Tag Archives: Just Shelved

If At First You Don’t Know . . .

Sometimes all it takes is one misprint to throw our sense of history off for over 131 years. For at least that long, it was believed that George Colt was the first City Marshal of Davenport.  This was reinforced by … Continue reading

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Just Shelved: Family Trees, Hoosier Histories, and a Generous Legacy

Donald and Marietta Southwood were both long-time supporters of our Special Collections Center. They worked countless volunteer hours indexing and organizing resources and assisting patrons with their research. Mrs. Southwood passed away April 1, 2005, and Mr. Southwood followed on … Continue reading

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Just Shelved: Wheatland, Iowa, newspapers

We’re pleased to announce that the following Wheatland, Iowa, newspapers have been added to our microfilm collections: The Wheatland Times — 11Feb1860 – 30June1864 The Clinton County Advocate — 3Nov1864 – 6June1867 The Wheatland Gazette — 9May1888 – 23July1981 The … Continue reading

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Just Shelved: Regiments and Other Interesting People

The Scott County Genealogy Society has added several new items to the Special Collections Center this month.  We’ve been trying to acquire at least one history of each Iowa Volunteer Regiment, and these three books are welcome additions to our … Continue reading

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Auld Lang Syne . . .

2011 has been a good year around here. We’ve received many new resources from family histories to land records, Shakers to Palatines.  We’ve even added a few new databases to our arsenal. We’ve had great programs, like our Specifically for … Continue reading

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Just Shelved: People, Places, Planes, and More!

We’ve added many new resources to our collections recently!  Some of these were budgeted, some were donated, and some are courtesy of the Scott County Iowa Genealogy Society: People: Man of Deeds: Bishop Mathias Loras and the Iowa Frontier by … Continue reading

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