In our collections, we preserve the past for present and future users. In some cases, when we receive donations, our donors are unable to share information pertinent to identifying and describing the materials. Thus our efforts to share our history are sometimes has gaps and need more research.
With some material formats like photographs, we are able to identify basic information such as general age of the individual, the time period the photograph was taken by clothing and hair styles, and how the individuals are positioned. This information is vital when sharing information about photographs, but names are able to connect the past to the present in a more meaningful way.
As we make materials like these in our collections available, we call upon our community to solve mysteries.

One such mystery is of fourteen small oval images of different people set in definite rows in this unusual image. There are faint lines which seem to connect some of the photographs. The attire and hairstyles worn in these images appears to be much earlier than 1900. The original negative envelope is labeled Ettie Hirsch, but no definitive information was found on the name Ettie Hirsch nor was any connection to the fourteen images established.
Information about this photographic print is shared here:
This images comes from our J.B. Hostetler Photograph Collection. If you know any of the people in this image, please contact Special Collections staff at
(posted by Kathryn)