Why We Love Football

Why We Love Football is so much more than a compilation of great plays in no particular order.   Hard to accept, but in some ways, this product is superior to mere screen viewing.  In fact, you probably saw half of these historic moments live without knowing what lie behind those X’s and O’s.  There’s “The Catch”, the “Helmet Catch”, and the “Immaculate Reception”.  As this work makes clear, you only viewed the tip of the iceberg.

Posnanski frames each of these iconic football moments within their proper historical context, teaching us about all the principal characters involved and their formative influences.  Where did these scrappy upstarts come from?  What propelled them to that moment?  What formidable odds were they up against?   More than once I had to log into Youtube to see them again with fresh eyes.  Give it a shot, what else are you doing between now and the draft?

New Music on QCBeats

Six new albums are now available on QC Beats!

Bontempi by Centaur Noir,
Music for the Next Scene by Chrash,
REVELATIONS by Connor Lyle,
Fish Out Water by Lewy Canoe,
Light of the Dark by Molly Conrad, and
and Shapes and Colors by The Textures.


QCBeats is an online streaming audio collection of original music featuring Quad Cities musicians and artists. QC Beats is a collaboration between Davenport Public Library, Bettendorf Public Library, and St. Ambrose University.

Adventures in Carsonia

Reliable, dependable, and comforting when not on prolonged vacations, Johnny Carson tucked a nation of millions in for three decades.  “The Prince” stuffed his hands in his pockets and cornerstoned his career as the impish smirking naughty kid.  He constructed a godlike level of cool, descending from his everyman persona. The key?  His unabashed knack for self-deprecation, routinely forking over his dignity for the audience.  And they revered him for it.  It was funnier when the joke didn’t work, and when he skewered his failed nuptials.  Johnny was in on the joke, contrary to all the prior self-serious talking heads.

When I thought I had enjoyed the definitive tell-all of Johnny, lo and behold Carson the Magnificent came out this past November.   You get to hear the origins of everything….from the pantomimed golf swing to the iconic “heeeeere’s Johnny.”  And then there’s experienced pitchman Ed, gameshow host and emcee with the boisterous guffaw, second only to that Dick Clark kid.  Fun fact: fans expected Johnny to be diminutive, since he always stood next to his 6’ 4” WWII Naval Aviator second banana.

At times the late author Bill Zehme desperately wants you to know he had a high SAT verbal score.  And I guess that’s okay for the New Yorker crowd.  We learn when you get past the starlets and palatial estates he was just a journeyman Nebraska magician with a ca-ca eating grin.  His mother’s cold-hearted cruelty ruined his adult relationships.  After a couple drinks, he inherited this maternal trait.    And when he said he was done, he meant it.

Not to belabor the point, but sample the magic Monday through Friday on antenna tv WQAD 8.2 at 9PM.  And Saturdays at 10p!

Revenge of the Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

It’s been a quarter-century, and he’s back, with a vengeance.  No, it’s Malcolm Gladwell talking Tipping Points, not Pennywise the Clown.  This part deux of his seminal work feels less positive, hence the “revenge” label.   It’s more of the same fascinating ilk, searching for (this time negative) trends at the intersection of science and culture.  Here we have several compelling case studies how a little yellow snowball can roll downhill to form a sociological avalanche.

He takes us to the streets of Los Angeles to meet the world’s most successful bank robbers, rediscovers a forgotten television show from the 1970s that changed the world, visits the site of a historic experiment on a tiny cul-de-sac in northern California, and offers an alternate history of two of the biggest epidemics of our day: COVID and the opioid crisis.

Gladwell teases qualitative meaning out of a heap of data, actually making statistics, well, interesting.

But there is another goal — tracing why things end up getting turned on their head in an astonishingly short period of time.  We’re talking years, not millenia.  How can we prevent a similar repeat?  And, what does the “overstory” say about us?  It’s disturbingly not so much the butterfly effect as unintended consequences of run-of-the-mill man-made meddling.  We have the power to radically reshape our world (this time NOT for the best) with or without intention.

