Spring Cleaning and DIY Ideas: April 1920 style

With many of us cleaning out closets and doing a few Do It Yourself projects around the house; we thought we would share some advertising suggestions from April 1920.

We hope you enjoy the look back.

Before any Spring cleaning or DIY proroject, the best place to start is to purchase the right supplies. A trip to the store for these accessories was important even in 1920.

The Daily Times, April 7, 1920. Pg. 11

If you started early in the morning, the laundry and a little baking might be have been a good start to the day. Feel free to try the recipes below!

The Davenport Democrat and Leader, April 21, 1920. Pg. 6.
The Daily Times, April 15, 1920. Pg. 15.

Nice weather might have encouraged a really big Do It Yourself project in 1920. We aren’t sure, but you might have needed another person to help with this project.

The Davenport Democrat and Leader, April 7, 1920. Pg. 14

If you weren’t ready for the big DIY project like building your own garage, there were smaller projects that would have kept you busy outdoors. Spring was a fine time to whitewash and disinfect your poultry house. And purchasing and installing new screens for a screened-in porch would have had you sitting mosquito-free by summer.

The Davenport Democrat and Leader, April 11, 1920. Pg. 27.
The Daily Times, April 17, 1920. Pg. 2.

Don’t forget planting your garden and maintaining your lawn. Two important events that would have needed your attention through the Fall.

The Daily Times, April 8, 1920. Pg. 2.
The Daily Times, April 9, 1920. Pg. 10.

If the day was rainy, snowy, or windy (all of those things may happen in April even today), a few indoor projects would have kept you busy as well. A little vacuuming, cleaning of wallpaper, and sewing of summer outfits would all be tasks to complete.

The Davenport Democrat and Leader, April 18, 1920. Pg. 16.
The Daily Times, April 12, 1920. Pg. 4.
The Democrat and Leader, April 14, 1920. Pg. 7.

By the end of the day, it would be time to start dinner (with the help of a new electric refrigerator if you were fortunate).

The Daily Times, April 30, 1920. Pg. 21.

After dinner and dishes, maybe you would freshen up your nails or relax listening to the music from a new phonograph. If it was nice outside, you might have taken a seat on your new screened-in porch!

The Daily Times, April 7, 1920. Pg. 17.
The Daily Times, April 12, 1920. Pg. 7.

And, if you were still sore from your day of Spring cleaning and DIY projects; there was still one way to get a good night’s sleep – a home visit from a local chiropractor.

The Daily Times, April 7, 1920. Pg. 18.

We hope this might inspire your Spring cleaning and Do It Yourself projects this month.

(posted by Amy D.)

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