All three Davenport Public Library locations are closed on Tuesday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day. We will be open for regular hours and services on Wednesday, July 5th.
Even though Independence Day is a largely celebrated holiday, I wanted to focus on some smaller known holidays. I found a list on Holidays and Observances website, but I’m going to focus on a few!
Alice in Wonderland Day – Supposedly this is the day that Lewis Carroll, real name – Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, originally told his story to Alice Liddell for the first time before he wrote it down. This first telling would eventually become Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Boom Box Parade Day – In 1986, the local high school of Willimantic, Connecticut had to make budget cuts, which meant there would be no band to play in the July 4th parade. The local radio station 1400 AM WILI volunteered to play music instead. Now hundreds of people march through town with boom boxes tuned to WILI, which plays marching band classics.
Independence from Meat Day – According to sources, this day was created by the Vegetarian Awareness Network in Tennessee with the aim to take a day off from consuming meat. The irony that it takes place on a holiday marked by barbecues is not lost on me.
Sidewalk Egg Frying Day – Every July 4th, a town in Arizona has an egg frying contest. The catch? You have to fry an egg outside without any electricity or fire! You can use mirrors or magnifying glasses though. Have you ever fried an egg on a sidewalk before?
I hope you’ve enjoyed this dive into unique July 4th traditions and holidays. If you any other favorites, share them in the comments below!