As Hawai’i nears its 65th anniversary of statehood this third week of August, controversy continues among its citizens as to whether the statehood of the once sovereign kingdom should be “celebrated” at all. Most native Hawaiians still look to Queen Lili`uokalani as a heroine. She was the first and only reigning Hawaiian queen and last of the Hawaiian sovereigns to govern the islands. She never surrendered to the U.S. military-backed coup that deposed her in 1893 and formed a provisional government.  As leader of the “Stand Firm” (Oni pa’a) movement, Queen Lili`uokalani fought steadfastly against the U.S. annexation of Hawai’i. The queen finally gave way to arguments, demands, and pressure and signed a formal abdication in 1895, but only to save the lives of her people as she continued to appeal to U.S. President Grover Cleveland for reinstatement, without success.

However, the hope of once again becoming a sovereign kingdom still lives on in the hearts of many Native Hawaiians. This hope and renewed determination was bolstered by the Apology Resolution passed by Congress in 1993 that acknowledged the illegal overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai’i and recognized the subsequent suppression of the inherent sovereignty of the Native Hawaiian people and the violation of their right to self-determination. Rooted in this resolution, a movement began with the establishment of the Nation of Hawai’i organization. The Nation of Hawai’i continues to work toward the restoration and preservation of the Hawaiian culture and reaffirms the right of the Hawaiian people to self-determination and self-governance.

Despite the controversy regarding Hawai’i as a state, everyone can agree that Hawai’i is a beautiful place to be treasured. If you can’t experience the lush, tropical landscapes in person, let one of these books transport you to the Hawaiian Islands through its story. Whether it is drama, intrigue, superstition, or murder, one of these novels will have an engaging story for you that is set in current times with a Hawaiian backdrop for you to immerse in:

Death in Hilo by Eric Redman
The Fire Thief by Debra Bokur
Valley of Refuge by John Teschner
Hokuloa Road by Elizabeth Hand
Iced in Paradise by Naomi Hirahara

If historical fiction is of more interest to you, check-out one of these titles and be transported back in time to the Hawai’i of an era gone by:


The Lieutenant’s Nurse by Sara Ackerman
Daughter of Moloka’i by Alan Brennert
Red Sky Over Hawai’i by Sara Ackerman

Or, read about the tenacity and courage of Queen Lili`uokalani in this non-fiction work:

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