Information Is At Your Fingertips With Data Axle

The library subscribes to a wealth of reference databases, including one called Data Axle.  This product provides access to US information for:  standard white pages, new movers, businesses, new businesses, consumer/lifestyles, healthcare, and job/internships.

Data Axle offers the most comprehensive and accurate business and consumer databases.”

“Our data covers hundreds of millions of people and households and tens of millions of businesses – from Fortune 500 companies, to small mom-and-pop shops and work-from-home freelancers.”

Those are official statements from the company.  But what can you actually use it for?

Well, to start with, you can attempt to look up old friends’ addresses for Christmas cards.  Every year we receive inquiries from patrons who have received return mail from the post office because their old friend has moved, and they are now seeking the updated address.

If you need to send flowers out of state, you can use it to look for florist in a certain geographical area.

The phone number for that new bakery that started up last month in the strip mall that use to house that cool clothing store?  The new businesses product likely has that.

Or you can look up your own name to see what information about you is floating out in the world.  According to Data Axle’s consumer/lifestyles product I have interests in:  women’s apparel, books and magazines, current events, bargain shopping, TV/movies, and general sports.  I am a charitable donor, a credit card user, and an internet purchaser.

“Books and magazines,” but of course!  “General sports,” not so much.

What might they know about you?  Or your friends?

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  With its consumer/lifestyle product you can identify charitable donors from whom to solicit funds for your non-profit.  Find Quad Cities area dentists, with healthcare.  Find the number of employees at your favorite eatery.  If you are adept using Data Axle you can even draw boundaries on a map and then search for business types within.

This product is available on the Online Resources page of our website.  Explore to discover what other cool products we offer!

Music anyone?  Try Freegal.

Investing?  Try Value Line and Morningstar.

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