Girl Forgotten by April Henry

“Just like I know that the stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance, or whatever – don’t come in a neat order. Sometimes they return over and over, like waves that alternate between pulling you under and spitting you back onto the shore”
― April Henry, Girl Forgotten

When I don’t know what to read, I turn to award lists. One of my favorites is the Edgar Award winners list, which honors the best in mystery fiction, nonfiction, and television published in the previous year. While looking at the 2024 Edgar Award winner list, I found that Girl Forgotten by April Henry won for Best Young Adult. I adore April Henry and have read many of her books already, so I decided to try this one.

Girl Forgotten is a young adult thriller that dives into podcasting, true crime, and how far you are willing to go to keep your past hidden. Seventeen-year-old Piper Gray’s life has been thrown upside down. After her life explodes, Piper moves in with her father, stepmother, and their two children, starts at a new high school, and deals with the fallout of events in her past. Shortly before school starts, Piper stumbles upon a seventeen-year-old unsolved murder cold case whose victim was a seventeen-year-old girl names Layla Trello. Layla attended the same high school that Piper is set to attend. When Piper learns that, as a senior, she is required to do a senior passion project, she decides to start a true crime podcast investigating Layla’s murder. With the help of classmate Jonas, Piper learns how to podcast and how to investigate! As she digs into the past, Piper receives anonymous threats warning her to back off or what happened to Layla might happen to her too. That doesn’t derail Piper’s investigation though because she is determined to get justice for Layla and her family. The killer has been living free for years. Piper will find them and bring them to justice. She has to.

This book contains many of my favorite elements: podcasting, true crime and true crime fans, citizen detectives, and unsolved mysteries. An element of standing up to authority also runs through this book. I wish I would have been able to find Girl Forgotten as an audiobook because this story is told through newspaper articles, podcast transcripts, and first person narratives. I would have liked to hear the podcast sections in audio, as well as the news-type reading of the newspaper articles. This book is compared quite frequently to A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson, so I think that will be a 2025 read for me!

The Singer Sisters by Sarah Seltzer

I have noticed an uptick in historical fiction about music bands, something that I attribute to the popularity of Daisy Jones & The Six, both the book and television show. The latest band historical fiction hitting the new shelves is The Singer Sisters by Sarah Seltzer. This dual timeline follows Emma Cantor in 1996 and her mother Judie in the 1960s.

Emma is an alt-rocker desperate to make her name known on tour. She wants a record deal, but also struggles with performing against the legacy of the other famous singers in her family: her mother, aunt, and father(and her brother a little bit). Her mother Judie knows how hard it is to be on the road and wants to save Emma the heartbreak that path will bring, but Emma is determined to figure things out on her own, so she ignores her mother’s advice and heads out singing.

Flashback to the 1960s. Judie and her sister, Sylvia, want to have their own musical careers without their parents’ interventions. Eventually the two, with help from some others, become the famous Singer Sisters, a folk band that traveled, played, and wrote music everywhere.

Jodie and Emma’s relationships with each other and other members of their family and friend group shift throughout the years. Betrayals abound, family secrets are revealed, and loyalties are tested. While the premise of this book was great, I found myself not connecting to the characters as much as I expected. I finished The Singer Sisters because I wanted to see how each character ended up and was slightly invested, but there wasn’t much that pulled me in. Hopefully it’s a better experience for you all!

Online Reading Challenge – January

Welcome Readers!

New year means new reading challenge! I’m so excited to tell you that the theme for the 2025 Online Reading Challenge is … GENRES! Each month we will be reading a different genre. I will pick a main title for us to read together if you would like, but feel free to read anything set in that genre for the month! I can’t wait to start reading with you all.

This month the online reading challenge genre is literary fiction. What is literary fiction? According to NoveList, a readers’ advisory resource that you can access through the Davenport Public Library, literary fiction is character-driven, usually involves social commentary, uses stylish writing language, and can sometimes have ambiguous endings. The plot is not the main focus in literary fiction, which allows writers to instead place their energies on the language used and character development.

