2024 Quad Cities Archives Fair

October 26th, 2024, marks the sixth annual Quad Cities Archives Fair! The Fair will be held at the Credit Island Lodge on Credit Island in Davenport, Iowa, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. We are happy to announce the attendance of 26 cultural and historical institutions and societies that will showcase their unique collections and services! Our goal is to connect our citizens with these keepers of our history and their valuable resources during this fun event?

We are thrilled to highlight the island’s history as part of this year’s program. Kevin Braafladt will speak about the island’s historical ties to the War of 1812 and the battle for the Upper Mississippi Valley and Rock Rapids region.

In addition to celebrating the history and culture of our region, we will also offer archival-themed gift basket drawings after each talk! If one gets parched or famished, we will have refreshments available to satiate.

To learn more about this event, please visit https://sites.google.com/view/qcarchivesfair/home!

See you at the QC Archives Fair this Saturday!

(posted by Kathryn)

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