Spend-A-Little Save-A-Lot Home Improvements: Money-Saving Projects Anyone Can Do By Brad Staggs

Spend-A-Little Sspend a littleave-A-Lot Home Improvements by Brad Staggs walks homeowners through a list of preventative and money-saving improvements that can be done for little amounts of money throughout the home. The tips and tricks he offers throughout the book range from fixing a sticky door to checking and replacing air filters to wrapping a water heater.

Staggs recognizes that being a homeowner can turn costly quickly especially when the cost of hiring a repairman or even the cost of buying the materials and doing the home repairs by yourself keeps rising. Doing the preventative maintenance that he outlines will help you in the long run and will make your home more energy efficient and sufficient. Staggs provides step-by-step instructions paired with pictures highlighting each to help you do the repair yourself.

Check out this book to learn many money-saving and energy-efficient ways to help you get the most of the home you already enjoy.

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