Our main title for January is On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong. Here’s a quick summary from the publisher:

On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous is a letter from a son to a mother who cannot read. Written when the speaker, Little Dog, is in his late twenties, the letter unearths a family’s history that began before he was born — a history whose epicenter is rooted in Vietnam — and serves as a doorway into parts of his life his mother has never known, all of it leading to an unforgettable revelation. At once a witness to the fraught yet undeniable love between a single mother and her son, it is also a brutally honest exploration of race, class, and masculinity. Asking questions central to our American moment, immersed as we are in addiction, violence, and trauma, but undergirded by compassion and tenderness, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous is as much about the power of telling one’s own story as it is about the obliterating silence of not being heard.

With stunning urgency and grace, Ocean Vuong writes of people caught between disparate worlds, and asks how we heal and rescue one another without forsaking who we are. The question of how to survive, and how to make of it a kind of joy, powers the most important debut novel of many years. – Penguin Books

Looking for some other books that are literary fiction? Try any of the following.

As always, check each of our locations for displays with lots more titles to choose from!

Coming Soon! Online Reading Challenge 2025

Welcome to the 2025 Online Reading Challenge!

Get ready for our tenth year of reading recommendations with our super-casual, low-stress reading club! For anyone who doesn’t know (or remember!) the Online Reading Challenge is run online through the Davenport Library’s reference blog Info Café and through the Beanstack app!

Each month we read books centered around a theme. Each year is a little different, but the unchanging main principle of this book club is: No Pressure! There is no sign-up, no meetings to attend (although you’re welcome to add any comments to the blog posts), no shame in not finishing a book, or skipping a month (or two). You can read one of the suggested titles or something different or none at all! Read at your own pace, read what interests you, try something out of your usual reading zone or stick with what you like best. In other words, create a personalized book club with a bit of encouragement from the Reading Challenge!

Our theme for 2025 is Genres!

Each month we will read a different genre and highlight a main title that takes place in that genre. Besides the main title, we’ll have suggestions for books from the same genre as well as many more on display at each of our buildings. You can choose to read the main book or alternate titles or even something else completely! As always, we’ll have an introductory blog post at the beginning of the month and a wrap-up blog post at the end. At the end of the month, I’ll write about the main title, pose some questions, and invite you to comment your observations about the title you read.

Of course, as always, you may do as you please – there are no Library Police! If you wish to skip a month or read more than one book in that month or read a book from a different month, go for it! No one will drag you off to Library Jail if you choose your own path!

The 2025 Online Reading Challenge begins on Thursday, January 2nd. Be sure to follow the Info Café reference blog or Beanstack for more information and updates!

Online Reading Challenge – December Wrap-Up

Hello Fellow Challenge Readers!

It’s the final month of the 2024 Online Reading Challenge! How did your reading go this month? Did you read something that was dual timelines that you enjoyed? Share in the comments!

I read our main title: The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai. Without meaning to, I also read a couple other dual timeline books, but The Great Believers was the best of those recent reads.

Splitting between 1985 Chicago and 2015 Paris, Rebecca Makkai weaves these two timelines into a cohesive story that pulls at the lives of many individuals across time and space. Yale Tishman is working as the developmental director for an art gallery in 1985 Chicago. He is working hard to bring a collection of 1920s paintings in as a gift to the gallery, but egos both inside the gallery and outside the gallery are affecting his ability to secure this gift. As Yale’s professional life takes off, his personal life is fracturing. The AIDS epidemic is destroying the lives of people around him. His friends are dying one by one, and after the funeral of his friend Nico, the virus starts to come closer to Yale than ever before. Yale turns to Nico’s little sister, Fiona, for help, guidance, and solidarity.

Flash forward to 2015 and Fiona is a wreck. She lost contact with her daughter Claire years ago, but a friend recently sent her a video of who she thinks is Claire on a bridge in Pairs. Determined to rescue Claire from the cult she disappeared into, Fiona heads to Paris. Once arrived, she stays with an old friend who documented the Chicago AIDS crisis, forcing Fiona to reckon with the feelings, emotions, and actions that the crisis thrust onto her life all those years ago. Her time spent in Paris is time spent examining her past and all the ways AIDS changed her life and her relationship with those around her, specifically her daughter.

Makkai expertly weaves Yale’s life from 1985 with Fiona in 2015, diving back and forth between the two, teasing just enough information from one to help inform the other and vice versa. What set this book apart for me was the narrator and his ability to pull me into the story from the start. While the timelines were inextricably linked together, the author still gave equal importance to both places in time, while also acknowledging how the past impacts the present both directly and indirectly.