Unmasked: My Life Solving America’s Cold Cases

Most famous for his work on Laci Peterson, Jaycee Dugard, and the Golden State Killer, cold case investigator Paul Holes goes deep on the cases he couldn’t shake and the personal toll of internalizing others’ trauma in Unmasked: My Life Solving America’s Cold Cases.  If you’re the family of a victim, you’d pray your manila folder ends up on his desk.  But if you were in Holes’ family, you were just hoping he’d leave that selfsame cubicle.  Every now and then Holes blows a long-dormant case wide open, but it comes at significant psychic cost. Side effects of delayed justice include divorce, night sweats, and increased bourbon consumption.  Family members wondered if they even knew the man muttering case details to himself.

The forensic vigilante’s obsessions additionally found him at odds with his superiors when reaching out of jurisdiction.  Call it cliché, but Holes is a loose cannon who doesn’t do things by the book.  So, he turned in his badge after 27 years, today working as a  strong proponent of DNA sequencing, resurrecting lost causes with fresh eyes and fresher technology.  Not sold yet?  Just pen a letter to Joseph DeAngelo for a testimonial.


Entertain the Nazis, join them, or die.  Those were the options presented to professional clarinet and saxophone player Jan Van Halen during the German occupation of Holland. If he hadn’t opted for oom pa pa, his genetics tragically wouldn’t have propagated.  Post war, the Dutchman moved to colonial Indonesia for greener musical pastures.  His nascent family began with Eugenia before the two trekked to California with a shred of English and two grade school boys in tow.

America was not the touted land of plenty for Alex and little Edward. The patriarch perpetually struggled to make ends meet outside of the occasional gig. Decades before becoming gazillionaires, the family subsisted on his dishwashing and janitor shifts.  Eddie was initially the drummer of the duo while Alex opted for guitar in their hardscrabble Pasadena upbringing. The two found their musical grounding in the form of an exacting four-foot-tall piano instructor called “mom.” Listen to their biggest hit, “Jump” and you’ll see it paid off. The immigrants couldn’t afford cool effects pedals, so Eddie had to engineer sounds the old fashioned way…with his fingers and thousands of hours of practice. A few short months into budget guitars, Dave was already sanding down six-strings – mixing and matching components on the way to his first Frankenstrat.

So which version of the band is your poison? Dave or Sammy? Both? Does it even matter? Van Halen’s meteoric rise to stardom was strapped on the back of Eddie’s blinding speed and virtuoso innovation. Sorry, Dave.  This trajectory was accompanied by the usual occupational hazards – alcoholism, addiction, relapses, divorces, and death. Alex walks us through all 65 years’ worth.  Brothers had the proper amount of tawdry rock and roll tell-all without cheapening the work. The title says it all. The only lasting component of the forty-plus year musical ensemble was the nucleus of namesake Dutch-Indonesian immigrant boys, 6 and 8.  Alex and Ed were thick as thieves, around the world, from the cradle to the grave.  Or, as Ed said, they “fight more than anyone I know, but also get along better than anyone I know.”  Even their former lead singers would agree we’re better for it.

A Full Life

Firstly, this isn’t a new book at DPL.  President Carter penned this biography ten years ago at the whippersnapper age of 90.    There are a host of fascinating tidbits here about Smiling Jimmy.  For example, you wouldn’t think the first centenarian US president would be a guy who produced radioactive urine for six months after saving a damaged Canadian nuclear reactor.  As he tells it, science’s burgeoning cognizance of radiation in 1952 erroneously permitted human exposure levels 1000 times our modern understanding.  It worked out for Bruce Banner, right?

Carter’s roots were humble.  In fact, he was the first president to reside in public housing, undoubtedly igniting his passion for Habitat for Humanity.  Little Jimmy was a racial minority among his schoolmates, solidifying his stance as supporter of civil rights in the turbulent 60’s.  Where he was from, that platform cost him a few victories in his nascent political career.

Governor.  Presidency.  Ayatollah. Hostage Crisis. Energy Crisis. Reagan.   And then, it was right back to Plains, GA, the peanut farm, and the same home he’s owned for sixty years.  Did he ever stop teaching Sunday school?  He missed a few catechisms 1976-1980, yeah.

Check out the story of the man who is more famous for what he did AFTER being POTUS while there isn’t a holds list.  If heaven ever claims the objectively kindest human to occupy the oval office, there might be demand for this story.  Of course, we’ve been saying that a while.  Jimmy may rival “Silent Cal” Coolidge for the least sensational commander-in-chief, but his century on Earth is undeniably grounded in public service.


