His and Hers by Alice Feeney

“Sometimes I think I am the unreliable narrator of my own life. Sometimes I think we all are.”
― Alice Feeney, His & Hers

Alice Feeney is hands-down one of my favorite thriller writers. Looking for a new-to-me read, I found His & Hers by Alice Feeney, a novel released in 2020 that I missed! How?! Let’s get into it.

Anna Andrews may not have the personal life she wants, but she finally has the professional career she has worked so hard for. She is currently working as the main TV presenter for the BBC’s lunchtime news. Her job always comes ahead of her family, friends, and her ex-husband. When a news story involves a murder in the sleepy village, Blackdown, where Anna grew up, she is reluctant to go, but makes the journey anyway. As soon as she learns who the victim is, Anna has to stay to cover the story and to make sure that her secrets stay buried. CI Jack Harper needed a change when he left London and settled in Blackdown. Drawn into this murder case, the detective is suspicious of Anna’s involvement and immediately considers her a suspect. Secrets run rife in Blackdown and this outsider has their own share.

I listened to the audiobook and absolutely loved it. Alternating narrators, Feeney has written a dark, mysterious, fast-paced, and complex thriller that had me questioning what I thought I knew the entire time I was reading. Alice Feeney is the master of twists and AHHHH they got me good at the end of this novel. Can’t wait for her next book!

This title is also available in large print.

Good Bad Girl by Alice Feeney

“There is always a reason why people behave the way that they do. Sometimes bad people are just sad people in disguise.”
― Alice Feeney, Good Bad Girl

Good Bad Girl follows the lives of three women working through traumas from their past that haunt their lives today. One woman’s baby was stolen from a stroller in a grocery store twenty years ago. In a care home in present day, a woman is found murdered. Are the two crimes connected?

Edith has been tricked into living in a nursing home by her daughter, but she has a plan to escape with the help of one of the staff. Patience spends her days cleaning up at the nursing home and keeping Edith company. Patience’s intentions aren’t 100% pure though.

Edith’s daughter Clio is exhausted. She won’t talk to Edith no matter how hard she tries. It’s hard to spend time with someone who constantly berates her. Clio’s life is about to change when a new person shows up on her doorstep. Whether that change is positive or negative, time will tell.

This thriller is full of drama and twisting surprises. Each character has reasons to distrust, hiding parts of themselves from others. They question intentions, challenge histories, and push for the truth. This is a mystery with three suspects, two murders, and one victim. Figuring out who is who could prove deadly for all.

This title is also available as large print and CD audiobook.

‘Daisy Darker’ by Alice Feeney

“Families are like fingerprints; no two are the same, and they tend to leave their mark.”
― Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker

Alice Feeney’s latest novel, Daisy Darker, is a dark and twisty locked-room mystery of a family gathered together for their grandmother’s birthday. It was deliciously messy and full of family drama. This is a contender for my favorite novel of 2022.

Daisy Darker was born with a broken heart. She wasn’t particularly wanted by either of her parents, but nevertheless she survived and was brought home to start her life with her parents and her two older sisters. Flash forward years and Daisy’s entire family is assembling for Nana’s 80th birthday party on a tiny tidal island in her crumbling gothic house. The family has been avoiding each other for years, but a fortune teller foretold that Nana would die on her 80th birthday, so the family has assembled per her wishes.

As each member of the family arrives, they bring baggage, both physical and the secrets that they are all hiding from each other. The tidal island that Nana lives on means that the entire family will be shut off from the rest of the world for eight hours until the tide goes out. At midnight, a storm rages across the island. A scream pierces the night. Nana is found dead. An hour later, another family member is discovered dead. A deadly mystery has come to the island and the Darker family is left wondering who is responsible. Stuck on the island where someone is murdering the members of the Darker family one by one, they all must pull out their past secrets until they figure out the present murder mystery. They just have to make it until the tide goes out and they can escape the island. The deadly force on island may not let them leave alive though. Only time will tell.

This book is also available in the following formats:

Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney

“If every story had a happy ending, then we’d have no reason to start again. Life is all about choices, and learning how to put ourselves back together when we fall apart. Which we all do. Even the people who pretend they don’t.”
– Alice Feeney, Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors  is Alice Feeney’s latest twisty psychological thriller that centers around how well you really know the people you are in a relationship with. Everyone has little secrets tucked away, things they don’t necessarily see as lies, but they keep them hidden nonetheless.

Married couple Mr and Mrs Wright are on a holiday away. Amelia won a weekend away to a refurbished chapel in Scotland, thinking that this trip will be just what the couple needs to get their marriage back on track. Her husband Adam isn’t quite as sure. He is a screenwriter who suffers from face blindness whose work consumes him.  Adam can’t recognize anyone, so he has to rely on other body clues to try to place who they are. This trip to a chapel in the middle of nowhere during a snowstorm is not how he wants to spend his time. He has so much work to do.

The couple has a unique tradition for each of their anniversaries: they exchange traditional gifts for each year (gifts that fall as paper, cotton, pottery, tin, etc). Each year Adam’s wife also has her own tradition: she writes Adam a letter talking about how their marriage progressed during the last year. She has never let Adam read those letters until this trip. Each person has their own reasons for wanting to take this trip, but they also both know that this weekend away will result in either their marriage surviving or resulting in a break-up. The longer they stay at the chapel, the more it becomes obvious that one of them is lying and may even be actively sabotaging the other.

How well do you know your partner?

“Enjoy the stories of other people’s lives, but don’t forget to live your own.” – ― Alice Feeney, Rock Paper Scissors

This book is also available in the following formats: