Adult sibling relationships in fiction

I’ve noticed a publishing trend of plots that revolve around the relationship between siblings as adults. Sometimes they share a tragic event in childhood that shape who they are as adults. More often the plot revolves around renegotiating relationships as adults, taking care of aging parents, and who gets the inheritance. Here are just a few examples of books that explore adult sibling relationships. Descriptions from the publishers. These titles are owned in RiverShare at the time this is post is published.

All That Is Mine I Carry With Me by William Landay: One afternoon in 1975, ten-year-old Miranda Larkin comes home from school to find her mother missing. So begins a mystery that will span a lifetime.  Investigators suspect Jane’s husband, but no evidence is found linking him to a crime. Jane’s three children are left to be raised by the man who may have murdered their mother. Two decades later, the remains of Jane Larkin are found. The investigation in awakened. The children, now grown, are forced to choose sides. With their father or against him? Guilty or innocent? And what happens if they are wrong? Available in regular print and large print.


The Liz Taylor Ring by Brenda Janowitz: In 1978, Lizzie Morgan and Ritchie Schneider embark on a whirlwind romance on the bright beaches and glamorous yachts of Long Island. Over the years, their relationship has its share of ups and downs, including a nine-month hiatus that ends with a stunning eleven-carat ring—one that looks just like the diamond Richard Burton gifted Liz Taylor after their own separation. Decades later, when the lost ring unexpectedly resurfaces, the Schneiders’ three children gather under one roof for the first time in years, eager to get their hands on this beloved, expensive reminder of their departed parents. But determining the fate of the heirloom is no simple task, unearthing old wounds and heartaches the siblings can’t ignore. They’ll have to decide whether to move forward as a family or let the ring break them once and for all. Available in regular print and audiobook on CD.

The Nest by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney: It is a warm, funny, and acutely perceptive debut novel about four adult siblings and the fate of the shared inheritance that has shaped their choices and their lives. Years of simmering tensions finally reach a breaking point after an ensuing accident endangers the Plumbs’ joint trust fund, which they are months away from finally receiving. The Plumb siblings have been counting on the money to solve a number of self-inflicted problems. Brought together as never before, Leo, Melody, Jack, and Beatrice must grapple with old resentments, present-day truths, and the significant emotional and financial toll of the accident, as well as finally acknowledge the choices they have made in their own lives. Available in regular print, large print, audiobook on CD, and ebook.