Tag Archives: Hispanic Genealogy

Latinx History in the QCA

Although National Hispanic Heritage Month 2020 (Sept. 15th-Oct. 15th) winds down this week, the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center invites you to explore the lives of Hispanic Americans in our local area at any time with our brand-new research guide, “Latinx … Continue reading

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Join Our Family Album!

It’s no secret that family photographs forge connections to the past. We may never have met Aunt Betsy or Great-Grandpa Milton, but we can see ourselves in their faces and learn something of our family circumstances through their clothes and … Continue reading

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Hispanic Genealogy Resources

National Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September 15th – October 15th. This 30 day period covers the anniversaries of independence of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua (all on 15 Sep 1821), Mexico (16 Sep 1810) and Chile (18 … Continue reading

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