January is National Hobby Month.
Let us help you discover something new!

Every year National Hobby Month is celebrated during the month of January. Participating is a great alternative to making a New Year’s Resolution (and failing to keep it). Instead, join enthusiasts around the country by trying out a new hobby or diving back into one you haven’t enjoyed in a while. Since hobbies are not something that we are required to master and our paycheck doesn’t depend on it, we can pursue our hobbies for the pure joy they bring.

The great thing about having a hobby is that it can take your mind off the pressure of work or other daily stresses. Finding a good hobby and giving yourself time to take part in it on a daily or weekly basis is sure to make you happier, and even healthier!  It can boost our self-esteem and help us grow creatively, physically, or intellectually. And, it often helps us foster a connection with others. Research indicates that being active with a hobby can lead to better health, more sleep, lower stress, improved social network and work performance, and a greater life satisfaction, in general.

You might spend some time planning and thinking about new hobbies or interests you’d like to pursue throughout the year. It will be well worth your time. Below are a few new books on activities that could make a great hobby. During the month of January, check out the Hobbies book displays at the Eastern and Fairmount branches to find some ideas to get you started.


If you are interested in picking up a new hobby this year and are not sure what to try, perhaps these questions will help. Think about the answers and allow them to guide your choices. You can have different needs at different times and there’s no such thing as the perfect hobby – so try to be open to new experiences.

  • How do you want the activity to make you feel?
    Mentally engaged? Distracted? Relaxed? Socially connected?
  • What did you like doing as a kid?
    Think about what you wanted to be when you grew up? The answer could point you toward a hobby you could pursue as an adult. Or, revisit activities you loved when you were young. Childhood interests can easily evolve into an adult hobby.
  • What do you hope to get out of a hobby?
    Social Connections? Solitary time to clear your head? Learn a new skill or challenge yourself?
  • What is your life missing?
    Creativity? Physical activity? Do you need to be more social?
  • What is your availability?
    How much time do you have available and when would it be most relaxing to do the activity? Can you do it in your spare time? What window of time would feel like a relief from your current schedule rather than a stressful obligation?
  • Are there any obstacles?
    Identify supplies you need or any other arrangements you might need to make, such as travel or childcare. Try to anticipate anything that might get in the way of your first venture into this new hobby to avoid getting distracted or putting it off. Remove as many obstacles as you can.

One online list of hobbies I found was broken down into just 4 categories: Physical, Cerebral, Creative, and Community-Oriented. Other lists have many more categories. Keep in mind that hobbies can appear in more than one category. Have fun discovering a new hobby!  And, if we don’t have a book or other resource on your new hobby, please tell us!


Begin to code : building apps and games in the cloud by Rob Miles

Beginner’s guide to glass painting : 16 amazing projects for picture frames, dishware, mirrors, and more! by Nilima Mistry

A beginner’s guide to quilting : a complete step-by-step course by Michael Caputo

Canning full circle : from garden to jar to table by Diane Deveraux

Code to joy : why everyone should learn a little programming by Michael L. Littman

The container victory garden : a beginner’s guide to growing your own groceries by Maggie Stuckey

Easy crochet for beginners : learn to crochet with 35 simple projects by Nicki Trench

Jewelry making for beginners : step-by-step, simple instructions for beautiful results by Tammy Powley

The Joy of playing with your dog: games, tricks, and socialization for puppies & dogs by Monks of New Skete (COR) / Marc Goldberg

Knotting natural bags & belts : 18 beautiful, easy-to-make macrame projects by Stacy Summer Malimban

Madame Fromage’s adventures in cheese : how to explore it, pair it, and love it, from the creamiest bries to the funkiest blues by Tenaya Darlington

Seed to table : a seasonal guide to organically growing, cooking, and preserving food at home by Luay Ghafari

Start here : instructions for becoming a better cook by Sohla El-Waylly


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