Social Work Spotlight: Safe Families for Children (SFFC) Quad Cities

Safe Families for Children (SFFC) Quad Cities: A Lifeline for Families in Crisis

This month, we are turning our attention to an organization that is making a profound difference in the lives of families facing crisis in the Quad Cities region. Safe Families for Children (SFFC) Quad Cities. Since 2005, Safe Families for Children has provided a compassionate safety net for families in Iowa and Illinois, helping parents navigate hardships like homelessness, unemployment, medical emergencies, Incarceration, and other personal challenges.

At the heart of Safe Families for Children is a mission of family preservation. The organization aims to keep children safe while empowering parents to stabilize their lives. By creating a Circle of Support, SFFC connects children with screened and trained Host Families who provide temporary, loving homes. This allows parents to address their personal challenges without fear of losing custody of their children. This support is crucial, offering a lifeline enabling families to remain intact while they get back on their feet.

Established in 2003 in Chicago, Safe Families for Children is part of a national movement dedicated to keeping children out of the foster care system and changing how families in crisis are supported. Instead of promoting separation, SFFC focuses on preserving families, aiming to decrease the number of children entering foster care. Safe Families offers temporary, voluntary care, establishing a community-driven support system to empower families during challenging periods.

One of Safe Families’ key distinctions is that hosting is 100% voluntary. Parents retain full custody of their children throughout the process and can request their return anytime. Depending on the family’s needs, hosting can last as briefly as a few hours or as long as several months upon volunteer availability. During this time, parents can focus on overcoming their crisis, knowing that their children are in safe and caring hands.

Volunteers serve as Host Families and act as an extended family, providing children with a nurturing, stable environment. Communication between parents and Host Families is a cornerstone of the program, ensuring parents stay connected with their children throughout the process.

Safe Families’ success lies in its volunteer-driven approach. Volunteers are background-checked and well-trained, serving in several key roles:

  • Host Families: These families open their homes to children needing temporary care, providing a safe, nurturing environment.
  • Family Friends: These volunteers support parents and Host Families through friendship, encouragement, transportation, meals, and practical help during challenging times.
  • Resource Friends: These individuals donate essential items like groceries, household goods, clothing, and other necessities to help families meet their basic needs.
  • Family Coaches: These volunteers walk alongside parents, helping them set goals and offering guidance as they work towards regaining stability.

The Quad Cities chapter of SFFC has partnered with local churches, community agencies, and government organizations to build a robust network of support. Together, they provide a comprehensive system of care that ensures children are safe and families are kept together.

Safe Families for Children is more than just a temporary solution. It is a community-driven initiative rooted in kindness, compassion, and generosity. The Quad Cities Chapter of Safe Families offers reliable, unwavering assistance and support to families in crisis, ensuring children are safe and families remain together.

For more information about Safe Families for Children, to volunteer, or to seek help, contact the local office at 563-949-9803 or Or visit their website at hpps://

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