In January, we’ll be starting the 2025 Online Reading Challenge with a brand new theme! I can’t wait to share this with you.

The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe

“What didn’t kill me didn’t make me stronger; what didn’t kill me made me into a victim. But I made me stronger. I made me into a survivor.”
― Tess Sharpe, The Girls I’ve Been

Nora is in a bit of a mess. First off, her ex-boyfriend and best friend Wes walked in on Nora and her current girlfriend Iris making out. Wes knew they were friends, but not that they were dating. To make matters more awkward, the three have to meet up the next morning to deposit money at the bank that they earned as the result of a fundraiser. Nora just wants to get in and out of the bank as quickly as possible to minimize the awkwardness. The day has other plans, because as soon as the trio walks into the back, two bank robbers walk in and take everyone hostage.

This situation is concerning to Nora, but for different reasons than it is for the others. Nora is the daughter of a con artist. Her mother has moved her around the country, targeting criminal man. Nora grew up as a lot of different girls, becoming whomever her mother needed her to be for the con she was running. Nora’s life changed when her mom ended up falling for her mark. She knew she needed to escape, which resulted in the ultimate con and eventually landed Nora where she currently lives.

It’s been five years since Nora escaped, but these two bank robbers have the ability to destroy what little stability she has managed to grab for herself. If she isn’t careful, the robbers could learn Nora’s secrets and upend her life. Nora has plans though. They have no idea all that she is capable of.

I listened to the audiobook version of The Girls I’ve Been and loved it. This book is intricately plotted, yet quickly paced. The characters are strong, opinionated, and sassy. Heads up that this book does alternate between different timelines, so you need to pay attention! This book is definitely set up as the first book in a series as not everything is solved in the end and readers are left wanting to know more about the characters and their backgrounds. I have high hopes that my questions will be answered in book 2!

Girls I’ve Been series

  1. The Girls I’ve Been (2021)
  2. The Girl in Question (2024)

“There is no normal. There is just a bunch of people pretending there is. There’s just different levels of pain. Different stages of safe. The biggest con of all is that there’s a normal.”
― Tess Sharpe, The Girls I’ve Been

Dinner for Vampires: Life on a Cult TV Show (While Also in an Actual Cult)

“In a cult, safety means agreement. The irony, of course, is that while you are not allowed to have your own opinion about my beliefs, I am allowed to have an opinion about yours.”
― Bethany Joy Lenz, Dinner for Vampires: Life on a Cult TV Show

What television show influenced you as a teenager? For me, it was One Tree Hill. Running for nine seasons from 2003 to 2012, this teen drama follows the lives of half-brother Lucas and Nathan Scott as they grow up in Tree Hill, North Carolina. They switch between rivals, friends, and family as they compete on the basketball court and amongst their friends. Bethany Joy Lenz, the author of Dinner for Vampires: Life on a Cult TV Show (While also in an Actual Cult), plays Haley James on the show, best friend to Lucas Scott. Haley was portrayed as the nerdy, mousey friend, the one who would rather read and stay home than hang out with the loud crowd. To say I related to Haley as a teenager would be a massive understatement, so when she announced her book, Dinner for Vampires, I knew I needed to give it a read.

Dinner for Vampires begins with Lenz’s childhood. Growing up as an only child, Lenz searches for a place to belong. She often had to fend for herself, living with parents who were less than happy with each other. Her family frequently moved, following her dad across the country as he switched jobs. As a young adult, Lenz found the family she was looking for when she joins a Bible study filled with other Hollywood types. Relieved to have found people with similar beliefs, she relaxes. The group isn’t as nice as they seem though. Soon they change into something more dangerous, although it takes Lenz years to realize this. Under the pretense of love in The Big House Family, they weave a web of lies, abuse, fear, and manipulation, lulling their members into complacency and lives of docility to never want to leave. Lenz slowly starts giving away pieces of herself: her autonomy, her belongings, and millions of her TV income.

