Reviewing the Year in Review: a helpful short(ish)cut

Review of the Year 1922

Any historian or genealogist knows how useful newspapers can be.  These primary resources are a treasure trove of information, from announcements of births, marriages, deaths, and scandals, to reports of elections, entertainments, and probated wills.

Newspapers can provide information on almost anything—the tricky part is finding it, especially when no specific dates or subject indexes are available.

Our Special Collections Center has a variety of name and obituary indexes that provide good coverage for the Gazette and Davenport Democrat newspapers, but our  subject index for the Quad-City Times only runs from 1993 to the present.  We  subscribe to a historical newspaper database that allows keyword searching for earlier papers . . .  but there are still a lot of years that simply aren’t indexed or digitized, yet.

Lucky for us, Davenport newspapers usually published special Year-in-Review sections in either the last issue of the year or the first of the new one.

These sections act as sort of summary and index for the events of the year, big or small, and can be invaluable for researchers who are trying to find something in a year for which no separate subject index has been compiled.

They can help pinpoint the year—and even the month—that  a building was constructed . . . even if it wasn’t a “major”building:

Headlines Manufacturing  1Jan1922


They can provide financial information for the city (and on specific banks):

Headlines Financial  1Jan1922


They announce industrial advances, proposed developments, and business relocations:

Headlines Industrial  1Jan1922

They examine taxpayer’s money at work—and provide charts and photos:

Headlines Misc  1Jan1922

And can provide the number of births, marriages, and deaths in one convenient place:

Headlines Realty  1Jan1922


You can even get a look at the crimes, catastrophes and scandals for that particular year:

Headlines 1Jan1922
Going through these pages may not be as convenient as an index, but it still beats going through every page of an entire year of the newspaper—especially on microfilm!

Why not come in and try it out?

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