Introducing Footnote!

Have you tried our newest reference and genealogy database? 

Footnote is a rich resource of digitized historical documents gleaned from the collections of the Library of Congress, the National Archives, and other institutions.

Are you writing a paper on the Great Chicago Fire of October 8, 1871?  You’re in luck!  Footnote includes the Chicago Tribune from 1849 to 1923.  Other newspapers include the Atlantic Constitution and the Washington Post, as well as papers from San Francisco and London, England.

History Day students can get digital access to primary “Milestone Documents,” such as the Gettysburg Address, the 1868 treasury check that paid for the Alaska Purchase, and the 1963 March on Washington. 

Genealogists can locate naturalizations, census records, and hard to find information, like the records of the Bayland Orphan Home in Texas.

Interested in historical photographs?  You can browse Army and Marine photographs from the Vietnam War; Civil War photographs taken by the famous Matthew Brady; and even photographs taken of Calvin Coolidge, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

War buffs can find World War I State Department Records and resources concerning the Supreme War Council.  Available Civil War information includes the Lincoln Assassination Papers, the Confederate Amnesty Papers, and Confederate Citizen Files.

Looking for city directories?  Footnote has them for about thirty large cities.

And for those who are interested in the unexplained, there’s a wealth of documents filed under “Project Blue Book–UFO Investigations.”

With over 67 million documents scanned to date, Footnote seems to have something for everyone.  So if you’re in town, we invite you to visit one of our three library locations and let us know what you think!

(posted by Pat)

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