
When you read this post, I will have retired from the Davenport Public Library on April 11th.  I worked at the library 46 years and 8 months. I’ve worn myny hats, from student worker to reference supervisor. In between I worked customer service, acquisitions, drove the bookmobile, was library clown and other duties as required. It has been a wonderful career with many adventures. I have met wonderful people and worked with a great staff. Many of the librarians i worked with in my early years at the library taught me to be professional, treat all people with respect and keep my sense of humor. I have seen many changes in the library, from one building and a bookmobile to 3 active libraries, from card catalogs to online library systems, from Recordex machines to self checks. All the changes have helped serve the library user well while still creating a welcoming place.

Thank you all for my grand experience.

Rita Specht

Farewell Friend

RitaWe’re going to take a brief break in our regular blogging to bid Farewell and Thank You to one of our greatest supporters and contributors. Our Rita will be retiring as of today and moving on to new adventures.

Just about anybody who has used the Davenport Library has probably been helped by Rita. She began her career as a page here in 1967, working in various departments while continuing her education, including her Master’s Degree in Library Science. She’s worked in the Reference Department for many years, the last several as Reference Supervisor. Rita’s the librarian that orders DVDs and Books-on-CD for the library, and has blogged about the upcoming DVDs and her favorite books-on-CD since the blog began.  She’s also been active in the Bi-State Literacy Council and is a long-time volunteer for the John Deere Classic.

Everyone who knows Rita – and Rita is the type of person that everyone knows! – has a great story about her. I can pretty much guarantee you that nearly all of those stories highlight her generous spirit, her great sense-of-humor and her loyalty to her friends.

Thanks Rita, for all the good times and all your hard work! Have a great retirement!