“I found out that when the numbness lasts for long enough it bears a striking resemblance to peace.”
― Bethany Joy Lenz, Dinner for Vampires: Life on a Cult TV Show

Lenz is filming One Tree Hill during her time in The Big House Family, eventually splitting her time between filming in North Carolina and the Family’s Pacific Northwest compound. She is eventually compelled to marry one of the minister’s sons and her life only continues to spiral from there. Once Lenz becomes a mother, she realizes that she has to escape to save her daughter from a similar fate. Escaping is only the beginning. She has to start to heal from her trauma and reevaluate her relationship with God, religion, and faith.

Dinner for Vampires is heartbreaking and profound. I listened to the audiobook, where the author narrates as herself, as well as some guest voice appearances from other actors. Her insights into her acting experiences were eye-opening, watching her grow from a child actor to an adult actor. Her secret life while filming One Tree Hill was interesting as it shed some light onto some of the producing decisions during the show. Reading about the financial crimes and abuse that happened to Lenz and others was infuriating, but her intense desire to speak out and fight helped her to start healing from the trauma.

“I think we’re all little cathedrals of contradiction. Terrifying darkness and shocking beauty coexist in everyone, and God doesn’t wait for us to clean out all the bad before celebrating the good. It’s scandalous, really—that kind of love.”
― Bethany Joy Lenz, Dinner for Vampires: Life on a Cult TV Show

A Winter in New York by Josie Silver

“By my reckoning, everyone gets a handful of movie-worthy moments in their lives. Some people would probably pick out their wedding day or the birth of their child for their showreel, but for most of us it’s the unexpected moments life occasionally gifts our way that make for the best memories.”
― Josie Silver, A Winter in New York

Every winter, I say I’m going to immerse myself in winter romances for a couple months. Every December, I prove myself a liar and only successfully read one before I turn back to my trusty thrillers. My wintery romance for 2024 is A Winter in New York by Josie Silver. The cover hooked me at the start, but the premise pulled me in further.

Iris grew up hearing stories of New York from her mother who spent some time in New York as a traveling musician. Her mother’s dreams of becoming a famous musician were sadly cut short, leaving the two to move back across the ocean. After her mother’s death, Iris travels back to New York, determined to restart her culinary career after a disastrous end to an even worse relationship. Leaving her heartbreak behind her, Iris wishes to start over and find the places that her mother talked about and documented in her scrapbook.

While walking the streets of a famous food festival, Iris stumbles upon a gelateria with a door that looks startlingly familiar. She quickly realizes that this door is in one of the pictures that her mother placed in her scrapbook. Her mother never talked about this, except to tell Iris that the man in the photo was the great lost love of her life and that the gelato recipe also in the book must never be shared. When Iris ventures inside the gelateria and meets Gio, she discovers that her past is tied to both of their presents. Gio has a crisis of his own, but miraculously Iris can solve his problem! If she does so, that will bring up a slew of other issues that become more compounded the more time Iris spends with Gio and his family. How far is Iris willing to go to fall in love and find her place in a family? Can she let go of the past?

A Winter in New York is a comfortably cozy romance that travels a whole year in the life of Iris as she travels to New York to rebuild her life. This book is a bit of a dual timeline, giving readers a glimpse into Iris’s past. Seeing Iris blossom from a meek person at the start to someone not afraid to stand up for herself at the end was incredibly heartwarming. Found family and biological family play huge roles in this book, but the closeness found through the holidays reigns supreme.

This title is also available in large print.

2024 Goodreads Choice Awards Winners

Goodreads has announced the 16th Annual Goodreads Choice Awards! This year, there are 15 separate categories that netted 300 nominated books in total. The fifteen categories are fiction, historical fiction, mystery & thriller, romance, romantasy, fantasy, science fiction, horror, debut novel, audiobook, young adult fantasy & sci-fi, young adult fiction, nonfiction, memoir, and history & biography. You’ll notice several returning winning authors to this list as well as some brand new debuts. Check out the list below and add a new title to your to-read list today!

Descriptions have been provided by the publishers or authors.

Fiction Winner

The Wedding People by Alison Espach

A propulsive and uncommonly wise novel about one unexpected wedding guest and the surprising people who help her start anew.

It’s a beautiful day in Newport, Rhode Island, when Phoebe Stone arrives at the grand Cornwall Inn wearing a green dress and gold heels, not a bag in sight, alone. She’s immediately mistaken by everyone in the lobby for one of the wedding people, but she’s actually the only guest at the Cornwall who isn’t here for the big event. Phoebe is here because she’s dreamed of coming for years—she hoped to shuck oysters and take sunset sails with her husband, only now she’s here without him, at rock bottom, and determined to have one last decadent splurge on herself. Meanwhile, the bride has accounted for every detail and every possible disaster the weekend might yield except for, well, Phoebe and Phoebe’s plan—which makes it that much more surprising when the two women can’t stop confiding in each other.

