September is National Chicken Month! It’s the perfect time to share one of our favorite photos from the Hostetler Studio Collection, Mr. Boniger’s prize winning chicken.
Emil C. Boniger won many prizes for his chickens, as you can see from this photograph. The 8th annual Tri-Cities Fanciers Association poultry show took place in November 1912 at Armory Hall. Mr. Boniger won the following prizes for his Buff Wyandottes: 3rd and 4th cock, 4th cockerel, 1st hen, 5th pullet, 2nd and 3rd pen. E. C. Boniger’s first hen went to on win the blue ribbon at the Chicago Coliseum in December 1916.
Mr. Boniger and his wife, Bertha were also photographed by J. B. Hostetler around this time. Emil Casper Boniger was born March 10, 1884 and died June 17, 1939 in Davenport, Iowa. He is buried at Fairmount Cemetery.
~posted by Cristina