I find myself in the dubious position of informing the tax paying populace that without action on your part, you will not be receiving a paper Iowa tax form. No matter what boxes you checked last year, you need to weigh your options if you choose to do it on paper and PLEASE do not wait until April 17th.
The Iowa Department of Revenue wants you to efile, and they’re not being cryptic about it. Iowa is tightening belts to eliminate postage and printing costs of essentially sending every citizen a magazine.
You may choose to:
-Call forms order line at 1-800-532-1531 (EASIEST and FREE.) Limit of one.
-Print forms yourself from www.iowa.gov/tax. The online form is fillable.
-Request a form by e-mail at IowaTaxForms@Iowa.gov
-Make photocopies of the long or short form from the ones we’ve laminated at every building
Federal forms are trickling in as of this moment. There are currently no federal instruction booklets. They are projected as arriving in early February http://www.irs.gov/formspubs/article/0,,id=104740,00.html
And, as the faithful paper filers know, public libraries like DPL are pretty much the only place to find tax forms. Some public libraries are even dropping out of this service.