As the second major storm of the second week of 2024 approaches, we invite you to enjoy these snowy scenes of Davenport past from somewhere safe indoors! Unless otherwise noted, the images below are from the Davenport Chamber of Commerce Photograph Collection, #1986-01.
Washington Square Park, c.1900 (VM89-000923 v. 28, part of composite photograph)Forest Park Sanitarium, c. 1927 (VM89-001257 v. 10)
Jersey Ridge Road near city limits, 1937 (VM89-001932)
Car between snowbanks on Jersey Ridge Road, 1937 (VM89-001932)
Raymond G. Cundy Residence, 110 McClellan Blvd., c. 1930s (VM89-000473 v.27)Ice Storm in Central [Vander Veer] Park, c. 1940s (VM89-001861 v. 196)
Vander Veer Park, 1949 (Grover C. von der Heyde, #1992-01.0205)
Vander Veer Park, 1949 (Grover C. von der Heyde, #1992-01.0206)
Duck Creek Park, 1949 (Grover C. von der Heyde, #1992-01.0203)
Duck Creek Park, 1949 (Grover C. von der Heyde, #1992-01.0204)
von der Heyde Residence, 1931 Virginia Ave., c. 1950s (Grover C. von der Heyde, #1992-01.0204)East 2nd Street near Brady, c. 1950s (VM89-000953 v. 290)Pine Hill Cemetery Prairie, 1972 (#2013-36PH03 v. 217)