Want to be Hip? Get a Typewriter!

Years ago, some Davenport Public  librarians saved one of the last of the library’s typewriters from the auction pile. It has been in steady use ever since – for forms, envelopes and for those who  apparently just like to type!

Library formats  and databases have come and gone;  but the little-typewriter-that-could remains in the corner of the Main library’s first floor.

A New York Times article, “Click, Clack, Ding! Sigh…” describes a movement of typewriter enthusiasts who “appreciate tangibility, the object-ness of things.” Advantages include the timelessness of the machine, “unlike laptops and smartphones, which become obsolete the moment they hit the market.” In contrast to these delicate devices,” old  typewriters are built like battleships ” and are easy to repair.

They also serve to focus a writer on writing; there’s only one thing you can do on a typewriter. You can’t have several windows open – multitasking on Facebook, email and Twitter.

So, bring the kids and grandkids by the Main library to see an actual, working typewriter. They’ll be amazed.

3 thoughts on “Want to be Hip? Get a Typewriter!

  1. I didn’t know there was still a manual typewriter available in the library! Cool beans.

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