Tag Archives: Election

Feeling a Little “Bugged”: Part IV

 (Part I may be found here; Part II may be found here; Part III is here) When last we left our less-than-happy band of Socialist politicians; the conservative socialists were worried about radicals taking over not only the Socialist Party, but also the … Continue reading

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Feeling a Little “Bugged”: Part III

 (Part I may be found here; Part II may be found here, Part IV may be found here) Last we read, Socialist City Electrician Harry Strong was being fingerprinted and questioned by Police Chief Charles Boettcher in Mayor Charles Barewald’s office in connection … Continue reading

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Feeling a Little “Bugged”: Part II

(Part I may be found here, Part III may be found here, Part IV may be found here ) By January 1921, Davenporters were probably questioning the success of their first (and, so far, last) Socialist majority city council which had taken office … Continue reading

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Feeling a Little “Bugged”: Part I

Sometimes we (maybe it is just me, but I feel better imagining this happens to my co-workers too) find ourselves distracted when doing research in Special Collections.  Just the other week I came across a little side paragraph in an old newspaper … Continue reading

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The Freaks and Follies of Frontier Life

Or, the slightly shady, two-part story of how Davenport became the county seat. Part One:  the Mystery of the Missing Townships If you take a look at the outline of Scott County, you’ll see that a township or two appears to … Continue reading

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