I am a lover of American History, but I must admit that my presidential knowledge is limited. Somehow, I don’t think I’m alone in needing to brush up on my presidential repertoire. To start, we have to see what you already know. There were two different quizzes I plucked from the internet that will test your knowledge of the 43 presidents. The first one gives you five minutes to input as many president’s names as you can remember. Thankfully you do not have to know when they served, but you do need a first and last named, spelled correctly. I found that it took me about three minutes to input all the names I knew for sure, which was little more than half. Then I just sat there willing my brain to dig a little deeper, feeling oh so tempted to steal a hint from the internet. Seem a little tough? Well the second quiz tests your knowledge of what the presidents looked like when they were in office. As an added bonus, it is a multiple choice. Unfortunately I somehow did a little worse on this one. Sound like fun? Give them a try.
Can You Name the Presidents Quiz 1
Can You Name the Presidents Quiz 2
How did you do? Well if you find that naming presidents is your expertise then I congratulate you! If you are interested on how to get your score up, check out these resources.
Book Resources
The History Buff’s Guide to the Presidents by Thomas Flagel
The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents by William A. DeGregorio
U.S. Presidents for Dummies by Marcus A. Stadelmann
The Ultimate Guide to the Presidents by The History Channel
Tips and Tricks for Memorizing the Presidents of the United States
4 Fun Ways to Memorize the U.S. Presidents
Memorize U.S. Presidents for iPhone
U.S. Presidents for Android