“Libraries Will Get You Through Times of No Money…..

…..better than money will get you through times of no libraries.”

— Henry David Thoreau

Economic downturn getting to you? High gas prices keeping you close to home? Turn to your local public library for free (so long as you return those books on time!) help of all kinds including:

—books on surviving a layoff, writing a resume, learning new skills or learning about saving money by growing your own food, sewing your own clothes, saving energy in your home, even free internet access

—entertainment in the form of DVDs, magazines, newspapers, computer games, music CDs, and – oh yeah – good old books

—keep the kids busy with the multitude of programs at the library – everything from Movie Matinees to puppet workshops – and don’t forget to sign up the whole family (pre-school through adult) for the Summer Reading Program – prizes for everyone!

NBC News ran this story recently about how public libraries are doing all this and more during this recession. What about you – have you turned to the library now more than ever? If so, how? Let us know – and spread the word!

4 thoughts on ““Libraries Will Get You Through Times of No Money…..

  1. My family and I have always used the library quite extensively, but since money has been tight and prices higher we certainly have been relying on the library more for DVD’s and books since it is cheaper than renting or buying. The programing is a good addition to our social schedule as well since the price of concert tickets etc. is outrageous and it adds to the kids social schedule during the summer months. Even when the economy recovers we will continue to use the library on a regular basis.

  2. I have been able to help my children enrich their reading skills due to the library. I have borrowed numerous educational CD’s and DVD’s. I also, have been able to have my son go through all the “Hooked on Phonics” programs. I am only employed part-time and my husband isn’t working so I know I wouldn’t have beenable to do this otherwise.

  3. Davenport has done great in raising funds for the new library! I’m amazed at what has happened with Fairmount in the short time it has been open. My son uses the computers every week, and I love the opportunity to check out mysteries.

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