Come Tarry A While: Special Collections on Display at All Three Locations!

The Richardson-Sloane Special Collections staff members designed four displays highlighting materials from its collection. Displays are scheduled to be at each library location throughout the year on a quarterly rotation.

Each of the displays discussed below will be at that particular library location from now until June 1st. After June 1st, the displays will be moved to a new library location. If you missed the display at a specific library location, you can visit another location to see the display.

All the displays include a case of materials from our collections as well as two posters featuring more content about that topic!

Davenport Public Library at Eastern
Library History

Our display at the Davenport Public Library at Eastern showcases materials and artifacts from The Library’s history including decorative porcelain featuring the Carnegie Library, a copy of the Carnegie Library’s dedication, and library promotional items. One of our favorites is a selection of library cards offered to our patrons over the years!

The posters showcase each of our library locations including wheeled libraries and our illustrious history of library directors.

Learn more about The Library’s history on our website page, A Brief History of Davenport Public Library.

Davenport Public Library at Fairmount
Upper Mississippi Valley Digital Image Archive

Davenport Public Library at Fairmount highlights one of our most treasured and used resources, the Upper Mississippi Valley Digital Image Archive. UMVDIA is a consortium of 13 institutions digital collections from the Quad Cities region ranging from Muscatine, Iowa to Galesburg, Illinois and Davenport, Iowa to Bishop Hill, Illinois. Historical and cultural institutions from these communities have digitally preserved their collections to share on this online platform for the last 22 years!

Our display features materials we have digitized and have added to this resource as well as a behind-the-scenes look at how we digitize our materials.

Davenport Public Library at Main
Huebinger’s Printing History

The display at our Davenport Public Library at Main location features the works of Melchoir Huebinger. Melchoir Huebinger was an German immigrant to Davenport in the 1880s. He was a surveyor and cartographer as well as a publisher of many maps and atlas of Davenport and Iowa. He also owned a photography studio in Davenport which documented its residents and community through the art of photography. To learn more about Mr. Huebinger and his works, Katie Reinhardt, our Special Collections Librarian, presented a program called Opening the Box: The Maps and Atlases of Melchoir Huebinger.

The German American Heritage Center and Museum is hosting a Kaffee und Kuchen program about this fascinating man on March 24th.

Davenport Public Library’s Special Collections
Local Businesses in Special Collections

Our final display is located in our very own, Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center featuring collections relating to Davenport’s local businesses. It includes flyers, instructional booklets, and catalogs of the various businesses’ wares. While it is in Special Collection, a special artifact will be showcased: Victor Animatograph Cine 16 mm camera.

Another resource to explore local business is our research guide about the Newcomb Loom Company.

Come tarry a while at each of our library locations and learn more about our community’s rich history through the collections of the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center.

(posted by Kathryn)

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Total Eclipse of the Sun: March 7, 1970

April 8, 2024 will be an exciting day in the Quad Cities as we are expecting the first solar eclipse in our area in 54 years. We are expected to get an 83.70% view of the full eclipse at 1:58 p.m. that day.

The last time a full solar eclipse was visible in the Quad Cities was March 7, 1970. Winter was lingering that year, but the weather was predicted to be in our favor with partly sunny skies and temperatures in the mid-40s. A nice break from the colder temperatures and snow that had lingered on. With an early Easter (March 29th), there was most likely hope of warmer weather soon.

While most people likely hoped for clear weather to see the eclipse outside, there was another way to see it live. The March 7th eclipse was the first one to be broadcast live on national television. Not only was it to be live, but CBS news broadcast the event in color! As most television shows were still in black and white, this was an exciting event. It was even encouraged to watch it on television over watching in person to protect your eyes from sun damage.

Slightly less than half of U.S. households had color televisions in 1970. If you wanted to buy one from Long’s TV Sales and Service at 2139 W. 3rd Street in Davenport you might be able to find a sale on new color sets. A 14″ screen portable color television was on sale for $257 ($2,042.87 using an inflation calculator for 2024) while a large 23″ screen color television was going for $458.88 ($3,647.59 using the same calculator).

