We are lucky to have a collection of items relating to local Hispanic history currently on loan and on display at the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center. The majority of the collection relates to the Cook’s Point neighborhood formerly located in Davenport’s west end. Items include newspaper clippings, a copy fo a report on housing and sanitary conditions at Cook’s Point, and a t-shirt worn and Cook’s Point reunions.

A straw hat, a sock, and a tin cup on the display help tell the history of workers of the onion fields in Bettendorf in the 1960s.

One of the display cases features a copy of a recipe published in the St. Alphonsus Chuch Cookbook in 1980, a medal from the Senior Olympics, a mug from LULAC Council #10, and newspaper clippings relating to the Terronez family.

Stop by to see this exhibit in person before Saturday, October 19th.
(posted by Cristina.)