The cornerstone of cults, as it turns out, is the master manipulation of words.  Such skill is a common strength of your most tragically successful demagogues.  Language is the glue that binds together a cult- an insider shorthand which others outside detractors, structures exclusivity, and staunches objection.  As advertised, that’s the focus of linguist and podcaster Amanda Montell’s bestseller, Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism.

Exhibit A: The thought-terminating cliche

The usual suspects are represented here: Scientology, Heaven’s Gate, and Jim Jones.  However, you’ll learn sundry gyms and workout plans, current political movements, and multi-level marketing scams utilize precisely the same techniques.  If you are into the power of words and baffled by the malleability of bright citizens, this is the book for you.  But, please don’t expect the thrilling page turner perspective among similar nonfiction bestsellers.  For those that Dewey, this is far more of a 400 than 364.

As it turns out, the vast majority of this book focuses on linguistics with minor treatment of true-crime tidbits.  I accept full responsibility.  Focus on the title words in boldface and a cool cover like this reader did and you may also fall down that well of naivete.  We truly need a truism warning readers of such haphazard browsing.

Men Have Called her Crazy

Plain-spoken and raw, Anna Marie Tendler bears all in this vulnerable biography.   In short, it covers *most of* her male relationships from pre-teen to present.  They all shape her, the artist, as a single cumulative work – even the ones that are hurtful, traumatic or unfair.  If you’re tuning in like I did in hopes of salacious details on recent ex-husband John Mulaney, you will find nothing here.  Every other dude she crossed paths with, affirmative.  But not one iota about Baby J.  And that’s more than fine.  If the best revenge is “living well”, then this radio silence is a dish served ice-cold.

Confession:  Somehow I could handle the mental health breakdown, suicidal ideation, and the loss of will to live.  But I had to bail at the end of the book when her fur child, Petunia, crossed the rainbow bridge.  May you be stronger.  Incidentally, Petunia was her sole recorded reason to live during inpatient hospitalization.

As evidenced by her leaps and bounds, Tendler clearly draws from a deep well of multidisciplinary artistic talent. And, as it turns out, she’s great at audiobook narration.  However, she portrays her employment story arc as that of an itinerant chimney sweep of a creative.  One minute she’s a struggling art student, the next doing makeup and hair in Hollywood.  Then she’s setting records at art shows — the medium, photography.  The current (and lucrative) endeavor is custom-crafted Victorian lampshades.  Methinks she’s more humble than merely failing upwards.


Situation Room

You might not think it possible, but after the botched Bay of Pigs invasion some people in Washington started pointing fingers.  One of many digits were levelled at a dearth of current and accurate tactical information.  In addition, there was a need to consolidate secure hotline communication anywhere in the world and to foreign governments.  To that end, John F. Kennedy ordered the creation of such a White House apparatus in 1961.  For $35,000, a former Truman-era bowling alley was renovated into a 24-7 complex synthesizing second-by-second global intelligence.  Think the executive branch crossing a surgical theater with NASA’s Mission Control.

Narrated by Stephanopoulos himself, this is the story of the “sit room” and its inhabitants — from Presidents to intrepid overnight duty officers.   George throws a microphone on staff who were at the table during our nation’s most harrowing hours, and tosses in chilling anecdotes from heightened threat levels.  In fact, with the audio version you get to hear authentic audio such as during JFK’s assassination a mere two years after the Situation Room’s founding.  Other highlights include Vietnam, The Cold War, Reagan assassination attempt, 9-11, Operation Neptune Spear (Bin Laden raid), and January 6th, 2021.

Americans aren’t the only ones to use the Situation Room.  In fact, to defuse the brinksmanship of the Cuban Missile crisis the Kremlin announced on Radio Moscow in hopes it would reach Kennedy quicker than through diplomatic channels.  We’re still here because Kruschev was correct.  The Situation Room is always on top of the situation, even when the president has been, ahem, overserved.  The sit room has had several massive renovations — the last to the tune of $50 million in 2023.  But really, it’s more emblematic to envision the brain trust convening in a broom closet to watch bin Laden meet his maker over Skype.  Simplicity on the surface, but deadly effective one you get past the wood veneer.  And you thought you had a killer office.