The Times-Democrat newspaper. March 6, 1970. Pg. 7

The Times-Democrat Newspaper was full of eclipse details leading up to the event. One main concern, as previously mentioned, was damage to eyes from looking directly at the sun. Besides watching it on television, other suggestions were to visit the John Deere Planetarium at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois or making homemade devices to enjoy the eclipse while protecting your eyes. The eclipse was to start at 11:10 a.m. with full coverage lasting three minutes starting at 12:25 p.m. The event would end at 1:37 p.m. according to the newspaper.

The Times-Democrat. March 5, 1970. Pg. 32.

The weather held out with relatively clear skies and those who ventured out marveled to newspaper reporters about the experience in the March 8th Tines-Democrat edition. About 275 people did visit the planetarium and were able to view the eclipse. Many were surprised that due to the Quad-Cities location, the eclipse did not cause the area to darken as they expected. Dr. Melbert Peterson, from Augustana, said that at least 75% coverage was needed to have darkness fall while locally the area only saw 70% coverage.

The Times-Democrat. March 51970. Pg. 2

While the solar eclipse of March 7, 1970 was the last eclipse in our area for the twentieth century; we have blogged before about the last eclipse in the Quad Cities from the nineteenth century which took place on August 7, 1869. This blog, found here, features not only a solar eclipse, but the appearance of a mysterious wild boy as well!

We are all looking forward to the April 8, 2024. The Davenport Public Library will be hosting an Eclipse Watch Party at our Eastern branch from 12:30 – 3:30. All branches of the library will also be handing out solar eclipse glasses at the customer service desks. Glasses started being handed out on March 1st and are while supplies last so get yours today! For more information on the party or glasses, please click here.

As for the eclipse of March 7, 1970, the Quad Cities was soon covered in cold temperatures and snow when a late-winter storm hit the area on March 9th. It really was a lucky break in the weather that allowed the eclipse to be viewed. The interest in outer space was not disappearing from local headlines though. There was already great interest mounting for Apollo 13’s return to the moon scheduled only 35 days later on April 11, 1970.

(posted by Amy D.)

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Albert Nuckols: Two Views

We close out Black History Month 2024 with a comparison of two images of Davenporter Albert Nuckols (d. 1889). The first, dating from 1868 to 1870, conveys the Reconstruction hope for the participation of newly-enfranchised African Americans into United States politics and society. [1] The second [2], from 1922, is typical of the negative stereotypes of black people that became more and more pervasive in our visual culture as the Jim Crow era descended and white supremacist ideology strengthened. [3]

(posted by Katie)

[1] Ambrotype image by photographer Isaac A. Wetherby reproduced on page 187 of Leslie A. Schwalm’s Emancipation’s Diaspora: Race and Reconstruction in the Upper Midwest (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009). The original is in the Isaac A. Wetherby Collection, State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City.

[2] Purcell, W. L. Them Was the Good Old Days in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa (Davenport, Iowa: Purcell Printing Company, 1922), page 147.

[3] As argued by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. in his Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow (New York: Penguin Press, 2019).

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UMVDIA Spotlight: Wolverine Orchestra in the Gennett Recording Studios, Richmond, Indiana

On February 18, 1924, eight men of the Wolverine Orchestra gathered together to record their music in Richmond, Indiana at Gennett Records. This Midwestern recording studio was founded by Starr Piano Company in 1917. It was active from 1917 to 1948. It recorded a wide breadth of music and audio and has “The Gennett Walk of Fame” to honor its most important artists.

The studio was 125 feet long and 30 feet wide. From the photograph, it is a cozy place to play music.

2007-04: Bix Box

Bandmates of the Wolverine Orchestra featured in the photograph above are: Bix Beiderbecke (Cornet), Jimmy Hartwell (Clarinet), Robert Gillette (Banjo), Victor Moore (Drums), Albert Gandee (Trombone), George Johnson (Saxophone), Wilford Leibrook (Tuba), and Richard Voynow (Piano). We were able to identify the players with the assistance of the book, Bix: The Leon Bix Beiderbecke Story by Philip R. and Linda K. Evans.

In the following months, advertisements like these appeared in the Richmond newspapers promoting the latest recordings cut in the studios. “Jazz Me Blues (Fox Trot)” played by the Wolverine Orchestra is highlighted.