In turns absurdly funny and devastatingly tender, Alison Espach’s The Wedding People is ultimately an incredibly nuanced and resonant look at the winding paths we can take to places we never imagined—and the chance encounters it sometimes takes to reroute us. – Henry Holt & Co.

This title is also available in large print and as a Playaway Audiobook.

Historical Fiction Winner

The Women by Kristin Hannah

Women can be heroes. When twenty-year-old nursing student Frances “Frankie” McGrath hears these words, it is a revelation. Raised in the sun-drenched, idyllic world of Southern California and sheltered by her conservative parents, she has always prided herself on doing the right thing. But in 1965, the world is changing, and she suddenly dares to imagine a different future for herself. When her brother ships out to serve in Vietnam, she joins the Army Nurse Corps and follows his path.

As green and inexperienced as the men sent to Vietnam to fight, Frankie is over-whelmed by the chaos and destruction of war. Each day is a gamble of life and death, hope and betrayal; friendships run deep and can be shattered in an instant. In war, she meets—and becomes one of—the lucky, the brave, the broken, and the lost.

But war is just the beginning for Frankie and her veteran friends. The real battle lies in coming home to a changed and divided America, to angry protesters, and to a country that wants to forget Vietnam.

The Women is the story of one woman gone to war, but it shines a light on all women who put themselves in harm’s way and whose sacrifice and commitment to their country has too often been forgotten. A novel about deep friendships and bold patriotism, The Women is a richly drawn story with a memorable heroine whose idealism and courage under fire will come to define an era. – St. Martin’s Press

This title is also available in large print, CD audiobook, and Playaway audiobook.

Mystery & Thriller Winner

The God of the Woods by Liz Moore

When a teenager vanishes from her Adirondack summer camp, two worlds collide

Early morning, August 1975: a camp counselor discovers an empty bunk. Its occupant, Barbara Van Laar, has gone missing. Barbara isn’t just any thirteen-year-old: she’s the daughter of the family that owns the summer camp and employs most of the region’s residents. And this isn’t the first time a Van Laar child has disappeared. Barbara’s older brother similarly vanished fourteen years ago, never to be found.

As a panicked search begins, a thrilling drama unfolds. Chasing down the layered secrets of the Van Laar family and the blue-collar community working in its shadow, Moore’s multi-threaded story invites readers into a rich and gripping dynasty of secrets and second chances. It is Liz Moore’s most ambitious and wide-reaching novel yet. – Riverhead Books

This title is also available in large print.

Romance Winner (ALSO the Audiobook Winner!)

Funny Story by Emily Henry

Daphne always loved the way her fiancé Peter told their story. How they met (on a blustery day), fell in love (over an errant hat), and moved back to his lakeside hometown to begin their life together. He really was good at telling it…right up until the moment he realized he was actually in love with his childhood best friend Petra.

Which is how Daphne begins her new story: Stranded in beautiful Waning Bay, Michigan, without friends or family but with a dream job as a children’s librarian (that barely pays the bills), and proposing to be roommates with the only person who could possibly understand her predicament: Petra’s ex, Miles Nowak.

Scruffy and chaotic—with a penchant for taking solace in the sounds of heart break love ballads—Miles is exactly the opposite of practical, buttoned up Daphne, whose coworkers know so little about her they have a running bet that she’s either FBI or in witness protection. The roommates mainly avoid one another, until one day, while drowning their sorrows, they form a tenuous friendship and a plan. If said plan also involves posting deliberately misleading photos of their summer adventures together, well, who could blame them?

But it’s all just for show, of course, because there’s no way Daphne would actually start her new chapter by falling in love with her ex-fiancé’s new fiancée’s ex…right? – Berkley

This title is also available in large print, CD audiobook, and Playaway audiobook.

Romantasy Winner

House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas

Bryce Quinlan never expected to see a world other than Midgard, but now that she has, all she wants is to get back. Everything she loves is in Midgard: her family, her friends, her mate. Stranded in a strange new world, she’s going to need all her wits about her to get home again. And that’s no easy feat when she has no idea who to trust.

