In Defense of Food

In Defense of FoodIs your head spinning from all the conflicting studies about what you should or shouldn’t eat? Michael Pollan makes a case for eating simply in this, his follow up book to The Omnivore’s Dilemma. He isn’t concerned with calorie counting or faddish lists of do’s and don’ts, but rather promotes a balanced, reasonable and pleasurable approach to food. Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. With so many “edible foodlike substances” on the market, Pollan advocates eating whole foods our grandmothers would recognize rather than the processed foods that claim to be nutritious. Fellow foodies will find this a refreshing book by a man who clearly loves good, real food. This is a great read to inspire lots of shopping at the local Farmer’s Markets this spring.

Also check out Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life for more ideas about how to eat local and fresh.

Take a listen to Michael Pollan’s talk given in Iowa City on WSUI radio’s Live from Prairie Lights

3 thoughts on “In Defense of Food

  1. Karen, I being a neofoodie remember my grandmothers week flowing around food. The life cycle of my childhood early years was in my grandmothers kitchen. The smells, taste, and making of food. Simple things like baked apples, bread, or just a simple dish would be a delight. The walking to the store; what to look for in buying a food. Plus, the relationship with the person who you bought food from. That is one reason, I like going to the local farmers market today.

  2. I am guilty of ingesting more than my share of “foodlike substances.” It is easy to look for quick foods without being concerned about the quality. My husband seems to share the same mindset as the author and prefers to make meals from fresh ingredients. I am almost reluctant to recommend this book to him for fear of hearing “I told you so.”

  3. I too eat way too many foodlike substances. You’re right, it’s all about being quick. I want to prepare everything I eat, but most of the time convenience wins out. Kudos to your husband for preparing meals from real, fresh foods.

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