Join us on Saturday, March 9th from 1:30-2:30 PM at the Davenport Public Library at Eastern in Meeting Room A and B to explore Bix Beiderbecke’s history with Gennett Records through a conversation with Dr. Charlie B. Dahan and Bob Jacobsen. Follow this link to learn more about this event celebrating Bix’s Birthday Weekend!

(posted by Kathryn)

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Closed on Presidents Day

2005-02. DPLVolume 36, dplx263.

Sadly, no one we know has planned a “Martha Washington Party” as was held in February 1900 by Mrs. William Henry (Minnie) Wiese. We do hope your Presidents Day is a wonderful day. We look forward to seeing everyone when we reopen on Tuesday, February 20th!

If you do decide to party like the Wiese family and their friends, we would love pictures!

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A Valentine for Special Collections

Love it! A timely Valentine’s Day surprise arrived this week at the RSSC Center, just as we were puzzling over our blog post about the holiday. It was a box of Valentine’s cards belonging to a Davenport girl! Frances Helen Whalen received these sweet notes from friends and classmates at the Taylor Elementary School in the mid-1920s:

Luckily for family history researchers, the senders signed their full names (many of them have dates, or were dated later by the recipient). Among them are Frances Baker, Miriam Posner, Pauline Ragan, Alice Ramm, and Helen Strohkarck. These girls would have been about 10 or 11 years old, in 5th or 6th grade, in 1926-1927.

Frances Whalen’s autograph book also came to us with this delightful donation. It covers about the same period as the valentines, so we could pair the cards with the entries in the book for a few of the girls. Bonus photos in the first two!

Dorothea Westphal

“When you are married/and your hubby is cross/just pick up your broom/and say I’m boss.”

Margaret Stamer

“Always think of your friend, Margaret Stamers.”

June Ott

“When you get married/and live by the lake/remember and send me a piece of your wedding cake.”

Evelyn Houghton

“I wish you peace/I wish you joy/I wish you first a baby boy/and when his hair begins to curl/I wish you then a baby girl.”

With the exception of Mary Stamer’s simple message, the girls’ autographs are largely about marriage and motherhood. Bernard Haim was the single boy whose name appeared among Frances’ valentines (one was the same as Evelyn Houghton’s above; the other is below). His contribution to the autograph book was short but sweet: a forwarding address.

So Bernard was not to remain Frances Whalen’s valentine in later years. When she married Joseph Hardi in 1949, the ceremony took place just 3 days after Valentine’s Day!

We thank you, Frances Whalen Hardi,* from the bottom of our hearts, for saving your Valentine’s Day cards for others to enjoy in the future.

(posted by Katie)

*More on this fascinating figure in a future post!

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Happy Retirement, Karen!

Another happy and sad moment for the Davenport Public Library and especially the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center. Karen O’Connor is retiring today, February 2nd, 2024 after 24 years and eight months of dedicated service.

Karen started in Special Collections on June 1, 1999, just a few months before the official grand opening of the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center on November 26, 1999. One of her first assignments was to be head coordinator for the World War II and Korean War Oral History Project. Karen led a group of volunteers interviewing Quad-Citians who were affected during these wars on the battlefield and the homefront. 24 years later, many of those who were interviewed have since passed away, but their stories remain thanks to the tireless and dedicated work of Karen and project volunteers.

Karen was also involved as the committee head to create and produce the Novel Cuisine Cookbook in 2003. This committee gathered the history of the Davenport Public Library, locally famous recipes from restaurants, plus recipes from library staff to create a cookbook that was sold at the library. Proceeds benefited the Davenport Public Library.

Another large project that Karen organized and oversaw was the 2009 Priester Construction Company donation of hundreds of blueprints. Karen sorted, catalogued, and stayed on top of the dehumidifying process of each set of blueprints from 2009 through 2013. While the Special Collections staff all participated in the dehumidifying process, we have Karen to thank for keeping us organized in a room filled with stacks of stacks of blueprints!

This blog would go on for pages if we tried to list everything Karen did over 24 years. She oversaw collections processing, created Finding Aids for collections, kept our closed stacks organized (incredibly important in the archiving world), migrated our local databases search to its new site Special Collections Indexes, identified most likely thousands of photographs (when someone came in with a photo to date we always called on Karen’s expertise), answered thousands of genealogical and local history questions from patrons and newspaper staff, and she always remembered just where a book was located in our stacks simply by a description of the book or contents. We are so grateful she was willing to learn ProCite, ArchiveSpace, SharePoint (and its many versions), and other programs over the years. Karen also helped create many of our brochures, genealogy packets, genealogy classes, and programs for adults and children.

Karen has done it all and we want to thank her for all her work, leadership, and mentoring over the years. While we are sad to see her go, we know a new exciting life awaits Karen in retirement. Time with her family including a new grandbaby is a priority. We hope she can now enjoy gardening and crafts without worrying about getting ready for work the next day as well.

Thank you Karen for everything you have done to create the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center we have today. We will miss you.

(posted by Kathryn, Katie, Cristina, and Amy D.)

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Winter Works

We salute all those who are working outdoors this snowy, icy, rainy January of 2024!

Of the many projects undertaken by the Civil Works Administration in Scott County during the Great Depression, two of those directed by the Davenport Park Board were completed during times of wintry weather in 1933 and 1934. The following groups of photographs by H.E. Dissette document the snowy conditions under which local men labored in Duck Creek Park and Credit Island.

Grading, Duck Creek Park, Project #29/#209 (dpl2003-14b2f33a-e, volume 15)

George T. French, in the Illustrated Record of C.W.A Projects, Scott County, Iowa 1933-1934 (SC 352.7 Ill v.1) reports that this project employed about 200 men per day to haul and spread earth in an area that would become an athletic field. They also sloped the creek banks, and filled dry channels, and. French could not disguise his enthusiasm for the success of these latter improvements to Duck Creek:

“Where the creek was formerly overgrown with coarse brush, it is now to be decorated by expert landscape architects; where formerly there was continual danger of overflow, and constant erosion of the creek banks, there is now a smooth current, and ample assurance against overflow and wasteful tearing away of valuable land.”

French, p. 52a.

Credit Island Lake, Project #19/#30/#210 (dpl2003-14b2f34c, dpl2003-14b2f35a-c & f, volume 15)

The Credit Island Lake project also called for difficult manual labor, with the exception of the use of a tractor-drawn plow when the ground was frozen. The workers cut and removed ” dead or diseased, and therefore unsightly” trees and bushes; they dug six feet down into the ground and carried, by wheelbarrow, “…thousands of yards of earth to the banks of the prospective lake.” The result was, according to French, “an attractive and clean addition to the municipal playgrounds” (pages 53-54).

(posted by Katie)

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Winter Fashion: Mrs. Therese Krouse

Mrs. J. E. Krouse. DPL Volume 47 dplx426A.

We found this delightful image of Therese (Steffen) Krouse taken about 1910 that reminded us of winter. Taisy, as she was nicknamed, was married to John Edwin Krouse who was President of the Davenport Pearl Button Company.

Mrs. Krouse was in her mid-30s when this photo was taken at the Hostetler Studio in Davenport. Besides the fur draped over her shoulders, the most noticeable fashion piece is the bunch of grapes adorning her hat.

Born May 8, 1874 in Davenport, Therese died here on February 1, 1990. She outlived her husband by 39 years and had no children. She was survived by her nieces and nephews.

We can only imagine that the hat was not worn outside on very windy days!

(posted by Amy D.)

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Snowy Scenes of Davenport Past

As the second major storm of the second week of 2024 approaches, we invite you to enjoy these snowy scenes of Davenport past from somewhere safe indoors! Unless otherwise noted, the images below are from the Davenport Chamber of Commerce Photograph Collection, #1986-01.

Washington Square Park, c.1900 (VM89-000923 v. 28, part of composite photograph)
Forest Park Sanitarium, c. 1927 (VM89-001257 v. 10)
Raymond G. Cundy Residence, 110 McClellan Blvd., c. 1930s (VM89-000473 v.27)
Ice Storm in Central [Vander Veer] Park, c. 1940s (VM89-001861 v. 196)
von der Heyde Residence, 1931 Virginia Ave., c. 1950s (Grover C. von der Heyde, #1992-01.0204)
East 2nd Street near Brady, c. 1950s (VM89-000953 v. 290)
Pine Hill Cemetery Prairie, 1972 (#2013-36PH03 v. 217)
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