Hunt Athalar has found himself in some deep holes in his life, but this one might be the deepest of all. After a few brief months with everything he ever wanted, he’s in the Asteri’s dungeons again, stripped of his freedom and without a clue as to Bryce’s fate. He’s desperate to help her, but until he can escape the Asteri’s leash, his hands are quite literally tied. – Bloomsbury Publishing

Fantasy Winner

Somewhere Beyond the Sea by T.J. Klune

A magical house. A secret past. A summons that could change everything.

Arthur Parnassus lives a good life built on the ashes of a bad one.

He’s the headmaster of a strange orphanage on a distant and peculiar island, and he hopes to soon be the adoptive father to the six dangerous and magical children who live there.

Arthur works hard and loves with his whole heart so none of the children ever feel the neglect and pain that he once felt as an orphan on that very same island so long ago. He is not alone: joining him is the love of his life, Linus Baker, a former caseworker in the Department In Charge of Magical Youth. And there’s the island’s sprite, Zoe Chapelwhite, and her girlfriend, Mayor Helen Webb. Together, they will do anything to protect the children.

But when Arthur is summoned to make a public statement about his dark past, he finds himself at the helm of a fight for the future that his family, and all magical people, deserve.

And when a new magical child hopes to join them on their island home—one who finds power in calling himself monster, a name that Arthur worked so hard to protect his children from—Arthur knows they’re at a breaking point: their family will either grow stronger than ever or fall apart.

Welcome back to Marsyas Island. This is Arthur’s story.

Somewhere Beyond the Sea is a story of resistance, lovingly told, about the daunting experience of fighting for the life you want to live and doing the work to keep it.  – Tor Books

This title is also available in large print.

Science Fiction Winner

The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley

In the near future, a civil servant is offered the salary of her dreams and is, shortly afterward, told what project she’ll be working on. A recently established government ministry is gathering “expats” from across history to establish whether time travel is feasible—for the body, but also for the fabric of space-time.

She is tasked with working as a “bridge”: living with, assisting, and monitoring the expat known as “1847” or Commander Graham Gore. As far as history is concerned, Commander Gore died on Sir John Franklin’s doomed 1845 expedition to the Arctic, so he’s a little disoriented to be living with an unmarried woman who regularly shows her calves, surrounded by outlandish concepts such as “washing machines,” “Spotify,” and “the collapse of the British Empire.” But with an appetite for discovery, a seven-a-day cigarette habit, and the support of a charming and chaotic cast of fellow expats, he soon adjusts.

Over the next year, what the bridge initially thought would be, at best, a horrifically uncomfortable roommate dynamic, evolves into something much deeper. By the time the true shape of the Ministry’s project comes to light, the bridge has fallen haphazardly, fervently in love, with consequences she never could have imagined. Forced to confront the choices that brought them together, the bridge must finally reckon with how—and whether she believes—what she does next can change the future. – Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster

Horror Winner

You Like It Darker: Stories by Stephen King

“You like it darker? Fine, so do I,” writes Stephen King in the afterword to this magnificent new collection of twelve stories that delve into the darker part of life—both metaphorical and literal. King has, for half a century, been a master of the form, and these stories, about fate, mortality, luck, and the folds in reality where anything can happen, are as rich and riveting as his novels, both weighty in theme and a huge pleasure to read. King writes to feel “the exhilaration of leaving ordinary day-to-day life behind,” and in You Like It Darker, readers will feel that exhilaration too, again and again.

“Two Talented Bastids” explores the long-hidden secret of how the eponymous gentlemen got their skills. In “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream,” a brief and unprecedented psychic flash upends dozens of lives, Danny’s most catastrophically. In “Rattlesnakes,” a sequel to Cujo, a grieving widower travels to Florida for respite and instead receives an unexpected inheritance—with major strings attached. In “The Dreamers,” a taciturn Vietnam vet answers a job ad and learns that there are some corners of the universe best left unexplored. “The Answer Man” asks if prescience is good luck or bad and reminds us that a life marked by unbearable tragedy can still be meaningful.

