Online Reading Challenge – January Wrap-Up

Hello Fellow Readers!

How did your reading/listening/movie watching go in January? As I mentioned earlier in the month, I outdid myself and read two medicine-related books! And they were both great!

My Name is Mary Sutter by Robin Oliveira. Opening just as the Civil War begins, this book is about a young midwife who yearns to be a surgeon. However, it is nearly impossible for a woman to be admitted to medical school or even to intern with a doctor and Mary has been turned down repeatedly. However, the outbreak of the war creates possibilities and Mary leaves her comfortable home in Albany and travels to Washington alone in an effort to help the wounded. Women as nurses (let alone doctors) are viewed with suspicion and considered unnecessary since, at this exuberant beginning, everyone believes the war will be over in three months. Mary ends up volunteering at an understaffed, poorly supplied, decaying hospital acting more as a cleaning person than a nurse. Gradually the doctor (there is only one doctor for the dozens of wounded) trusts Mary and allows her to assist him, her training as a midwife making her comfortable with blood and suffering. It is training that she will need when the wounded begin pouring in with horrific injuries, many requiring amputation and many that they are helpless to cure.

The Civil War lasted much longer than three months, of course and the reluctance to accept women as nurses was quickly abandoned. Woefully unprepared for the human cost, doctors and nurses struggle to care for patients under brutal conditions. Mary’s story as she navigates harsh realities is fascinating and her courage and strength are inspiring.

The Winter Soldier by Daniel Mason is set during World War I and takes place on the Eastern Front of the war, far removed from the trenches of France but no less horrific. Raised in comfort in opulent Vienna, Lucius has not even completed his medical training when the war breaks out. He volunteers as a surgeon and is sent to a remote outpost in the Carpathian Mountains where a church has been requisitioned as a hospital. Supplies are nearly nonexsistent, the weather is brutal and the only medical personnel is a nurse, some orderlies and Lucius himself who has never actually performed an operation.

Margarete, the nurse, subtly assists Lucius when he must perform amputations almost immediately. Over time they become a team, working to heal their patients and keep them safe. Safe because not only do they have to grapple with injury, disease, shell shock and weather, they must watch out for recruiters who comb the hospitals looking for “deserters” to return to the front. So desperate are they for men, the Army will force anyone back into the war no matter their injury, so long as they can walk.

Relatively safe from the immediate fighting, this changes when the Austrian army suddenly retreats. Caught in the chaos, Lucius and Margarete are separated and lost to each other. Lucius finishes his war in the relative safety of Vienna and then goes in search of Margarete.

I really enjoyed both of these books – they are hard to put down. The wartime action is gripping and both Mary’s and Lucius’ personal stories add another layer – each spends some time at home during their wars and the contrast between battle and home is shocking. The grim realities of war are difficult to read about, but the sad fact is, war has always created many opportunities for the advancement of medicine whether through the discovery of new drugs or new techniques. Reading about some of that and how medical staff coped is fascinating. Both are highly recommended.

Now it’s your turn – what did you read this month?

5 thoughts on “Online Reading Challenge – January Wrap-Up

  1. For the challenge, I’m reading The Midwife. I think I’ll technically finish it in February, but I’m counting it! I love the show and I’m enjoying discovering the similarities and differences between the book and show. Her descriptions really immerse the reader into the East End. Definitely recommend, but caution that it may not be for you if you’re squeamish.

  2. I have to say that my choices for January turned out to be very interesting. Still Alice, by Lisa Genova, was gripping. About a woman with early onset Alzheimer’s, the subject matter was often difficult and more than a bit scary! I was initially put off by it being non-fiction, so supplemented my reading with a memoir of a woman with an early Alzheimer’s diagnosis. In Somebody I Used to Know Wendy Mitchell chronicles her journey from denying their is a problem to accepting her condition. Stripped of the ability to live the busy, productive lives they had known, the women in both the novel and the memoir must reevaluate what constitutes a life worth living. Reading the two together was fascinating, prompting me to rethink what qualities make us who we are.
    January is such a great month for introspection!

  3. What a great idea – reading both a fiction and non-fiction book on the same subject at the same time! I also think Alzheimer’s is a difficult subject to read about, although it sounds like it was a good choice. Thanks for your comments! Ann

  4. I read “Cutting for Stone.” This was a fascinating story about twin boys born to an unwed doctor and nun/nurse in Ethiopia in the 1950’s. The story goes through the years of their lives as they both pursued medicine in very different ways. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

  5. I’ve seen a lot of good things about this book and it’s on my list – now I want to read it more than ever! Thanks for reading along with us Jane! Ann

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