Mayflower Families: Richard Warren

2020 marks the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower voyage and the founding of Plymouth Colony. Commemorative publications, programs, and tours are planned in the US, the UK, and the Netherlands by various organizations, including the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and Plymouth 400, Inc.

In preparation for the festivities, we will be blogging about our resources for different Mayflower families throughout the year. This month we’ll explore the family of the Mayflower passenger with the most ancestors, Richard Warren! 

Richard Warren was born ca. 1585 in County Hertford, England, and died in 1628 in Plymouth. He married Elizabeth Walker on April 14, 1610 in Hertfordshire. 

Mr. Warren was not part of the church in Leiden and may have joined the Pilgrims as a Merchant Adventurer from London. He was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact and was part of the early expedition to Cape Cod.

His wife and 5 daughters did not come on the Mayflower with him. He waited 3 years until he felt conditions were safe before sending for his family aboard the Anne in 1623. All 7 of his children lived to adulthood and had large families, making him one of the most common Mayflower ancestors with over 14 million descendants.

The first generation of Richard Warren descendants:

  1. Mary, born ca. 1610, married Robert Bartlett in 1629 in Plymouth.
  2. Ann, born ca. 1612, married Thomas Little on April 19, 1633 Plymouth.
  3. Sarah, born ca. 1613, married John Cooke on March 28, 1634  in Plymouth.
  4. Elizabeth, born ca. 1615, married Richard Church on March 7, 1636 In Plymouth.
  5. Abigail, born ca. 1619, married Anthony Snow on November 8, 1639 in Plymouth. 
  6. Nathaniel, born ca. 1624 in Plymouth, married Sarah Walker on November 19, 1645 in Plymouth. 
  7. Joseph, born ca. 1627 in Plymouth, married Priscilla Faunce ca. 1653 in Plymouth.

Want to learn more about Richard Warren’s descendants? Stop by the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center and browse through volume 18 of Mayflower Families through five generations (SC 929.2 May)


(posted by Cristina)

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26 Responses to Mayflower Families: Richard Warren

  1. Kelly says:

    14 million descendants is amazing!

  2. Terry (Lewis) Fitzgerald says:

    My family are descendents of Edward Doty, one of the Mayflower party. This is interesting.

  3. Joy Peoples says:

    I am Richard Warren’s 1st cousin 11 times removed.

  4. Melanie Wheeler says:

    He is my 11th great grandfather. Interesting as I just found out and hope to learn more.

  5. Barbara Warren Bennett says:

    I’ve been working on my Warren family tree for the past year. Not sure if related to Richard Warren or not. Did any of his descendants migrate to Nova Scotia, Canada?

  6. Any says:

    He is my 11th great grandfather

    • Angela Kurtz says:

      He’s my 12th great grandfather. We’re related! My great grandmother’s maiden name was Warren, so my family must have descended from one of his sons.

  7. Curt says:

    Richard Warren is my 12th Great Grandfather!

  8. Did any descendants of Richard Warren move to the South? My great, great, great grandfather, Edmund Warren, was born in Tennessee in the 1780’s. He moved to Alabama between 1780-1790. One of his sons (about 8) Jesse Eldridge Warren was my great, great grandfather.

  9. Dave says:

    My 12th great grandfather through his daughter Abigail.

    • Noelle warren says:

      He would be my …I’m not even sure but I’m Noelle warren and my side fits in with the Harriet beecher stow bloodline my grandfather was Lawrence beecher warren in Springfield Massachusetts

  10. I know I fit in on my grandmothers side of the family her name was Elisabeth. Warren

  11. Tracie Lepper says:

    Through his daughter Mary he’s my 11th great grandfather

  12. Greg says:

    Just found out Richard Warren was my 12th great-grandfather. Very interesting for sure.

  13. Amanda dole says:

    Richard is my 10th great grand father his daughter Mary warren is my 9th great grandmother I have been trying to find family on ancestry

  14. Amanda dole says:

    Mary warren is my 9th great grandmother I have been trying to find family

  15. Stephanie Currie Welch says:

    Richard and Elizabeth were my 12th great grandparents. I’m descent from their daughter Mary.

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