Have you ever read a graphic novel? You might have noticed a greater number of them on display in the library in recent years. If you’ve never read one, maybe you dismissed them as “just for kids” or just “comic books”. They’re not!  I’d invite you to take another look. While some graphic fiction selections do look like the more traditional comic books and even have superhero themes, there are many more with fully fleshed out stories with engaging dialogue and compelling artistic renderings. While they do use sequential art to tell their stories, they are not the serial comics of old. They are typically longer, more substantial, and convey a complete narrative.

Graphic novels have a unique ability to blend a complex narrative with visual aesthetics. They can cover mature themes and convey emotions in a unique way offering the reader a multi-dimensional experience that appeals to a wide range of ages. And, the accessibility of graphic novels makes them a great medium for adults to engage with literature in a format that is both immersive as well as intellectually stimulating. Ultimately, this fosters a deeper appreciation for the art of storytelling in all its forms.

There are graphic novels of all fictional genres including everything from action and adventure to mystery, romance, and science fiction. However, graphic novels are not just fictional. You’ll find nonfiction works including biographies, memoirs, and true historical accounts. There are even cookbooks… truly something for everyone! Take a fresh look at graphic novels the next time you’re in the library. Here are some titles to get you started. Hope you enjoy checking some of these out!

Some of the Graphic Novel standouts in the last year or so are:


Roaming by Mariko Tamaki
The Human Target by Tom King
Shubeik Lubeik by Dīnā Muḥammad
A Guest in the House by Emily Carroll
Majnun and Layla : Songs from beyond the grave by Yann Damezin

Or, you might like to experience a Classic book in a new way with one of these retellings in graphic form:


To Kill a Mockingbird : a graphic novel by Fred Fordham
Dune : the graphic novel by Brian Herbert
The Great Gatsby : the graphic novel by Fred Fordham
A Wrinkle in Time : the graphic novel by Hope Larson
Octavia E. Butler’s Kindred : a graphic novel adaptation by Damian Duffy
Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 : the authorized adaptation by Tim Hamilton

Here are some Non-Fiction titles to try:


The Middle Ages : a graphic guide by Eleanor Janega
Billie Holiday : the graphic novel by Ebony Gilbert
Ronan and the Endless Sea of Stars : a graphic memoir by Rick Louis
Run for It : stories of slaves who fought for their freedom by Marcelo D’Salete
Cook Korean! : a comic book with recipes by Robin Ha

And for those of you who prefer the more traditional Comic Book themes, here are some of our newer selections:

Daredevil by Chip Zdarsky
Captain America by J. Michael Straczynski
Batman One Bad Day. Catwoman : No Small Scores by G. Willow Wilson
The Amazing Spider-Man. Beyond by Zeb Wells

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