And the Oscar Goes to….

oscarThe big night is almost here! And while some of the excess will be reigned in due to the struggling economy, there will still be plenty of glitz and glamor on view Sunday night when the Oscars are presented. Will Slumdog Millionaire, the feel-good movie set in India, continue its current winning streak and grab the Best Picture prize, or will The Curious Case of Benjamin Button or The Reader win in an upset? And, most important, who will wear the best dress and who will make an unfortunate choice? The fun starts early on Sunday so grab a copy of the complete list of nominees and follow along to see if your favorites finish on top. You can watch trailers and brush up on Oscar history and trivia at the official website.

Haven’t seen all of the nominated films yet? Don’t worry – most of them are either out on DVD now or will be in the next few weeks. And the library will have copies of each of these titles – new releases are listed in eConnections, our electronic newsletter (sign up to receive this on our homepage) or watch our regularly updated list of forthcoming titles (also on our homepage)

Now, get the popcorn ready – the show’s about to begin!

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