The Farm to Table Cookbook by Ivy Manning

One thing many of us look forward to every year is the Farmer’s Markets and the bounty of fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables. With the peak of the season nearly here – tomatoes and sweet corn! – it’s time to look for some recipes that will help make the most of those delicacies.

The Farm to Table Cookbook by Ivy Manning would be a great place to start. Most recipes are straightforward, emphasizing the flavors of fresh food and range from side dishes to main meals to desert. Although there is a definite Northwest slant (halibut, scallops) alternative ingredients are not difficult to find. Recipes are presented seasonally, with asparagus and Swiss Chard featured in the spring, corn, tomatoes and peppers in the summer, and squash and apples in the fall. Don’t let the season slip by without trying a few special recipes!

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