Our Library Social Worker Can Help


Please welcome Quinn O’Brian to the Davenport Library. Quinn will be filling the new Social Worker position at the library.

The Davenport Public Library now has a licensed Social Worker that is available as a resource to our patrons. With this new service, patrons will be able to receive personalized attention and assistance with their social service needs. A few of the ways our Library Social Worker can be of assistance to you is by making referrals and connecting you to community resources and organizations that can address your specific need. Your Library Social Worker will provide support and advocate on your behalf.

Do you need help navigating government benefits, affordable housing, or unemployment?  Or as a parent you may be wondering what resources are available for you and your family? Your Davenport Public Library Social Worker can work with you to navigate these challenges. Furthermore, your Library Social worker will collaborate and partner with community organizations to bring relevant training and learning opportunities to our patrons.

The Davenport Public Library has always been at the forefront of supporting and prioritizing services that can enrich the lives of our patrons. With the inclusion of a Library Social Worker we aim to serve as a community center for our patrons with a single point of contact for resources and information to meet daily challenges.

The addition of a Library Social Worker might be a unique one to our area but it is not a novel idea. Social Workers have been in Libraries in varying capacities since 2009.

When you come and visit with us at the Davenport Public Library, you can expect a safe, welcoming and compassionate atmosphere where we prioritize confidentiality when assisting our patrons. So, come check-in with your Library Social Worker today!

You can contact Quinn by call her office at (563) 888-3371, emailing her at qobrian@davenportlibrary.com or by scheduling an appointment through her contact page.

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