Book VS Movie – The Circle

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I’m a unique blend of obsessive movie lover, the kind that can tell you whether or not an actor has won an Oscar in the last three decades, and avid book reader. So pretty much any time a book gets made into a major motion picture, I read it. Then I watch the movie, where I proceed to pick apart what was done good and what unforgivable mistakes were made by screenwriters and casting directors.

For one of my book clubs, we all agreed that reading The Circle by Dave Eggers would be a great choice. We based this decision solely on the fact that both Emma Watson and Tom Hanks were starring in the movie adaption of the book, and everyone knows those two are awesome! Did you know Tom Hanks won back to back Oscars for Philadelphia ( 1994) and Forrest Gump (1995)? Needless to say, we approached the book with very high hopes. I read the book and something strange happened…

First, let me tell you a little about the book. Mae Holland is hired at the best company in the world by a combination of the reference of her best friend, who has been working at the company for several years, and her own compatibility to the mission of The Circle. It is an internet company that has combined all your separate web identities in one Truyou Circle account. The idea is the end of web anonymity. Then things get strange and more strange. I spent most of the book waiting for one of the 10,000 employees working for The Circle to have one ounce of sanity. Still holding my breath.

Mae is boring with not much of personality. I think Eggers planned it that way for the book to work. His perspective on the future of technology over our lives is brilliant and honestly the ending was very real. I nearly had a nervous break down reading it. The most refreshing thing about the novel is it ended completely different than I thought it would, because I am used to the ‘hero’ ending instead of reality.

I couldn’t wait to see the movie, thinking it was probably going to be better than the book that had way too much kayaking for my taste. I also wondered how Emma Watson was going to pull off the personality of a dull follower like Mae Holland. Then low and behold, the movie not only changed Mae Holland’s personality, but the entire ending! This is the first movie adaptation that I’ve watched that so drastically changed the ending. Many of you reading this will likely watch The Circle movie adaptation and enjoy the ‘hero’ ending it provides in Hollywood fashion. If you want a real mind bender, read the book too.

List of movies that ended different than the books

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