Harry Mania / Rowling’s Birthday

With the recent movie release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, fans who are still hungry for more may want to consider some of the supplementary materials that have been inspired by this popular series.

letters to harry seven rowling

One cute one is Kids’ Letters to Harry Potter from Around the World.  In this collection compiled by Bill Adler, you’ll find conversational excerpts such as “The Dementors almost got me two days ago.”  Or, as only a child would ask, “What is Snape like?  Why doesn’t Snape like you?”

There’s also a wealth of critical analyses, including 7 by Frederick Zimmerman.  Though it weirdly but proudly proclaims to be ‘unofficial and unathorized,” these books can still be especially helpful if you’re in a Harry Potter book club.  This one gives a chapter by chapter inspection as well as “Points to Ponder.”

Finally, your study is never truly complete until you read at least one biography of J. K. Rowling.  Her rags to riches story is a treat for any aspiring author, struggling or not.  Now a multi-millionare, when Rowling first started writing she was living on public assistance in an apartment without heat.  Plus, she didn’t even have enough money to photocopy her book before submitting it to a publisher.  There are biographies available in both the adult and children’s sections, but one easy read is Meet J.K. Rowling by S. Ward.  What better way to celebrate her birthday (and of course, Harry’s) come July 31st?

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