World Diabetes Day

logoWorld Diabetes Day is recognized on November 14th each year. While there are many events that take place throughout the year in various parts of the world, more than 100 countries organize events to campaign diabetes awareness on this day. The International Diabetes Federation works year round to advocate this cause. Approximately 387 million people world wide have diabetes, 29 million are Americans. According to the CDC, 1 out of 4 people with diabetes doesn’t know that they have it. Information on diabetes symptoms can be found at The American Diabetes Association.

Chances are good, you or a loved one have diabetes. Included in this blog are internet, library, and local resources available to you. Please use your own discretion at which sources work best for you.

Internet Resources:

For Parents and Kids is a webpage sponsored by the American Diabetes Association. A variety of topics can be found on this page including safe at school, everyday life and family communication.

Kids Health: Meal Plans, What Kids with Diabetes Need to Know Kids Health provides information for both children, teens, and adults with an option to listen to the article. This article focuses different types of meal plans, reading food labels, and writing down what you eat.

Parenting Diabetic Kids is a webpage for families that have children with diabetes to help and support each other. You will find many stories, menus, news and resources on this page. There is also a blog and an opportunity to ask questions of other parents.

Adults with Type 1 Diabetes A very detailed article about the different types of diabetes, focusing on adults that are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Included in the article is medical care, social changes, and connecting with others.

Type 2 Diabetes By far the most common type of diabetes found in adults. This website discusses facts about type 2 diabetes, treatment and complications.

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention: Mayo Clinic 5 tips for preventing type 2 diabetes.

Baby Center:  Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes affects a small percentage of pregnant women. This webpage describes the diagnosis, how to know if you have it, and how to treat it.


Library Resources:


Cookbooks Available at the Library:

Local Resources:

Quad Cities Adult Type 1 Diabetes Group This is a local group led by Richard Nagle and Tavia Vital for adults with type 1 diabetes. Many of its members were diagnosed as children. The group keeps each other up to date on research, local events, and additional opportunities for support communities.

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