Everything is Ok by Debbie Tung

Debbie Tung has created a graphic memoir full of comforting comics about anxiety and depression in Everything is Ok. Debbie’s words and drawings are relaxing, gentle, and relatable, as she walks you through her own anxiety and depression.

Debbie shares her struggles and relationships with her own anxiety and depression. She digs deep and shows how normal it is to find getting out of bed incredibly hard. Her stories of overthinking, intrusive negative thoughts, and the nearly constant switches between highs and lows are incredibly important as it breaks down the stigma of not sharing mental health struggles with the world.

Debbie’s stories are deeply personal, yet very relatable. Her twisty road to recovery is long and hard, but when she finally vocalizes her need for help, readers can see how her drawings and attitude start to change. Debbie even details her conversations with her therapist, something I found deeply moving. She didn’t need to invite readers into her deepest and most personal spaces, but she did, and I will forever be grateful she is illustrating and sharing her mental health struggles. Her journey to be more mindful and caring to herself and her mental health was enlightening. Debbie is merciful with herself and in doing so, gives readers permission to treat themselves with kindness and to open up. Seeing someone who also struggles with mental health issues shows readers that they are not alone and that it is okay to have dark places as long as you are being kinder to yourself and learning how to love yourself on your road to recovery.

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