Changes in the Public Computers at the Library!

The Davenport Public Library will be implementing a new computer reserve and print release system on

Sunday, March 1 – Tuesday, March 3.

Here is what you need to know:

1. All copies will be $0.10 per page once the system is complete. (See schedule below) The first 10 pages will no longer be free.

2. If you currently have money on your card, you will need to cash it out before March 1.

3. The computers will be down according to the schedule below.

On Sunday 3/1 – the adult public computers at Main will be unavailable

On Monday 3/2 – All Public Computers at Main (Adult, Children, Special Collections) will be unavailable.

On Tuesday 3/3 – All Public Computers at Fairmount (Adult, Children) will be unavailable.


*If you have any questions, please see a Customer Service

Representative. Thank you!*

Happy Presidents’ Day!

presidentsdayOriginally set aside to honor George Washington (whose birthday is actually February 22), Presidents’ Day has unofficially expanded to include Abraham Lincoln (born on February 12) and sometimes even some other former Presidents, depending on what state you live in.

While many government offices and schools are closed today, both locations of the Davenport Public Library will be open as usual – the Main Library will be open noon to 8pm and the Fairmount Library will be open 9:30am-5:30pm.

Have a great day!

Frugal Librarian #3: Shopsmart Magazine

frugallibrarianThis brand new bi-monthly publication from the makers of Consumer Reports magazine has the slogan “no hype, no ads, just great buys.” It looks like the result of a crossbreeding between Consumer Reports, Good Housekeeping, and Hints from Heloise.

For example, there are a lot of luxury items out there where name and branding is everything, since the average John Q. Spender knows nothing about the product and there is ridiculous markup.


When it came to wine, Consumer Reports put their best experts in the lab and tore off the labels. The results is one of the test’s white wine winners costing $5…the Frontrera 2007 from Chile.

Some products also claimed to be bargains or money savers and were junk. Enjoy a list of products to avoid.

Here’s a no-brainer on how to get it…check the latest issue out for free from the Davenport Public Library!

Martin Luther King, Jr Day

mlkToday is a federal holiday, set aside to honor the Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. Born in Atlanta, King was a Baptist minister that became active in the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. His eloquent speaking ability inspired millions of people and he won the Nobel Prize in 1964 for leading nonviolent civil rights demonstrations. King was assassinated in April, 1968.

Try honoring the memory of King by participating todays Martin Luther King National Day of Service; President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden and their families are planning on helping with volunteer projects in Washington DC today. The National Day of Service encourages everyone to contribute to their community, big or small, today and every day. Check their website for a list of local projects, or create one yourself!

By the way, even though many state and city offices are closed today, the Davenport Library will be open our regular hours – 12pm-8pm at Main and 9:30am-5:30pm at Fairmount. Have a great day!

The Frugal Librarian #1: Energy Audit

Welcome to our first installment of the Frugal Librarian. It is an empirically proven fact that denizens of this profession possess an uncanny sense of value. In turn, they pass that savings on to you, the consumer.

However, while some folks pinch pennies, this guy has actually been known to cut off the circulation to their extremities. This is his story.

frugallibrarianSomeone was saying something the other day about reducing one’s carbon footprint. I went to my happy place spiritually where I pretend I’m paying attention. When I came out of this trance, they were gone, as was their message about conservation. Shame.

While I am a responsible consumer, I am even more motivated by the massive amount of financial green (huh, see witty the play on words??) I can save with the MidAmerican Energy Audit. Here’s what happened. I called MidAmerican and they made an appointment to dispatch a representative to my house. At no cost, this man went from room to room taking measurements. Next words out of his mouth were, “Want some light bulbs?” “Yes sir. Yes sir, I do.” “How about a new shower head?” “Sounds nifty to me.” Make all the jokes you want about how thick one has to be to not be able to screw in a light bulb. Sometimes they don’t UN-screw safely. Does that punitively affect one’s cognitive credit score?

He also calculated that if I spend roughly another 900 dollars to put more blow-in insulation in my attic, MidAmerican will cut me a check for $600. The savings on the heat bill would pay for my portion of that within one year, he calculated, citing that 85% of a building’s heat loss comes from the top.

In under 40 minutes, with a twitch of his nose, off this jolly magic man went into the chill night. “On reasonably-priced economy sedan!” he bellowed. “Merry savings to all, and to all a warm night!”

The Perfect Christmas Gift!

Already tired of shopping and it’s only the beginning of December? Are you having a hard time coming up with new gift ideas — particularly ones which are easy on the pocketbook? No sweat — here’s the perfect gift. See if you can guess what it is.

  1. It’s small and requires no elaborate wrapping.
  2. It requires no batteries and it has no moving parts, so it can’t wear out.
  3. You can use it again and again and again, for many years to come.
  4. It’s one size fit’s all.
  5. It is equally appropriate for men, women, children, teens and seniors.
  6. It can help you do your homework or help you get a job.
  7. It allows you to virtually travel to anywhere in the world.
  8. It saves you money.
  9. It allows you to enjoy a vast array of vicarious experiences.
  10. It never goes out of style.
  11. No waiting in long lines.
  12. And best of all — it’s absolutely FREE!

You guys are smart, so I’m assuming you’ve already determined exactly what this perfect gift is – a library card! Just bring current id with your Davenport address (children under 18 also need to bring a parent to sign for them) and fill out an application today – it’s quick and easy!