Holiday Spirits

No, not the ones that taunt Ebenezer Scrooge.  But they can be the kind that, like the miser himself, will cause you to wake up with a promise to amend your ways.  But hey, if your hosts have unlimited premium supplies you might want to mix-imize your efforts.

Here are a few recent books on putting together the perfect rocks glass recipes:

Good Spirits: recipes, revelations, refreshments, and romance, shaken and served with a twist

The Essential Cocktail


Mix Shake Stir

Or, if you want my opinion, keep dry and take your friends home.  New Year’s Eve is amateur night.

Sounds of the Season

What would the holidays be without music? Pop one of these CDs in while you’re baking cookies or wrapping gifts – you’ll be humming along in no time.

What a Night: a Christmas Album by Harry Connick Jr

A Swingin’ Christmas by Tony Bennett

Christmasville by Mannheim Steamroller

Let it Snow by Michael Buble

Wintersong by Sarah McLachlan

Cool Yule by Bette Midler

Christmas by Brad Paisley