arrives and all is proceeding smoothly until Milo’s stable hand, Bertie, is found murdered during the horse race.   Honing her amateur sleuth skills, Amory sets out to solve the case but she can’t help but wonder if the arrival of a few strangers to town has something to do with the murder.

If you like cozy historical mysteries set in England, I highly recommend the Amory Ames series.  You could read this book as a stand alone or consider starting the series with Murder at the Brightwell.