King’s ability to surprise, amaze, and bring us both terror and solace remains unsurpassed. Each of these stories holds its own thrills, joys, and mysteries; each feels iconic. You like it darker? You got it. – Scribner

This title is also available in large print, CD audiobook, and Playaway audiobook.

Debut Novel Winner

How to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang

Helen Zhang hasn’t seen Grant Shepard once in the thirteen years since the tragic accident that bound their lives together forever.

Now a bestselling author, Helen pours everything into her career. She’s even scored a coveted spot in the writers’ room of the TV adaptation of her popular young adult novels, and if she can hide her imposter syndrome and overcome her writer’s block, surely the rest of her life will fall into place too. LA is the fresh start she needs. After all, no one knows her there. Except…

Grant has done everything in his power to move on from the past, including building a life across the country. And while the panic attacks have never quite gone away, he’s well liked around town as a screenwriter. He knows he shouldn’t have taken the job on Helen’s show, but it will open doors to developing his own projects that he just can’t pass up.

Grant’s exactly as Helen remembers him—charming, funny, popular, and lovable in ways that she’s never been. And Helen’s exactly as Grant remembers too—brilliant, beautiful, closed off. But working together is messy, and electrifying, and Helen’s parents, who have never forgiven Grant, have no idea he’s in the picture at all.

When secrets come to light, they must reckon with the fact that theirs was never meant to be any kind of love story. And yet… the key to making peace with their past—and themselves—might just lie in holding on to each other in the present. – Avon

Young Adult Fantasy Winner

Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross

The epic conclusion to the intensely romantic and beautifully written story that started in Divine Rivals.

Two weeks have passed since Iris Winnow returned home bruised and heartbroken from the front, but the war is far from over. Roman is missing, and the city of Oath continues to dwell in a state of disbelief and ignorance. When Iris and Attie are given another chance to report on Dacre’s movements, they both take the opportunity and head westward once more despite the danger, knowing it’s only a matter of time before the conflict reaches a city that’s unprepared and fracturing beneath the chancellor’s reign.

Since waking below in Dacre’s realm, Roman cannot remember his past. But given the reassurance that his memories will return in time, Roman begins to write articles for Dacre, uncertain of his place in the greater scheme of the war. When a strange letter arrives by wardrobe door, Roman is first suspicious, then intrigued. As he strikes up a correspondence with his mysterious pen pal, Roman will soon have to make a decision: to stand with Dacre or betray the god who healed him. And as the days grow darker, inevitably drawing Roman and Iris closer together…the two of them will risk their very hearts and futures to change the tides of the war. – Wednesday Books

Young Adult Fiction Winner

Heartstopper: Volume 5 by Alice Oseman

Nick and Charlie are very much in love. They’ve finally said those three little words, and Charlie has almost persuaded his mum to let him sleep over at Nick’s house … But with Nick going off to university next year, is everything about to change?

By Alice Oseman, winner of the YA Book Prize, Heartstopper encompasses all the small moments of Nick and Charlie’s lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us.

Contains discussions around mental health and eating disorders, and sexual references. – Hachette Children’s Group

Nonfiction Winner

The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt

After more than a decade of stability or improvement, the mental health of adolescents plunged in the early 2010s. Rates of depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicide rose sharply, more than doubling on many measures. Why?

In The Anxious Generation, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt lays out the facts about the epidemic of teen mental illness that hit many countries at the same time. He then investigates the nature of childhood, including why children need play and independent exploration to mature into competent, thriving adults. Haidt shows how the “play-based childhood” began to decline in the 1980s, and how it was finally wiped out by the arrival of the “phone-based childhood” in the early 2010s. He presents more than a dozen mechanisms by which this “great rewiring of childhood” has interfered with children’s social and neurological development, covering everything from sleep deprivation to attention fragmentation, addiction, loneliness, social contagion, social comparison, and perfectionism. He explains why social media damages girls more than boys and why boys have been withdrawing from the real world into the virtual world, with disastrous consequences for themselves, their families, and their societies.

Most important, Haidt issues a clear call to action. He diagnoses the “collective action problems” that trap us, and then proposes four simple rules that might set us free. He describes steps that parents, teachers, schools, tech companies, and governments can take to end the epidemic of mental illness and restore a more humane childhood.

Haidt has spent his career speaking truth backed by data in the most difficult landscapes—communities polarized by politics and religion, campuses battling culture wars, and now the public health emergency faced by Gen Z. We cannot afford to ignore his findings about protecting our children—and ourselves—from the psychological damage of a phone-based life. – Penguin Press

Memoir Winner

The Third Gilmore Girl by Kelly Bishop

Kelly Bishop’s long, storied career has been defined by landmark achievements, from winning a Tony Award for her turn in the original Broadway cast of A Chorus Line to her memorable performance as Jennifer Grey’s mother in Dirty Dancing. But it is probably her iconic role as matriarch Emily in the modern classic Gilmore Girls that cemented her legacy.

Now, Bishop reflects on her remarkable life and looks towards the future with The Third Gilmore Girl. She shares some of her greatest stories and the life lessons she’s learned on her journey. From her early transition from dance to drama, to marrying young to a compulsive gambler, to the losses and achievements she experienced—among them marching for women’s rights and losing her second husband to cancer—Bishop offers a rich, genuine celebration of her life.

Full of witty insights and featuring a special collection of personal and professional photographs, The Third Gilmore Girl is a warm, unapologetic, and spirited memoir from a woman who has left indelible impressions on her audiences for decades and has no plans on slowing down. – Gallery Books

History & Biography Winner

The Bookshop: The History of the American Bookstore by Evan Friss

An affectionate and engaging history of the American bookstore and its central place in American cultural life, from department stores to indies, from highbrow dealers trading in first editions to sidewalk vendors, and from chains to special-interest community destinations

Bookstores have always been unlike any other kind of store, shaping readers and writers, and influencing our tastes, thoughts, and politics. They nurture local communities while creating new ones of their own. Bookshops are powerful spaces, but they are also endangered ones. In The Bookshop, we see the stakes: what has been, and what might be lost.

Evan Friss’s history of the bookshop draws on oral histories, archival collections, municipal records, diaries, letters, and interviews with leading booksellers to offer a fascinating look at this institution beloved by so many. The story begins with Benjamin Franklin’s first bookstore in Philadelphia and takes us to a range of booksellers including the Strand, Chicago’s Marshall Field & Company, the Gotham Book Mart, specialty stores like Oscar Wilde and Drum and Spear, sidewalk sellers of used books, Barnes & Noble, Amazon Books, and Parnassus. The Bookshop is also a history of the leading figures in American bookselling, often impassioned eccentrics, and a history of how books have been marketed and sold over the course of more than two centuries—including, for example, a 3,000-pound elephant who signed books at Marshall Field’s in 1944.

The Bookshop is a love letter to bookstores, a charming chronicle for anyone who cherishes these sanctuaries of literature, and essential reading to understand how these vital institutions have shaped American life—and why we still need them. – Viking

How many of these have you read? Do you have any favorites from this list? Let us know in the comments!

We Solve Murders by Richard Osman

We Solve Murders is the first book in the series of the same name by Richard Osman. The characters are likeable and endearing, not afraid to fight for what they want and to voice their opinions to anyone and everyone. With many characters weaving in and out of the plot, Osman manages to clearly mark their differences to avoid confusion. I adored this book and can’t wait for the next book in the series.

Amy Wheeler works in private security as a bodyguard. Her current body-to-guard is famous author Rosie, who maligned a wealthy Russian chemical oligarch by making fun of him in her latest book. He wants her dead. Amy is very good at her job and won’t hesitate to handle whatever comes her way. When she gets in a dicey situation and isn’t sure who can help, she reaches out to her father-in-law, Steve Wheeler, a retired police officer who now does a bit of investigation work on the side, but mostly spends time with his cat. Steve isn’t one to creak out of his familiar routines, but when Amy reaches out, Steve decides to help her however he can, even if that means racing around the world to try to outsmart a killer.

I loved this book. The murder and mayhem followed our characters across the world as they dashed in private planes and helicopters searching for the bad guys! This is decidedly not a cozy mystery, more of a cozy thriller. The danger felt way more present and deadly than in any cozy mystery I have read. The characters are more involved in solving the crimes, multiple characters are in danger and on the hunt, plus violence happens both on and off the page. You have to suspend some disbelief if you want to make your way through this book, but honestly I’m okay with that! If you’re a fan of Osman’s Thursday Murder Club series, you’ll enjoy this one as well.

This title is also available in large print and as a Playaway audiobook.